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Secundi Rabbit Breeders Association | Gathering Information.

Started by SRBA, June 25, 2012, 10:15:55 AM

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The Lines


General Information

-This is a breeding/collectors type adoptable
Meaning it will only require a small amount of activity to become involved.
-This a loosely genetic based adoptable
Meaning when breeding genetics are involved, however this is not a rigid system.


In a small part of Secundi, a new race of rabbits has been found. These rabbits are Super Pygmys or SP's for short. Seeing as the population of these rabbits is starting to over run that small part of Secundi we have been appointed to find homes for and start a breeding program for quality SP's all over secundi.

Everyone in secundi is granted 4 free adoptions to start out their own 'Rabbitry'. Once you've adopted your first 4 free SP's you will find your Rabbitry has been certified in the Notary Office in our 'Rabbitry Directory". After you've been certified we ask that you use your better judgement to breed quality rabbits.



Currently there are 6 breeds of SP rabbits. Its is likely in the future but interbreeding the different breeds that new breeds will be found or by further exploration of Secundi that we will find other breeds.

Current Breeds

Fuzzy Lop-Common
Mini Lop-Rare

Common breeds are the breeds you'll find most often, these are the breeds that have proven to be most prolific. Common breeds are the breeds that will be found in the adoption center for your free adoptions.

Uncommon breeds are less prolific but still found around PI regularly. Uncommon breeds may pop up in the free adoption center spontaneously.  

Rare breeds are not nearly as prolific as any of the other breeds. They are hard to find around secundi in the wild and are not found in the free adoption center.  



-Must own four SP rabbits
-Must own at least one male SP rabbit
-Must uphold breeding standards
-Must have a breeding goal at all times
-Only Certified rabbitrys can breed

Breeding Standards

We do not tolerate overbreeding or inbreeding.

Overbreeding is something we do not need considering the dense population already.
Females can only breed once every 3 months.
Males can breed twice a month.

A breeding goal is something your working towards for your rabbitry.
Breeding a new breed or Breeding for certain patterns.

Only certified rabbitrys may breed their SP rabbits.


Owner Folders

Secundi Directory



-Breeding is open all year round
-You may only breed if you have a certified rabbitry
-You may not overbreed, or inbreed your SP rabbits
-You may only breed a male to female
-You may only breed when nests are open


Breed kits numbers

Common - 1 to 4 kits
Uncommon - 1 to 3 kits
Rare - 1 to 2 kids


Kit Rules
You may only keep 2 kits.
You can trade or sell kits for any sort of currency.
You must have name forms in for kits by 2 weeks after birth.
(You cannot trade named adults)


Colors & Patterns


Black, White, & Orange are common colors
Blue, Chocolate, & Lilac are uncommon colors
Fawn & Chinchilla are rare colors

Common colors have a 75% chance of passing
Uncommon colors have a 50% chance of passing
Rare colors have a 25% chance of passing

If both parents are in the same category of colors they will pass their colors without the above percentages applying.  

Fantasy colors are -VERY rare-
Fantasy colors have a 10% chance of passing.


Broken-Broken spots of alternation color and white
English Spots-Spots on face, band on the back, spots on back and haunches.
Fox/Tan-A tan marking on the stomach and bottom of the feet
Banded-A white band that stretches from the back to the stomach
Harlequin-Dark and light spots through a colored body
Eye Spot-Only color shown over the eye.
Color Points-Color only shows on nose legs and rear.
Bi-Colored-Color alternates two different colors throughout coat.

Common Patterns-Broken, Fox, Banded
Uncommon Patterns-English Spot, Eye spot, Color spots.
Rare Pattern-Harlequin, Bi colored.

Common patterns have a 75% chance of passing.
Uncommon patterns have a 50% chance of passing.
Rare patterns have a 25% chance of passing.



