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[PonyVille] Home Thread - It Begins!

Started by PonyVille, February 20, 2011, 04:37:14 AM

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Welcome to PonyVille, a nice little ponytown that's part country, part city, and all fun. Located not too far outside of Canterlot in Equestria, many colorful characters live here, some particularly more colorful than others, and for the most part, everypony seems to get along. There's always new folks pouring in and visiting for the many festivals, and some that even come to stay! Hang out with your friends, start up a business, build a family, you can do anything your Little Pony heart desires in...


About PonyVille:
The PonyVille Adoptable was inspired by the new show My Little Pony:Friendship is magic, along with my love other MLP shows and toys series. So while I will allow some things that deviate from what is accepted as normal for MLP, there are some things that will stay true to the MLP universe.

Will be allowed:
Item/Clothing/Cosplays (to a certain degree)
Bodily markings in addition to the Cutie Mark
Non-pony-like names (though Pony-like names are still encouraged over common names, but not required)

Will not be allowed:
Having no cutie mark as an adult pony
Unofficial pony species (a species must be represented in official media of show or toy to be considered for this shop)

These lists will likely get longer as people ask questions and I determine answers :3

Guide to the Cert:

You can find the current list of available options in this thread:



(click for larger image)
For our first event we'll be having a naming contest! You may submit up to three names for each of these ponies in attempt to win them! The person that comes up with the most fitting name, as determined by Solistia, will win the pony (while you can enter for both, you may only win one).

Things to remember:
While Cutie Marks and names seem to have some corralation, just because the boy has a Takoyaki Cutie Mark doesn't mean his name should be Takoyaki. Sometimes the link between a Cutie Mark and a name can be very abstract (like Pinkie Pie's balloons), or it can be fairly straight forward (like Twilight Sparkle's shining star) but still not be an exact description of the Cutie Mark. So you may go wild with your ideas for names, or stick close to home, just pick out a name you think is a good representation of the pony and their Cutie Mark.

Deadline: February 23, 2011 1:00AM

Post Girl name entries in PINK, and Boy name entries in BLUE





Pony Coin list
hiyoko - 1
jojo080889- 1
kunaisa - 1
Neocridders - 1
PonyMama - 1
Ryuukokoro - 1
Unheard Silence -  1


Love in the Mist
Sweet Perfection

Futo maki

I am really bad at MLP names, but I tried.


Pink Blossom
Blue Petal

Dark Smokey
Blue Fin

I tried lol ^^



Tai (as in Taiyaki, the fish filled with redbean X3)
Stormwave (lol very manly sounding)

Unheard Silence

Eep this thread is up! :D
I'll have to think on the names... I'm really bad at coming up with names like that.


\o/ WHooooooooooooo ponyville!!!

Ryuu will be back when she can think up some names. >;3


Lavender Blush
Fancy Pansy
Twinkle Blossom

Deep Fry
Mahi Mahi


Pinky Bell
Baby Blue
Blue Breath

Big Tuna
Island Wave


Baby Bloom
Morning Glory
Magenta Song

Ocean Breeze
Sea Splash
High Tide


Wave Warrior
Hot Crossed Buns

Blue Rose

Hee hee, I really like Flakes for the boy cuz it could mean fish flakes or pastry flakes. X3



And wasting no time in judging these, for the pink girl, I really felt CutieePiee's "Lavender Blush" fit her very well.

For the boy I had a much harder time deciding, particularly between three entries, but when it came down to it I had to go with toffeeca's "Big Tuna".

Congratulations, and thank you to everyone else who entered. For those that did not win, you will receive one Pony Coin for your participation, which, when you have enough, may be turned in for certain levels of customs!

Now all I require to cert Lavender Blush and Big Tuna is 1-3 one-two word talents for your new ponies!

More events will be up soon! =D


YLO is forgetful.. I need to stalk better xD

Congrats guys  :D



Yay! Thank you! I'm so very excited to have my first pony. :D

And Lavender Blush's talents are... Cuddling, Art, and Dancing. ^^



lol! Big Tuna! XD Hilarious!

Congrats guys!


Yay! Thank you Soli! Big Tuna's talents are fishing, sailing, and stoic

Unheard Silence

Congrats everybody! :D I can't wait for new events to be up. Maybe i can be a little less procrastinaty on the next one. <3

But Soli... I didn't technically participate. I only said I would, but never got around to it. :b


Ah, thank you for your honesty, I was going through all the users, and must have mistaken jojo's blue and pink text coloring for yours XD will get that fixed up :3

I'm almost caught up on my growings at AAA which will free up a lot more time @A@ (only 5 to go at 2/day!)

Unheard Silence