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Hobbit hobbit hobbit~ (No spoilers)

Started by Neocridders, December 14, 2012, 08:16:52 AM

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Oh my goodness. HOBBIT.
It was fantastic. Everyone go see it.

I love my Bilbo Baggins. I love my Smaug. Mmmm. I've been waiting for this movie since I first read the book and heard about the movie coming out, and that was 2007. (of course back then, the film was supposed to be released 2010). I've been getting hobbit updates since then.

^-^ And as the film score geek I am, I had the biggest Howard Shore squee I've ever had. THE SCORE IS PHENOMENAL. I would place it as above the original LOTR fellowship score (and of course it's hard to compare the movies like that, since there are several motifs in the LOTR since there are so many races that are focused on, and in the Hobbit there are mainly just dwarves). OH the Lonely Mountain song is just amazing. GUYS. AMAZING.

Ok. I'm going to stop squealing about it for a few minutes. It was so hard to get any sleep (even though I hadn't slept the night before) last night, I couldn't stop thinking about my Smaug <3 I love Smaug.

Oh my goodness, Smaug is the reason for my dragon love. I had done a few paintings in college so far. My last two were dragons. I'll see if I can post pics sometime.


(and BILBO BAGGINS. I love him <3)


I quite enjoyed seeing it! Can't wait for the others to come out so that we can see the entire thing!

There were two showings last night, both in 3D, and the 10pm showing was sold out and some people were wearing costumes. We got tickets to the 10:15 showing, were let into our theater before the 10pm people were allowed in and ours wasn't sold out... It was weird XD


I havnt seen it yet, but im very much looking forward to see it :D


I think I'm seeing it Sunday afternoon. :3
I'm soo excited!!


I am seeing it Sunday morning, most likely XD



Yes, someone who liked it!! I'm seeing it tomorrow, and have litereally been so excited about this movie for years. Then i recently heard a couple of people saying they hated it and saw a couple of bar reviews, so i was worried it might not be as good as i hoped.
Same, i love Smaug! So annoyed that i haven't been able to get the book out of a library to read it again. The copy i've read before is at my granny's house i think.

Ditto about the film score love, Howard Shore is amazing. I shall have to download the Hobbit score :D

Owner of Gliders!


At the theater, I hugged a man who was dressed like Gandalf.

It was dark in the theater so I tried to instagram it with a lighter filter. Now my eyes look creepy. But hey, oh well. I was probably way too excited.



Conrad & I splurged & went to see it last night.  We both loved it!


I saw it and thought it was okay! ^_^ I agree the score is amazing and if the movie hadn't let out at 10pm and I wasn't exhausted, I would have gone right from the theater to buy the soundtrack. I still plan to buy it next time I'm out shopping.

My only beef is that there is NO reason Jackson had to stretch this movie into three. My god the movie was soooo long, it truly FELT long, and a lot of it felt like obvious padding to me. At no point was I ever bored, but many times I did feel like they didn't really need to include a particular scene and the whole movie could have been condensed. The characters didn't even leave Bag End until 45 min. into the movie!

It made total sense for Jackson to do three movies for the LotR books, because they WERE three books. But The Hobbit is a single book, and not even a particularly long one. (It was assigned for me to read in middle school.) I feel like they only made The Hobbit into three movies to get more money from people and to stretch out the hype for three years.

Personally, I would have been a lot happier if it had been made into two movies instead of three movies with a bunch of extra padding thrown in. Don't get me wrong, I did very much enjoy the movie. The visuals were gorgeous and I liked all the actors and the music was top rate. But even though I saw all three LotR movies multiple times in theaters, I don't think I'll be going to see The Hobbit again. (Though I will definitely buy it when it comes out on dvd! That way I can skip right to the good parts lol.)


I knew the hobbit was going to be two movies, did it get extended to three?


It's being advertised as a trilogy, yeah. "The Unexpected Journey," "The Desolation of Smaug," and "There And Back Again" are the three subtitles.


I'm just back from seeing it, and i loved it! The soundtrack was amazing, as was ths filming. While i did feel that it was a little padded out, i didn't find myself thinking at any point 'when is this going to end' so that didn't really take away from the movie for me. So overall i really enjoyed this movie and will possibly see it again, and definately get the dvd :D
Owner of Gliders!


I mean, they basically stretched out the first 100 pages and made it into the first movie. I agree, I tihnk two movies would have been fine. But three is probably just too much. I also felt like the movie was stretched and had fluff. I loved it, but a bunch of what happened was more than what happened in the book.


I'll be totally honest; I'm super glad it's three movies. So  many people griped about how in LotR they took out scenes & characters (Tom Bombadill nooooo) and such, so in giving themselves three movies to get all of the little details in, they don't have to do that. They can expand on other interesting bits, and nothing has to feel rushed. I'd rather savor it all slowly than have it condensed, but I'm like that about basically everything.

And, since I enjoyed it, three movies means two more to enjoy just as much, assuming they keep up the quality. And yeah, I'm sure a lot of it is them knowing they can make the money from all three. They're a business. And personally, I'm happy to give them three times the money if they give me something I enjoy in return, and I like having something to look forward to next year and the year after.

And on a totally unrelated note, eee sad dwarven Misty Mountains song... SO PRETTY


Aidan Turner (Kili)...My dwarf of choice....nothing I love better than a hunter proficient with a bow.


I read on the wiki that by doing 3 movies, Jackson was able to include more material from the book by expanding on things only mentioned in the book (like when Gandalf disappears and the comes back). I think it's an interesting way to do it :3


I agree, it's so great they've managed to include the details, and expand on Gandalf's part in the company. Ditto Sat, i was so sad they missed Bombadill out of the first movie!
Owner of Gliders!


They ssaid they have rights to all notes, and books Tolkien ever wrote, so they are using all info they possibly can for these movies. I think its great they'll be able to use all that in the three movies.

I personally LOVED the movie (Saw it today). I agree it was long (3 hrs!) but I'm SO happy I got to see the background of alot of things, nd I dont feel like they really dragged it all out. I loved it so much, and since its been soooo long since I read the book, it helped me understand so many thigs better that I'd forgotten about. I'm just so happy to see LOTR back and alive again. Its one of my favorite series Ever!


I just saw it and I loved it! I'm unsure how I feel about the three movies thing. The movie didn't actually feel that long, and like Ryuu said above I never felt bored, but it did feel like a lot of stuff one after another that works in a children's adventure book but maybe not in a movie. (I... really didn't like the parts with Radagast at all. Ha!)

I did really enjoy seeing background on what Gandalf was doing and it was cool to see he wasn't someone who could go around doing whatever he wanted, but had to get advice from several people (who seemed to disagree with each other too!) It's as much Gandalf's journey as it is the dwarves and Bilbo's and they really got that across.

All in all, fun movie. I hope the coming movies are a little more focused (I suppose they will be, considering what happens next!)