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Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | Franken Winner on Page 3

Started by Gryphions, June 02, 2011, 08:35:04 PM

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QuoteAlright. Now, who is interested in number 300?
He's going away in an art contest.
Or more... a banner contest.
:)I want everyone to make some banners. And post them here. You don't have to put them in your signature if you don't want to, but by making a banner you have to be ok with others using the banners.

RULES ~ Each banner either needs a gryphion/barn gryph, the name 'Gryphions' or something like that.

Alright. Go for it. I'll close this in 48 hours from now.
Good luck! Each banner will be a 'raffle ticket', so the more banners you make you get more tickets. Then I'll do a drawing for Mr. 300.

Don'tforget! Mr. 300 contest ends in about 12 hours!!


Sorry it's nearly midnight here, but I made a last-minute entry for you. <3
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.



Quote from: Gryphions on June 11, 2011, 10:20:45 AM
Alright. Now, who is interested in number 300?
He's going away in an art contest.
Or more... a banner contest.
:)I want everyone to make some banners. And post them here. You don't have to put them in your signature if you don't want to, but by making a banner you have to be ok with others using the banners.

RULES ~ Each banner either needs a gryphion/barn gryph, the name 'Gryphions' or something like that. :)

Alright. Go for it. I'll close this in 48 hours from now.
Good luck! Each banner will be a 'raffle ticket', so the more banners you make you get more tickets. Then I'll do a drawing for Mr. 300.

I think this ends in a couple minutes!!


Thanks for entering, JellyThunda! You, being the only entrant, have the only raffle ticket. Therefore... you win the 300th gryphion!!
WOW! Congrats!

Your banner is ggreat, and I'm going to put it on the agency page so anyone who wants to can link to us.
Thanks for the great banner! ^^


Yay! <3
*jumps up and down excitedly*

Here's his name and stuff. <3

Name: Archaen
Owner: JellyThunda

I'm assuming that's all I need to give you. <3
Location: Under your bed, eating your socks.




If anyone is around, maybe we can do a round of franken? :)

ETA: Well, we'll just go ahead. And if people are here we'll play.
Just a little info: I post a trait or something and you reply with what it should be. The first reply that makes sense will be chosen.
Please, allow one person to post in between your own replies. Meaning, if you get one trait in, let someone else get one in before you try again.
Unless it takes over 30 minutes for anyone else to post. Then I'll let you go twice in a row.



Kadana Sorano


ETA: Probably wont be here when its drawn, just a heads up.  Good luck everyone!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Gender - Female - Kadana

Should it be a gryphion or a barn gryph?

Kadana Sorano

gak! I edited a comment into my post, cos I thought I was still the last post rofl  Sorry about that.  *scurries off to finish grill prep*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



No worries. I saw that you posted that before you edited. But let's try not to do that again, just so I don't have to wonder if you're cheating. (Which I'd hope you wouldn't XD I am sure you wouldn't)

^^ Thanks for letting me know though.



Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira

What should her main body color be?


Sorry, my computer froze! I couldn't reply.

Ok, What sort of marking should she have??

Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 - ??? - ???


Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - ??? - ???

What should the spots be colored?


Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal -  Ember
Face color - ??? - ???
What should the color of her facial disc be?



Oooooh! This'll be interesting!

Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal - Ember
Face color - Black - Kahlira
Beak color - ??? - ???

What should the beak color be?


Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal -  Ember
Face color - Black - Kahlira
Beak Color - purple - Ember
Eye color - ??? - ???

What color should her eyes be?


Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal -  Ember
Face color - Black - Kahlira
Beak Color - purple - Ember
Eye color - Silver grey - Nighthenge
Wing feather color - ??? - ???

What color should the wing feathers be?


Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal -  Ember
Face color - Black - Kahlira
Beak Color - purple - Ember
Eye color - Silver grey - Nighthenge
Wing feather color - Black - Ember
Marking 2 - ?? - ??
And, one more marking. Let's make it a **leg** gene, like those on PI! What should it be?


Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal -  Ember
Face color - Black - Kahlira
Beak Color - purple - Ember
Eye color - Silver grey - Nighthenge
Wing feather color - Black - Ember
Marking 2 - socks - Red_uni
Marking 2 color - ??? - ???

Socks! Yay! Now, one last question... what color should the socks be?


Black socks, okey!

Gender - Female - Kadana
Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
Marking 1 -  Spots - Hiyoko
Marking 1 color - Teal -  Ember
Face color - Black - Kahlira
Beak Color - purple - Ember
Eye color - Silver grey - Nighthenge
Wing feather color - Black - Ember
Marking 2 - socks - Red_uni
Marking 2 color - Black - Ember

Whoot! I'll color her up and post her with a winner soon.


And this is our pretty girl. I think she turned out pretty good :) I was not sure if teal and purple would work together, but I feel like the black draws it all together and it all works well!

:) Let's go see who gets to take her home!


QuoteList Randomizer
There were 11 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1.Marking 1 - Spots - Hiyoko
2.Wing feather color - Black - Ember
3.Beak Color - purple - Ember
4.Marking 2 - socks - Red_uni
5.Face color - Black - Kahlira
6.Eye color - Silver grey - Nighthenge
7.Marking 1 color - Teal - Ember
8.Breed - Barn Gryph - Kahlira
9.Body Color - Purple - Nighthenge
10.Gender - Female - Kadana
11.Marking 2 color - Black - Ember
Timestamp: 2011-06-14 02:48:14 UTC

Looks like our winner is Hiyoko!

