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Seeking Memorial Customs

Started by Saturnalia, November 20, 2012, 07:40:59 PM

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Seeking memorials based off of horses from my life. Two of them passed away this year, one today. None were mine, but they meant a lot to me.


Today, my sister-in-law's sister put down Bow Diddil. He was nearly 35, and he lived a good, long, loved life. This was the first horse I rode that wasn't just a pony ride, and he taught me to trot and to post. He was the first horse I fell off of, riding bareback. He was a patient teacher and I'm thankful to know that he had such a good life.

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of good photos. He was a dark chestnut Quarter Horse with a front left sock and a blaze:

(With my niece)

Handsome old man <3 Rest peacefully...


The second was Comet, who passed a few months ago. It was heartbreaking, and he was still fairly young. He broke his leg in the field, and after the surgery, broke his other leg trying to get up. There was nothing they could do, at that point.
Comet was the first horse I leased, and always managed to challenge and exhilarate me at once. He was super goofy and taught me so, so much.

He was a black Morgan with a big, goofy blaze and a lot of hair.

Seriously, that face... <3


There's a third, Oz, who I can only assume has passed on as he was old when I last saw him. Unfortunately, he vanished from my life due to college and a falling out with his crazy barn owner. But he taught me to jump, and was such a rocksolid guy. I need to dig up photos, though, when I'm back at my mom's, as that was pre-digital camera...

Anyone willing to do some memorial customs, just let me know your price. I can offer sg, or Miniwyv customs... not sure I have much else of interest, though...


I'm so sorry to hear that! They sound like lovely horses.
I'd be willing to colour a couple of Gliders :) Do you think you could rustle up a general hex code for me to work with for Bow Diddil? The two photos show different shades of chestnut and i wouldnt want to get it wrong, you would know his colours better than me.
And i can definately do Comet, and don't need hexes for a black coat.
Owner of Gliders!


Thank you so much <3 Let me know what you'd like in return.

I think the closest for Bow would be #5E3521 or around there. I super wish I (or someone!) had better photos, but his owner wasn't much of a picture-taker, it seems.

Thank youu!


That's fine, i'll have a fiddle around and see what i can get.
You're welcome! Send over a wee bit of SG for them, whatever you think is fair doesn't have to be much since they're a gift :)

ETA: I can do at least one now, since i'm seeing my friend at half 2 but got 50 minutes till that. You want me to do a
ETA2: I've put one up if you want to join.
Owner of Gliders!


I can defenitely do these babies for you in return for Miniwyvs <3 We shall discuss specifics when we're both on gchat, k? ^^ I have Panda Shrimps of course but also an old horse adoptable which I don't run events for much anymore but I think they'd be great for these so I can show them and you can see if it interests you <3 -hugs- Sorry to hear about the losses.


Yay! Thank you <3

(Also, I'm still up for the other trade if you'd like! :) )


Yes yes very much, just have had no time at all to get forms your way XD It is on my to do list! <3


I'm back, so i'll start up another and just pop in when you want :)
Owner of Gliders!


Sorry I was not around! Had a phone call with my mom, and those always take longer than planned, lol :)


No problem, i didn't really get anything done? Want me to do another one now?

ETA: join when you like
ETA2: Had to change the code
Owner of Gliders!


Oof, sorry, I had to bake cookies for a thing I'm going to tonight. I guess it's been a sort of back and forth to computer day for me, lol :)


Sorry, i completely forgot about Comet till now!

How is he?
Owner of Gliders!
