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[The Cloven] April - Easter Events!

Started by Willow, April 03, 2012, 12:32:51 PM

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[Owners Folders]

- - -

Hello! I'm sure you're all aware that I've taken over ownership of the Cloven from Ravvana.
I must say I'm delighted, and can't wait to keep up the great work Ravv started :)

This month, April, is an 'event' month, and next month I intend to have a breeding month, however whenever I have free time I'll put in extra events C:
Customs will be few and far between, mainly as prizes for events or on a bribery basis.

Regardless, this month is all about easter! :D
That means decorated eggs, chocolate and bright yellow chicks ^w^

I hope you'll enjoy it!

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If you have any objections, questions or worries about the changeover please notify me via PM and I'll do my best to help you out.



[Decorate an Egg! v.1]

One of the things I used to love doing as a child was painting a hard boiled egg at school. And why not have an egg decorating contest for easter on Secundi!
If you don't have paints, you can try with chalks, cheap markers, paper and glue, sparkles, ribbon, anything you can think of!
All you have to do is upload a picture of it (with your USRname in the picture) into this thread and you'll be entered into a chance to win this lovely speckled egg boyo.

Extended to 18th April - 20:00 GMT

[Decorate an Egg! v.2]

Won by Laviee!

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[Scavenger Hunt!]

Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced 20 yellow chicks! D:

**This one does not count**

Please help me retrieve them! They could be in any of my old posts, pet pages or...anywhere on Secundi! :o

Whilst you're out hunting, make sure you keep a tally of how many chicks you have found (so you don't mis-count), and the page link where you found them.

Send me a PM entitled "Easter Chick Hunt!"
Then fill out your PM like this -

"Chick #1
Quick description of where you found it."

The first person to find all 20 wins a custom!
However, the first person won't be revealed until the end date, so who knows who will win?

The remaining hunters will be put into a raffle to win these premades (two winners) ~

Contest Ends 23rd April - 10:00 GMT




Oh neato! For the egg decorating event, can we submit egg photos from previous years, or only from easter2012?


I'd prefer they were from this year, to be fair to those that put the effort into a fresh new egg ^u^
Thanks Ryuu! <3


Just a question - for the second one, is it fine if we come up with our own egg line art?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


In this case...I'll say that's acceptable, purely because it's a raffle and therefore left to chance anyway.
If it was based on design, everyone would have to use the same lineart ^w^

And if you wanted to share the lines with others, that'd be lovely too.
But not necessary.


Ok, here you go then!

If anyone else wants to use the line art I did, just ask. ^^
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



She's absolutely beautiful! I had to try for her<3



I am late but finally painted an egg! Since nobody's entered this contest yet, can I still do so?


>.> I painted one egg, but I didnt think to include my usrname. Fail. XD


First egg design contest extended to 18th April - 20:00 GMT.
This is due to only receiving one entry, if no one else has entered by then, Ravv wins by default.

- - -

Winner of Egg Contest #2


Congratulations, please let me know what you'd like to name her C:

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Two new events coming very soon ;D



Thank you, Willow. <3
I'll name her Avril. Because Avril is French for April. And it is April. Yeah, it's late. I should stop typing and go to bed.


Alright, the scavenger hunt is finished in half an hour! C:

I just need to contact Ravv about certing fonts, and then I'll be all set ^w^
Once these prizes are all handed out, I have just a few more events for the last week of April :D



Ok, still not heard back from Ravv, so I'll probably just cert in my own way for now :3


I'll send you the cert file tonight. Spent the last three days in insane essay land :(


Aah, alright then Rav, thank you!
Insane essay land is no fun to be in :[



Ravv wins by default! But I love the colours used on the egg C:

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[Scavenger Hunt]

The first person to find all 20, thus winning a full custom was SkySong! Congrats!

[b]Custom Form~[/b]
[b]Eye Colour:[/b]
[b]Body Colour:[/b]
[b]Mane Colour:[/b]
[b]Marking Colour/s:[/b]
[b]Any refs?:[/b]

The other entrants were randomised to win the remaining prizes ~

Winner is Aralie!

Winner is Winged dreams!

I enjoyed the little comments most of you put! And I hope you enjoyed the hunting :D

- - -

Sadly I can't seem to open the files Ravv sent me, so I'm waiting to hear back from her (but she's very busy! D: <3 )

I still have four lovely ones waiting for a home though! Any particular games you'd like to see? C:


Wow, thank you, Willow! I wasn't honestly expecting to win. Do you want me to post the form or message it to you?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Post then. :)

Custom Form~
Name: Angel Crisis
Owner: SkySong
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Sky Blue
Body Colour: Coal Black
Mane Colour: Silver
Mane Stripes
Ripple-like Circles spreading out from the visible shoulder with wavy lines spreading out from the center of the circles (first ref)
Marking Colour/s:
Red & Black (Randomly interspersed in the Silver)
Light Blue & Turquoise (Or whatever matches the refs)
Hooves: Silver
Any refs?:

If the last marking is too complicated it's fine to not do it. :)

Oh, also, I have no particular game in mind
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Congrats SkySong!

I would like to name her Sola please <3


Congrats SkySong! And i won the boy i've had my eye on this whole time! I'll name him Sam please.
Owner of Gliders!


Thanks you two! Congrats to the both of you, as well. :)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


The cert file Ravv sent me still didn't work, so I've made a very simple one, it's a font change and a lot simpler looking, I hope you're all alright with that >___<;
If not I'll take font/composition suggestions.

I'm going to be a lot more active with these guys, I'm getting sorted slowly.
I said I'd have one event a month and I haven't so far this month, that's not acceptable, so I'm holding a small raffle for the remaining premades I coloured for this event.

Meanwhile here's some certings ~

Still need a name from Ravv for her easter egg boy <3

I'm sorry for the hold ups!


Thanks! Sheltie looks amazing :) For a minute i was confused, thinking where in this thread had i ordered a Sheltie custom... Then i remembered that i'd ordered her for our trade, lol.
Owner of Gliders!