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~Okibi Caballi~ Tiny Things Grow Big... (EVENTS OVER)

Started by Ryuukokoro, October 20, 2011, 10:13:40 AM

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Yours was my second choice, Luv, but in the end I sacrificed shoulder spot for all-black tail. I was happy to see him posted by someone, though :D

Kadana Sorano

nope, can't see the banner either.  Link works.. sort of.  There are no images when it loads lol but it does load.  So weird..   I'll have to try and figure it out a little later (few days prolly) when I have more time.  

ETA: incidentally, the closest I found wasn't a real horse.  I found a stuffed toy horse and a.. cow lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




As Pinkshadow grabs Rock 14, the whole pile shakes and rumbles and collapses, revealing a spooked but unharmed little filly!

Congrats Pinkshadow!











First we have a big congrats to Winged dreams for rolling a 19! A great roll in any game, DnD players will tell you. This clever Mountain boy is going home with you:



Next up is the Perfect Gift event, and the winner is.... Kadana!

The pretty mare was thinking that the perfect gift would be beautiful shiny stones, just like the shape and color of her markings. I chose Kadana because she specifically mentioned her flowers were the same colors as the mare.

Ravanna is second place because her gift was round like the stones. She wins a Normal Foxfire! It's in your inventory now. :)



All right unfortunately the Picture Match game is going to be judged tomorrow. I need to get to bed and I haven't narrowed down the judging to a single winner just yet. But I do have the last game ready to go!


This is a speed game! There is an Okibi mimic colored just like the small horse above, and he is hiding somewhere in my Pet pages! He is in the description of one of my Pets. Hint: You only need to look at the active Pets pages, he's not hiding in any of the shops currently on hiatus. That should cut down a lot of your searching! :)

When you find him, post a link here to the pet page he is hiding in and he'll go home with you. The first person to post wins him! Any post after this one that has been edited will not count, for fairness, so if you mess up simply post again.


Haha, totally did not see that Aralie had posted XD;; D'oh.



Congrats guys! and I was asleep during the Find Me. Lol. XD Congrats Aralie!


Wow congrats Aralie!! Did not expect that to only take 10 minutes. XD Next time no hint for you guys! Bwa ha ha.

Trivia event is still up for a few days, everything else in the thread is complete. Winner for the last event will be announced when I get home from work. :)

*huggles Sunchaser* We missed you! There's still the Elder RP that needs some action, everyone. ;)


Thanks ^_^
Hehe, the hint definately made it alot quicker XD


Thanks, i love my boy! I'll name him Spork please. No idea why, that name is crazy but i am so tempted to call him that xD
Owner of Gliders!


sorries some things came up with the hubster and what not hence the dissapearing.However i shall post in the rp soon *nods*


lol he's already in your inventory winged, and there's an item for naming Okibi in their store. :D

*ruffles Sunchaser* Stay active, Secundi misses you!


Ah stupid me forgot the Okibi are an agency  :-\ Sorry bout that
Owner of Gliders!

Kadana Sorano

OMG *little kiddie squeal*  I was -so- not expecting that!  *snuggles beautiful Okibi gal*  Thank you!  And congrats to other winners :D
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Sorry for the delay folks, first Secundi goes down and then up here in New England we had a sudden snow storm! >.< I spent all day helping getting the house weather ready. But now, on to the last two events!

Our of the four entries, 3 got all 10 questions correct. The dice rolled a 1, so our winner is Ravvana!


Congrats to Rav!

Is there a way to know the correct answers? I could only figure out 3/4 of the paint-esque patterns. (At least I think I had 3/4)


Sure. ^_^

Trivia Questions:
1. Name the four types of paint markings, identified in The Stable and Quinsta.

Tobiano, Sabino, Splash, Frame (the last three are different types of Overo)

2. What type of overo markings did Hidalgo have?

Frame Overo

3. What color was Secretariat?


4. What was the name of the famous island Misty came from?

Chincoteague (you didn't have to spell it to get the point, as long as I knew what you meant)

5. What would you call a white marking that goes halfway up the horse's leg?


6. What type of Okibi is the smallest breed?

Fennec Fae, they're mentioned as being tiny like butterflies

7. How many tails does an Elder Okibi have?


8. What percent of the time do Unique Markings pass to Okibi offspring?


9. How many Okibi exist with the newest s-gene: Zebra?

Just one! (You can find this answer by typing the s-gene you're looking for into the 'agency information' box in the Secundi search engine)

10. How many Okibi exist with the other newest s-gene: Clown Fish?



Ah see? That was my kicker then xD  I just had "Overo" "Tobiano" and "Sabino"

Figured the fourth came into play with thestable which I don't get those genetics very well at all XD


And now, last but not least, the judging of the Picture Match game!

The way I judged this event was to list all the specific markings the adoptable horse showed. Then I compared each photo and gave one point if it had the appropriate marking, and a negative point if it didn't have it. A negative point was also given for any extra markings. So, for example, a photo of a horse with a star gets a positive point, while a horse with no facial mark gets a negative point. Both a star and stripe gets one positive point and one negative, so breaks even.

Everyone got a point for having all four white legs, but only some photos got the point for having the white chest connected to the white front legs. If the tail wasn't entirely black, that was one negative point. Black 'saddle' on the white markings of the horses back got a positive point. Etc. etc.

After going through all 9 entries and adding up all the points, I've found that luv007 is the winner! Congrats! That photo did lose some points, but it was the closest.

Runner-up is wildnightblazer! You won a Normal Foxfire, which is already in your inventory. As a reminder: the foxfire can be used to breed an Okibi at any time, you don't need to wait for your turn. Simply pm me with the Okibi you want to breed, and have their owners pm me permission if they don't belong to you. :)

And that concludes our adoptable mimic event! Next up I'll be doing a small Halloween event. We all know Okibi love to dress up!

And don't forget there's an Elder RP going on! The more you RP, the more points you get toward taking home the Ancient Box at the end. :)


Thank you!!!  At first, I just saw Wildnight's name and was like, congrats... but  *little* disappointed.  Then I actually READ and was like YAY!!  for both of us.  :)

I love the boy~  So gorgeous!

Also, Luv fails at the RP now bc life is hitting her hard and SOMEONE *coughcoughRyuucough*  has gotten her addicted to AAA.  So my mind is like 200% full.... WAY too full for Luv's 50% functioning mind.... Lol.
