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Started by skysnolimit, July 23, 2011, 04:44:18 PM

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Hi everybody!

I'm skysnolimit, formerly Reptile Girl, and all the creatures on Arlenoa (my old realm) have been clamoring to expand their horizons.  In other words, I really really miss cyberpets, and lurking can no longer satisfy me nor any of my adopted pets.

Do you mind if I join you on Secundi?  My favorite section is probably going to be the "Show of your Pets" board, since so many of mine haven't been out-of-realm in ages.  I do need to figure out if that's allowed, though (showing off pets that haven't been explicitly permitted into Secundi).

I miss role-playing, too, and incessant stalking of threads and forums in my spare time.  Hi, everybody!  Please introduce yourselves so I can meet everybody here, and even if I can't role-play my old Adopteds I would love to meet new ones!

And last of all, thank you so much Silv <3 <3 <3




Thanks, jojo and Kahlira!!  Nice to meet you!


It's always good to meet new people.

And everyone calls me Kah for some odd reason I've never figured out.



It's nice to see a new member!  Welcome!


*wave wave*  Hiiii skysnolimit/Reptile Girl!  Nice to see another familiar face pop up on Secundi!  :)

As long as the pets in question follow Secundi's guidelines (no anthros without any coverings/clothes and nothing that exceeds a PG-13 rating) then there shouldn't be a problem with showing them off here.  :)


Welcome to Secundi, always nice when new people join!
Owner of Gliders!


Hihi, everybody!  Nice to meet you!

Silv~~~ it seems like you're always around when I need you ^^; ^^; ^^;