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Gorgeous Feli Kittens For Trade! CLOSED

Started by red_uni387, January 14, 2011, 05:54:00 PM

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Holy smokes, I got a drop dead amazing litter @_@ If I could I'd keep them all, seriously! Unfortunately I can't, so some need new homes :(

Looking for mainly other Feli, but feel free to offer other stuff ^^

Kitty 1: going to Ryuu (Name: Creamer)

Kitty 2: keeping (Name: Raspberry)

Kitty 3: going to Kadana (Name: Karlesha)

Kitty 4: going to Neo (Name: ???)


I only got one kitten, so I don't have any kittens to offer, but I can offer pecora anything, or trade kennel dogs, PU, or possibly something else if there is something that interests you? I really like 233 and 235.


Dawwww your little pink/yellow/white boy is so cute!
So loving on your litter!
Take a peek in my thread and post there if you might want to trade.



0_____0 I fell in love with 233 the moment I saw him! I thought for sure you would keep him. I must offer!

Does this kitten interest you?

I would add a Okibi Normal Breeding Foxfire or a basic custom (PI S-genes only) if it would sweeten the deal. :3


toff - I don't really see anything I'm interested in, sorry Dx

Neo - posted on your thread <3 if he didn't have the exact same colors as his mommy I would so be keeping him

Ryuu - Right now I'm sorta stuck between him and #235, so that's why he's up for offers. Your kitty is very cute, and I'm definately interested :) Though if Rav accepts my offer I'll be keeping him ^^'


<.< I can part with this kitten if you like her better than the brown tabby boy:

And I will make it a basic Okibi custom with a breeding Foxfire, rather than either/or. If I can get you to say yes. :3


Aww! Kitties 1 and 4 are very cute!

I dont have any feli yet so no hopes of babies to offer but if anything in my thread where I was trading for PI Reindeer catches your eye, please let me know!


I loove your kittens , esp the first one !!
- does any of mine kittens catch ur eye? :)


I love kitty #4! Will be back if I find something to offer. ^^


*trying to hoard naturals* Me wants kitty 3!
I do not have anymore awesome kittens to trade, but I could offer anything from my adoptable lines (Luminaria, Jaeman Prophecy and Panda Shrimps). Panda Shrimps could include unique markings.


sorry to keep you guys waiting, i'm waiting for neo and rav Dx


It's okay, it's not like there's a looming time limit on trading. ^_^ We can be patient lol

Keilin Alyr

Sorry this is a little late, but I think I could part with Pisces for one of those gorgeous little kittens. Would you trade 233 or 236, if they're still available for trade?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Quote from: red_uni387 on January 15, 2011, 01:50:04 PM
sorry to keep you guys waiting, i'm waiting for neo and rav Dx

I've decided to keep my little tan bicolor girl since Goddesss traded me for my black kitten. Sorry :(


Since Rav's trade is no longer available, would you be interested in my offer of one of my kittens and the Okibi offer for 233? :3


I was planning on waiting for Neo as well, but no sense in keeping you waiting any longer. Just post a name for 233 and he's yours, Ryuu <3


Keilin Alyr

Out of curiosity, any interest in Pisces for 236? Wasn't sure if you had missed my post. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


sorry pink, none of your kittens really stood out to me Dx

Keilin, I am interested, but I offered him to Neo first and am waiting for her reponse ^^


I'm waiting on a response from Pink, so I'm sorry. If you like another offer better, feel free to accept it :( I love your kitty, but I don't want you to miss out on something else while I wait.
If you want to wait, that's fine. if not, I'll just stalk for kittens!


Squeeee yay yay yay yay!!

Ahhh what will I name him!? *runs around thinking, flailing her arms* Umm ummmmmm... he reminds me of coffee and cream! I'll name him... Creamer!

Were you interested in 261 or 262 as trade? ^_^


I'm gonna wait, cause I'm trying to keep poses even in my little group x_x

aww cute name Ryuu :) and he's a gift, so you can trade the male to cutie for her kitten ^^
edit: aww nevermind, she traded to PM...but now you get to keep him?


0____0 *gasps* You can't do that!! He's soooooo cute!! Ahh! I owe you forever! *big hug*

<.< ......... *drops a Foxfire in your inventory and skitters away*


lol I know he's gonna have a good home with you :)
>:| meanie.


 i actually quite like kitten 4 , any of my kittens left interest u? :)



Name: Banana Split

:) I feel like your kittens were just so cute everyone could eat them. And named them after... foods XD
Yep. Your kitties reminded me of food. Eeeee. So cute! Thanks!

Keilin Alyr

They actually reminded me of neapolitan ice cream, they all have some combination of strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate on them. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I know, right? I thought they all looked like yummy ice creams.

The first one was a banana vanilla and chocolate syrup, the second strawberry icecream with chocolate, the third chocolate vanilla, the fourth banana, vanilla, and strawberry.
MMmmmmm. XD


hehe they reminded me of food too XD hence the name for the kitten I'm keeping :)

names have been posted in the breeding thread. can't wait to see them all grown up!!