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Sunchaser Information

Started by Sunchaser, January 13, 2011, 04:13:56 PM

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Okay so i figured id give you all a heads up of what is to come.

As most of you know Im married and my husband is in the Navy. Well come the end of March he goes out of his first deployment. I am freaking out because it will be the first time since he came to florida that we have been seperated for more then a month. Im also freaking out cause i will get even less time cause he leaves for another three weeks come the 19th. When he is gone im probally going to be doing all the customs and what not i have done as well as doing my salt water fish mimics for the Little Chimaeras.

Im going to need Secundi a lot because this is where my friends are. i have very few RL friends and even though my family is here i cant always talk to them. Im probally going to be here but might not be as active as ive been because i will be in depression. Ill probally be in depression for the first month or two of his delployment till i can get myself out of it. I will get better cause of the fact that i adapt and i like being on my own as well. I love my husband duh lol so im not saying that just that i usually am fine by myself.

So if you see me around come april i wouldnt mind encouraging pms or kind words cause i will definantly need them. *snugs all* if you read all this thank you and sorry to have bored ya ^-^


*snugs* You know I'm only an IM away, love <3

I'll always be here for ya.


You can always come if u need anything hun <3 :)


*hugs Sunny* I can imagine that will be difficult for you. I still need a Sunny on MSN so I can chat with you when you need to! <3 PM me?


*snuggles Sunny* We will all be here for you, hun. Don't hesitate to come here if you need some support. *luffs*


two nights and now the tears start... crap


Aw Sunny, it's ok. Crying is perfectly normal and we all know how hard this is for you. We are all here for you are we luffs you. *hug hugs*


Just update on Sun

I have appointments for eye doctor on monday with blood work then on the 16th i have appointment for a petscan... yay.. getting hubby that day off if all goes well. HIs command has already said to tell them when i get my petscan cause im a cancer survivor so that he can be there. Then i plan on making a appointment sometime either before march or after that involves going to a fertility clinic and figuring out if me and hubby can have a baby because of a diesease i have that i totally forgot about as well as from the chemo. So *crosses fingers* and sorry im so talkative im awake for once lol

Above is copied from a sphinx thread that i had posted. hence the last sentance in there :-p

Hubby is doing okay got a email from him day before yesterday, and i of course miss him so much but i know he needs to do what he is doiong. *snugs all* Please keep us in your thoughts.


I can't even imagine what this is all like for you. I hope everything goes well for you!

I'm completely off this semester (and probably next) so I do almost nothing but eat, sleep, hang out with my boyfriend, and I'm attached to my mac when he's not home. Therefore, I'll usually be around if you wanna chat :]


Thank you drift ^_^

i just got a email from hubby. seems ill probally be able to expect one every other day. this email was basicly how he is going back to sleep cause he has night shift today but that he misses me and has no idea wh we got 800 dollars in our bank lol.

Thanks for the support i really appreciate it.