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Ponygrl needs to vent. Anyone there?

Started by ponygrl, July 26, 2011, 04:23:20 AM

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So. about a year ago my best friend decided she would date my brother. that started it all.... and now they are broken up. today exactly. and now she refuses to talk to me because I'm a"moye" which is my last name. basicallyI just would love to have someone to vent to privately about all the drama and pain she has caused in not only my life, but my family and friend's lives as well.  anyone there?


your welcome to talk to me hun :)
- i have msn & skype too if thats better than here , ow and facebook <3


facebook works, unless you can just pm me here. i'm still worked up, but i have cooled down a bit


Trust me when I say this girl wasn't worth my brother OR my sister's time.

I love you, Anna, but it isn't private if I can see it.  I'm still going to kick her butt if she even gives me half of an excuse.  Not literally, but maybe verbally.  She's entirely too full of herself.  You are a beautiful, golden hearted person.  So in my opinion, no one deserves you, but least of all people who are going to take advantage of you.

But at least Katie is out of our family vacations. :)


wow, is it your sister luv? <3
- well i'm sorry for both of you, that girl just seems like someone that dosnt deserve what you all gave her :/


ponygrl is my sister.  Maybe I should have been more clear.  I'm not fond of the now exgf of my brother, and exbest friend of my sister.  The girl has shown her true colors and they just weren't pretty.  Don't get me wrong... I'm up for giving anyone a second chance.  We all have our faults, but she was given chance and chance again to grow up and not use and abuse her power as gf, and she didn't chose wisely.  She insulted me, insulted my sister, and by the way she treated my brother, also insulted him.

I suppose I am pretty possesive of my sibling though. x.x


i would understand  you much..
People like that are just .. meh ..

i can't describe it, but yeah she looks kinda pretty, on the outside, but she know it herself and that ruined her inside .. so that would make her very ugly :) compared to both you and ur sis who are very pretty on the inside and out ;)


Well, thank you. :D

Anna is especially beautiful, especially on the inside.  I have lots of <3 and respect for my sister.

And this girl has a sad life... her mom is a little... off, but that is no excuse for her behavior.  Everyone has problems.  She just needs to learn how to overcome them instead of constantly playing pity party....


Sends warm hugs and thoughts to Pony and luv* I've had friends like that and my brothers had GFs like that but never at the same time.


Well if it just happened, maybe give her some time to cool off. Show her you are still there to  be friends. But don't like beg her to accept you again.
She's at a loss if she's taking her feelings for your brother out on you. Honestly, she may not even be worth your time. She might just not be a good friend.

I know that's not what you want to hear :/

I feel for you. I think you should just not worry about her. If she wants to be your friend, she'll come back. If she doesn't, well, that's her own loss.


Thanks for the advice. Neo. Pink really helped me out and i owe her. I appriciate everyone that helped me out. sometimes just the things she does sets me off as  Jessica and Anya know its more of a build up. but thanks


Well i'll be here if you need anything :D <3

and Neo , trust me this girl is NOT worth her time.

Anna, i really hope you find a new "best friend" who threats you lovely instead ;)