{Kelpies}Searching through the depths-Main Thread! Auction, Pick-a-Door, Franken

Started by EvanescentHowling, August 27, 2011, 10:50:26 PM

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Story of the Kelpies
Somewhere off the coast of Scotland, the morning sun was just beginning to shine upon the turquoise waters of the North Sea. As the water began to warm up and the fish swam deeper, the early morning fisherman pulled up their nets and began to head back to land. However, one fisherman stuck around awhile to watch the sunrise when he caught a glimpse of a huge, shimmering tail close to his boat. He jumped up and grabbed his net and tossed it out into the sea where he saw the fin. As he pulled in his catch, his brain raced with images of a huge fish, bigger than anything he has ever seen! But, as the creature emerged from the water, the fisherman nearly dropped his net. The creature he pulled up have four scaly legs and the body, ears, and mane of a horse. Its head however, was that of a large fish. The story of the rest of that finding has been skewed over the years but many called this creature the "Kelpie". Scientists began to get interested in finding these animals and studying them, but the only evidence of these creatures was with that fisherman and countless stories. Many people have traveled to the North Sea search for the Kelpies; chasing dreams of capturing or spotting them in the blue waters. Perhaps if you take a trip to search the sea, you could find one of your own?

Story-Told Information
Kelpies are creatures of the sea and of land. They have both lungs and gills but they prefer to the live in cool depths of the sea. Kelpies usually like to live alone but if they are captures they will live in a herd. Since scientists do not know many characteristics of the Kelpies, they have only came up with a small list of current mutations these creatures have.
1. beard
2. leg feathers
3. dragon wings
4. dragon tail
5. body horns
6. mermaid tail
7. whiskers
8. goldfish tail
9. long horse mane
10. long horse tail
11. trojan mane
12. trojan tail
13. seahorse tail
14. unicorn horn

If a human were to capture a Kelpie, it becomes bonded to that human as an adult. If that creature were to have offspring then the babies are free to be traded to another human, released into the sea(will be used as a premade), or kept for the same human. Offspring are not bonded until the reach adulthood.




This is the first Kelpie found by the fisherman! The old man just couldn't help but sell the little guy off. Post bids in purple.

Mutations-long horse mane, mermaid tail
Ends: September 5, 2011

Post: "______ picks door number _!" in green.
1. Kahlira
2. Victoria
3. Winged dreams
4. Neocridders
5. Aralie
6. Scullisto
7. luv007
8. Wildfilly94
9. Skysong
10. wildnightblazer




Just in case :)




Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Owner of Gliders!





Okay you all, I'm getting a few premades done for a quick flatsale that will be coming up shortly :).

I think I will hold a few frakens, anyone up for one?


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Owner of Gliders!




Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong


Owner of Gliders!


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan):


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation:

^SkySong, I should have said that you can post every other one but it looks like everyone already knows so yes, it is okay :)


I bid 20k on the auction![\color]

By the time I get internet back, I'm going to be so thankful to have those little bold/italics/color clickie buttons so I don't have to type it in myself. Lol.

And all the auctions I'm bidding on are going to be super big surprises since I can't see any pictures without the url link. Lol.


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation: Seahorse-Wolfsong
Body Mutation:



Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation: Seahorse-Wolfsong
Body Mutation: leg feathers-Ravvana
Marking 1:

^Wolfsong, sorry about that! I was working this off my phone and it doesn't let me edit posts. So its all changed for you :)


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation: Seahorse-Wolfsong
Body Mutation: leg feathers-Ravvana
Marking 1: leg fade-Aralie
Marking 2:


Thank you evenescentHowling, and I know the feeling, my phone is stupid on the internet, to  :)

Also, for marking 2 Will zebra stripes work?


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation: Seahorse-Wolfsong
Body Mutation: leg feathers-Ravvana
Marking 1: leg fade-Aralie
Marking 2: zebra stripes
Color 1:

Wolfsong, yes they will work :)



Sorry about the delay for all of this (crazy first week of school) x0, but we should be back in business now!

Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation: Seahorse-Wolfsong
Body Mutation: leg feathers-Ravvana
Marking 1: leg fade-Aralie
Marking 2: zebra stripes-Wolfsong
Color 1: artists choice-luv007
Color 2:

Auction results are up! I believe there was only one bid so I am sure it goes to luv. :)
Name and Owner please?

And the winner from the pick-a-door was chosen randomly from random.org. The number was 2, so Victoria is the winner of this boy!

Name and Owner of this boy please :)


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender: female-Winged dreams
Body color: green-wildnightblazer
Eye: seafoam-SkySong
Mane: dark brown-Winged dreams
Mane Mutation (long/trojan): long-SkySong
Tail Mutation: Seahorse-Wolfsong
Body Mutation: leg feathers-Ravvana
Marking 1: leg fade-Aralie
Marking 2: zebra stripes-Wolfsong
Color 1: artists choice-luv007
Color 2: dark green-SkySong

Okay, I will probably start coloring this girl up.