Congrats. I'm adding her to your account right now.



Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




It's late for me (well, considering I've gone to bed at like... 2 in the morning last night, and after midnight every day the last week, it's not actually 'late') but I'm wanting to go play my pokemon blue version now (gotta go beat Misty now!)

Let's have a roleplay contest for this girl.
I'll judge sometime tomorrow afternoon, or evening.

Give a little roleplay blurb about this girl. Where's she from? What's she doing? How did she get here? Who does she talk to? What does she love to do?


Go for it! Good luck everyone! I'll pick my favorite and she'll go with the person who posts my favorite!


Well, that's a surprise, since I only posted 1

Thank you!^^


With a soft hurr of wings, too softly for my own ears to hear, a form lands behind me. A very soft thud is about the only indication that something was behind me. Thinking it was my cat, I ignored it, until a pay touched my shoulder. My cat had no reason to be there! Plus her paws were so much smaller. I gulped and turned slowly around.

There sitting before me was one of the most gorgeous creatures I had ever beheld. From her soft brown body, to her light grey legs. My first and only thought was "Wow"

With a series of chirps, and clicks, far too fast for me to comprehend, the beauty before me began to speak. Whoa! What was she saying? "I do not understand...." I said lamely.

She gave a very loud screech, and before I knew it, another form came up behind me, one I was more familiar with, Dark Kisses.

ohh, she didn't seem too happy, Ii'm thinking she and bright moon were plotting something, but my needs were more urgent then hers.

"You will learn her language soon" Dark Kisses almost purred. A bit of a heavier thud was the only indication that Bright Moon had joined us. Dark Kisses gryph grinned at his arrival.

The gryph before me repeated her clicks and chirps and churrs, and a whoot or two was thrown in for good measure.

Bright Moon said, "She says she has flown far from her own kind." he twined his tail into ark Kisses. "She also says she is looking for a home, amongst friends, as she puts it."

"I can be her friend..." Gosh, why did I sound so lame today? I reached my hand out to shake her paw. Oh yes. Dark Kisses said something in her native tongue, apparently to either Bright Moon or the beauty before me, but she put her pay into my own, and we shook.

"If you can not find a home with me, I'm sure someone will want to be your friend. My four would love to have you as their friend, and soon we'll have kittens! Whats more fun then watching kittens bounce and play around? Granted it's more fun when they're your own, but I haven't bonded with a male of your kind as of yet. But maybe someday soon I shall"

She nodded her head, and whether that meant she was coming with me, or simply she would bond with someone I didn't know, but I do know that whoever bonds with her is one lucky devil.


If asked where she was coming from and where she was going, the barn gryph would inform the curious minds that she was coming from nowhere and going anywhere. Though she'll never properly answer her start or end point, her tone when responding will always be playful. Her patented answer is no more than a joke for others yet it does ring slightly true. To her life is a journey and she refuses to define where it must start and where it must end.

She knows this though: she has tired of travelling alone. Oh, how she loves to travel! Still, without a companion (or a few!) she finds herself easily bored despite the beauty of the world.

It is with this thought in mind that she seeks someone to bond with. She needs them, this she can admit. She is certain, in her slightly wordly arrogance, that someday whoever she chooses will need her. She is knowledgeable in the ways of the world annd beautiful. Above all that, she is unique and wants to be acknowledged as such.

Her chosen place to search is somewhere she knows - via rumour only, much to her chagrin - to be a popular hang out for those looking to bond or already bonded. She's not picky about whether or not the person she chooses already has companions. She's dead certain anyone will appreciate her regardless. Almost immediately after she comes to a landing people and gryphions turn to stare.

That's right. She's special and they can see that. one approaches. Why? She doesn't panic. She never panics. She settles on the grass to wait and finally someone tentatively approaches her. "Hello there..." The woman seems nervous despite the group of three gryphions behind her. " have the kind of air a celebrity does," the woman adds a moment later. "The one that makes it kind of awkward to talk to them."

The barn gryph is surprised. Really? She hadn't realized that. Interesting. She chirps at the human, encouraging her to continue. The woman blinks and does nothing until the large male behind her churrs in amusement. "Go on." She watches the human grin sheepishly at the male before she is addressed again. The humans next words are surprising and hits a chord with the barn gryph, "You seemed lonely. Would you like to join us, play around, have fun? You...ah, don't have to stay."

As the bar gryph mulls over the human's words she comes to a conclusion: she really had been lonely.

((Whee, playing with writing style is always fun.))


Umm, my apologies if this is annoying but...the results are overdue? XP


@.@ I forgot! How could I forget. I'm so sorry!

>.> I'll judge this when I wake up. Sorry. It's like 2 am here...


Ok. Great roleplaying from both of you. I must say, though, I really did enjoy them.

And I am really sorry I forgot about this >.< I'm going to give both of you 2 smooth stones each.

I think the way Ember's story was written has taken me. I feel like that surely could be her. The way she wanted you to continue with how she had a celebrity atmosphere about her and your gryphion had to explain.
Very great job.

And Kahlira, I'm awarding you a breeding feather. Your story was great too, and even though it didn't win, you do diserve something!

Items will be added later today I hope.