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Costume Help?

Started by Ravvana, June 28, 2012, 04:55:53 PM

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Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I am already planning for next year. My problem is that I hate using "instant" out-of-a-box type costumes because that seems so artificial to me, and coming up with costumes from scratch is the best part of the holiday XD

Last year I was Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog), two years ago I was The Chaperone (The Drowsy Chaperone), and three years ago I was Grania O'Malley (The Pirate Queen).

This year I really wanted to do Midna (Zelda - Twilight Princess), but my mind is absolutely numb at how I would make that costume without spending hundreds of dollars/hours:

My other idea is Belle's provincial dress from Beauty and the Beast, but I'm having trouble finding patterns that look right and aren't too complicated; I'm a very mediocre seamstress. Bonus for Belle is that I'm a brunette so I'd save money on the (lack of) wig.

So I am open to suggestions or comments or whatever XD Especially if anybody knows of good patterns for Belle's blouse/dress.


ETA: So sorry for this brick of text. D:

Hmm, I'm such a crafty person, but I'm better at ideas than doing it myself. I picture everything perfect the way I want to do it, but while doing it, I find SO many issues D:

I'd say going as Midna would be AMAZING.. Here's my idea on the easiest route..

1-2 long, plain black dresses. ONE needs to fit you. (Should be cheap and easy to find. Don;t get attatched to them because your going to cut them up) also, if they have sleeves, that'd be great too
1 Blue/green/yellowy long dress, or long skirt
Silver lace
A wig, longer than the girl in the picture (Because you'll be cutting up pieces off it) - Light brown
Orange hair dye. One box should do it
2 Faux twigs, or real even, that you can paint
1 white shoe lace
2 black shoe laces
White paint for the twigs
skin colored modeling clay (2 handfuls)
Neon blue/greenish paint (Or even those tubes you squeeze out onto clothing)

Short, choppy instructions:
Cut the first dress at the hip line, make the top half to match the girls top in the picture
If it has sleeves, the arm peices will be no issue. If not, you'll have to make them out of scraps from the second black dress
Cut the bottom half to match the girls skirt
Cut up pieces of the second dress to create the cloak shes wearing
Cut the bluey,greenish,yellowy dress the same way as the cloak and sew them together to match the girls cloak
Paint with the clothing paint tube the designs on the arm pieces
Sew or glue on some silver lace on the skirt to match her skirt
Use tthe lace also for the hems all over the top of the cloak
Use black shoe lace on the top so your boobs stay together XD
use white shoe lace on the skirt to make the pretty bow type thing
Find a red faux ruby to glue on the skirt
Cut a piece of the wig and glue/tie it on the top like the girl in the picture
cut the wig into the hairstyle the girl has. Dye parts orange where hers is also orange
Find a necklace and pin it on the cloak so it dangles on your forhead (glue on aa faux ruby?)
paint the twigs white, slap them on the cloak somehow.
Mold the clay on the twigs to form hands or whatever it is on those branch-like things she has on her head.
Get some contacts off a cheap website that are redish orange?
Find blue powder foundation or body paint for your body
use the blue/green tub of paint on your body like you did for the arm pieces
find some braclets for your ankles
purple lipstick

Okay... mabye a bit more complex than my vision in my head was.. D:
But atleast you have an idea of what youd be looking for/at with prices, materials, and how to do it.

Kadana Sorano

I dunno if you have a Dollar Tree where you live, but if so they sell hair dye (depends how far your willing to go for the costume if you want to do this) and in the toy isle they sell head bands with the fake hair, for little girls to play princess.  They should be located right near the other princess gear.  You may have to buy several of these, so you have enough "hair" to use, and maybe attach it some other ay, but it's possibly a cheaper alternative to a full out wig.
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Thanks guys! :) Now you two have me leaning back toward Midna XD

I found some Midna cosplay photos which are helpful:

(More at:

My brain can't even process making that cloak (look at the photo of the back!), but I have a very basic black velvet witch cloak that I can use as is. Although if anyone has ideas for making the cloak, I'm open!

Thinking of using a black long-sleeve leotard for the top, then using a pale blue fabric paint on it for the "stomach" and a teal to draw the arm designs:

Or a pale blue long-sleeve leotard with black fabric paint, then teal fabric paint on top of the black:

Perhaps just a rectangle of black fabric from a local sewing store; the two ends joined by sewing (but without a pattern -- just brought together). I'd leave somewhat of an opening up the bottom of the skirt as pictured, but less than the cosplay since I have my modesty to uphold XD Then white and teal fabric paint to make the design.

This wig:

I don't think I'll do the whole top headpiece since nobody will know who I am anyway, so I might as well simplify. I'll just wear the cloak's hood over the wig. For the red circlet, this looks pretty close and is priced reasonably:

Thoughts? :)


Awesome!!! Better than my plan. XD

Kadana Sorano

If you think you mightn't have the time for Midna before Oct, you can always go with the simpler Belle for this year, and start work on Midna now for next year.
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Okibi Stud and RB Service:
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My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I am so obsessed with Halloween. I spent the last week sewing my skirt, and today I spent 5 hours painting it (if you include outlining with chalk pencil and then tape).

I'm a bit upset because I ran out of fabric paint (Jacquard Neopaque white) after three thin coats, and it really could've used a fourth. And once the paint dries, you can't add to it without causing cracking down the line. So I'll just have to deal with it. Tape comes off tomorrow.

I'll post here as I make progress!

Kadana Sorano

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Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




It looks great! I never have the dedication to make an amazing costume xD
Owner of Gliders!


Thanks, guys! :)

After visiting three local art stores, I finally found more of my fabric paint. I made a dummy out of a firm pillow, a garbage bag, newspapers, and a shoelace for the curve, and then I "dressed" it in my leotard to paint. I took the tape off a few minutes ago, and I couldn't be happier with it :D I'm not an artist and this is probably the nicest thing I've ever made. Next, I need to paint the designs on the arms using pearl teal paint.

And I also took the tape off of my skirt this afternoon. I still really wish the white had come out brighter (one more layer...), but it's good enough as is. I didn't want to risk cracking by adding another layer onto the dry paint.


I would fail terribly at that, so kudos to you Ravv!! I'm so excited to see this when its finished. The skirt looks great, as does the top!


This looks fantastic so far!
Owner of Gliders!