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{Garden Noms} Butterflies! - closed

Started by TheLeet, June 25, 2012, 07:30:56 AM

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I can't believe it took me this long to find this event... *blush*

Butterfly name: Cypris Morpho
Butterfly reference picture: (please post as link rather than image)
Your Username: springacres
Nom's Gender: Female


I know my luna moth is not very interesting and will never get picked to be colored is it alright if I enter another butterfly?


Oohh!!! Pretty noms, congrats guys!!


Quote from: Scullisto on June 26, 2012, 01:10:47 PM
I know my luna moth is not very interesting and will never get picked to be colored is it alright if I enter another butterfly?
Hmmm...I really intended to allow everyone to only enter one butterfly but I suppose you could edit your original post and change it to a different species :)


omgosh thank you TheLeet *hugs*...runs...runs back *hugs*


Aww I don't know what you're talking about Scullisto! The luna moth is one of the most gorgeous flying thingies I've ever seen, and they're popular in literature too!


Gorgeous job on the Noms, Leet! I absolutely love them all. Congrats, you guys!

Kadana Sorano

Sculli, I usually go for the Luna moth myself, and almost posted for that one.  But I'd never seen the paper kite before, and happened upon them so used that instead.  I was really happy to see someone else liked the Luna's :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



To be honest...I love Luna moths, always have, however, in comparison to some of these other butterflies and moths...the Luna is a little bland when it comes to intricate wing patterns and brilliant colors.


...I hope it's ok that I edited mine, too.  I originally posted monarch, but then I realized Ravv had already used it so I went with the most beautiful morpho I could find that hadn't already been used :)


Super Starz

Butterfly name: Bella
Butterfly reference picture: (please post as link rather than image)
Your Username: Super Starz
Nom's Gender: Female


I'm starting to really run out of steam so while I will still colour a few more butterflies it won't be as many.

Anyway, today's lucky winners are Ravvana, sera and Nighthenge :D


Congrats! They are beautiful!!


Yay monarch!!

Oooo Nighthenge those are beautiful wings. *pets them*

Leet does it again! :D


Oh, my gosh, thank you so much, TheLeet.  =-0  <3  He looks so phenomenal!!!!  Those two little females are also exceedingly adorable, kyyaaa! I just want to cuddle them, too!

Thank you, thank you!




Congrats! I like Night's girl's wings as well....They look so real. XD

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



Okay, so Ravv, Ryuu, I shall be stealing your Noms now. kthnxbai <3 (okay, that would be mean, but Ryuu I will so be PMing you for a RB someday, that pattern is total win)
Nighthenge's also very much intrigues me colorwise (yay interesting breeding) and the others are also stunning.


Monarch girl! :D Thank you so much, Leet! <3



Ravv, Ryuu, Nighthenge and Kadana, I will be stalking you four XD


Another wonderful job on those butterfly wings Leet!


Oh!  She's just lovely.  Thank-you so much Leet!

Eee!  Now I have a pair of Noms!


I only coloured two today. Congrats, Neo and Solistia! :D


Ooo I love Neo's wings but Soli's body!! So cool!


Congrats guys! They are all amazing!


I agree with Ryuu. Those wings are just love. ^_^

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Yes, both very attractive.  :)  Congrats you two!


Oh my goodness! What a lovely surprise to wake up to! So beautiful, thank you Leet! So pretty!!

And congrats, Solistia! That butterfly was my second choice to enter for this event. :) I'm glad he got made! Such a pretty wing pattern and body pattern!

Thank you!


Ooh, congrats Neo and Soli!  Both such lovely butterflies to have mimicked :)


Heeee thank you Leet! My first Nom and he's soooo pretty 8D Not just his wings, his body color and pattern are great too ^o^

I've always loved the Ulysses butterfly, such a vibrant almost neon blue against black >u<

I adore him so much 8A8 <3<3
And thank you all for the congrats :3


Soo gorgeous! Im in love with your boy, soli!


He's your first, Soli?  Wow, double congrats!


You never cease to impress, Leet! Those two boys are awesome!


...and here come the last two. Congratulations to Silv and CutieePiee, thanks to everyone else for participating <3


Oooo love the little rainbow on the wings of Cutiee's! Congrats guys!


Keilin Alyr

Aww, I had a feeling my selection of moth was too plain. Oh well, congrats to all the new owners! Those are some lovely new Noms. ^^

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Quote from: Keilin Alyr on June 29, 2012, 09:42:14 AM
Aww, I had a feeling my selection of moth was too plain. Oh well, congrats to all the new owners! Those are some lovely new Noms. ^^
Your moth wasn't too plain at all. It was more a case of the wing shape being too wildly different from that of a Nom. I don't know how I would have fitted that pattern on a Nom wing ;)



She's absolutely beautiful! I love the color on her wings and her body markings! Thanks so much, Leet! :D


Congrats to all the winners!  I will have to stalk for Nomlets now XD  (yeah, I know the wing patterns can't be passed on... BUT STILL!)


Congrats everyone!
I WILL get my first nom.. Someday.. XD


Quote from: springacres on June 29, 2012, 12:23:46 PM
Congrats to all the winners!  I will have to stalk for Nomlets now XD  (yeah, I know the wing patterns can't be passed on... BUT STILL!)

I know, right!? All those unique coats are to die for! I love unique Nom coats. X3

Ryuu anticipates Nom breeding for the next year or so is going to consist mainly of butterfly wing Noms. XD


*BIG squeeeeee!*  Oh thank you, thank you!  He's awesome!  Great job on the wings, and love the big black blaze up his face too!  XD