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LilBitties - we live!

Started by LilBitties, November 03, 2012, 01:40:10 PM

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Silvanon in the LilBitties account here, and I'd like to let you all know that LilBitties can now be found in the Secundi site  Adventure.  :)


Yayyy!!  I'm very excited about this!!


This is extremely exciting!  :D I wonder how many kinds there are.. -starts adventuring- ;D


I know, right? I've seen the two Silv has XD Have been searching for bout half an hour now and nothing. But that's ok! It hasn't been a constant half an hour.

I have found cotton which I didn't take.


Found a cute little goat bitty!


I got a something adorable! Dunno what it is, but it is cute!


okay got three for me and one for YLO, now going to work
these are adorable Sil!


i got a mushroom look a like :D soo cute


LilBitties now have a working naming item.  Coincidentally, so do Gliders and CDA.  :)  Oh, and there's been one more LilBitty species added - I wonder who'll catch one first! ^_^


I think I did! :D The mousie one! -happy dance-

I had been looking for days with no luck, but I have just caught 3 of them! Two mushrooms and the new mousie ^^ Ryuu also mentioned something about color variations but I haven't seem them yet.. Are they super rare or just not added into the system yet?


They should be in the system already, but they are rare. Every critter has a 'normal' coloration and a 'shiny' coloration which is less common. (Don't blame me, Sil is the one using the Pokemon terms! XD )


Well, so far no one has caught one yet! I am curious to see them pop up! Is the one in the LilBitties avatar a shiny version? If so I must catch it! Edit: Nevermind found how to look at the shiny versions! They're so pretty <3 Edit2: Yay have found a dragon too, now I have both of the new additions =D

By the way, will there ever be submissions of user-created LilBitties allowed? I love doing tiny critters and would be thrilled to contribute if that's ever possible/welcome <3


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on November 06, 2012, 09:28:03 AM
By the way, will there ever be submissions of user-created LilBitties allowed? I love doing tiny critters and would be thrilled to contribute if that's ever possible/welcome <3

We're still debating over that.  I'll let everyone know if we do decide to take submissions.

In the meantime, I just added two new LilBitties.


Oooh wonderful Silv! I love the last one especially, must go catch it <3


Still have not spotted a shiny and have been searching for days
almost have the full collection of regular ones though....until you keep adding new ones :)


Ive found a couple of toadstool guys, but nothing else, whats your secret PM? XD


Don't really think I have one, just got super lucky the first couple days


I have so far only gotten a goat and a name tag, lol
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


woohoo, just found this little cutie:

**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I caught 4 in one night! :D
Bought one in the market, but found 4! WooT, go me!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


#17, where are you?!
I have been looking for you and you are not showing up!

Laney if I come across some I know others do not have I try put them for sale to spread the love, so always keep an eye out

Kadana Sorano

I have 4 now,I just found this pretty birdy.. maybe it bodes well for me having a good day at work lol  That, or I used all the days luck up on finding the pretty and will have another crap day rofl  *fingers crossed for the former*

Anyway, thought I'd share :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :)