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Oh wow, really? What have they done to Applejack?!?

Started by Kahlira, December 24, 2010, 06:30:32 AM

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Seriously. Ok, so yesterday I was in Wal-Mart, doing some almost last minute shopping. Was browsing through the toys, when I saw "My Little Pony" no way in erm... yeah no way these are MLP! And the've ruined AppleJack! I stopped and stared at it for a full five minutes before I picked em up to look at them. So not cool. I know everything has gone Chibi lately. But this... Uh.. Yeah. Might have just been my sleep deprived mind (Haven't had a good night sleep in two weeks) BUT! There is a Winged Unicorn now Ya! (Though she looks wayy annorexic) And spike.. The cute little fiercest dragon in the world?

Why oh why D=

Pic so a can see what they've done.


I think MLP is completely ruined honestly. I liked the first G3s that came out and the little Ponyvilles, but then they changed everything and it got ruined for me. I used to customize them, but I don't feel like doing that nowadays. It was a lot fun, I still enjoy it, but only with old MLPs. These bases are just.. ugh.

A better picture to show this new.. thing


I admit they are 'cute', but they aren't MLPs. I mean, seriously. MLP were adorable. The new design is just.... not right for them. I can't describe how sad that makes me. I just bought a coloring book this year at easter (or was it last year? it may have been last year...) with MLP. They weren't all 'cutesy big big eyes chibi'.


Okay I've been collecting Ponies from the 80's til today and I have over 200 of them, so I think I get to have an opinion. XD (I'm bringing out my mlp credentials here lol!)

I have to say I don't like the particular designs of the new Ponies, but I DO like them. Because before they put out these new Ponies, Hasbro did a completely stupid move and decided to only have 6 different Ponies and to keep putting them out in different sets. The "core 6" as they called them. And I don't know who is in Hasbro's marketing department, but what are they smoking!? NO mother is going to buy their kid SIX different Pinkie Pie's just because one comes with a little hat and another comes with a dress! So for the past two years I haven't bought a single Pony... I don't need 10 copies of Scootaloo, Hasbro...

So I was overjoyed to see these new Ponies, even though their faces are kinda... cringe-worthy. But you know what else? THEY'RE ALL BASED ON A CARTOON! I about died for joy when I saw this!!

We haven't had a good My Little Pony cartoon since the 80's. I longed for the days when the Ponies fought the evil of Tirak with his Rainbow of Darkness, or a tide of zombie Ponies whose souls had been stolen by a shadow-stealer. The 80's cartoon ROCKED. And what do we get today? Episodes like "Pinkie Pie is planning a birthday party" or "Wysteria has to decorate a spring parade float all by herself" or "the pegasus ponies are too shy to come meet the other MLP's." Totally lame!

And now my dreams have been answered! This new cartoon is AWESOME. It's done by the people who did Fosters' Home For Imaginary Friends. These Ponies fight evil! They actually do exciting things! They even brought back some G1's like Applejack! THERE IS EVEN AN EVIL PONY AS THE MAIN VILLAIN!

So yes, Ryuu doesn't particularly like the new design, but I LOVE that they exist and I love the new cartoon! (You can see eps on Youtube!)


That is mostly my problem, I dislike the way they look. I agree with you though about the multiple characters and cartoon, but I was only commenting on the new bases. I really dislike them. They look like they supersized the Ponyville, well the old Ponyville. The new Ponyville bases suck too xD


The plastic hair is very sad for customizers, but at least they will probably be in better condition 20 years from now lol. And they have a certain charm, those little piggy faces! (kinda...?)

I do have a few problems with the cartoon, namely they turned Rainbow Dash into a pegasus (Whaaaat?) and they have a character clearly based on G1 Sparkler (my first G1!) and they gave her the G3 name Rarity.... :P


Im also a long time collector. For me personally, these just do not have the charm. I did Start to collect the G3's when they first came out but they churned out so many, i just gave up! Now I collect the special ones (Fair/convention and some MO ones) But mainly I just stick to the old ones, much to the disappintment of my bank, lol, since I collect mainly foreigns and Princess Variants :)

Ryuu, I would adore to see some of your collection :) (and anyone else who has one!)


<.< Well, since you asked...... *coughs*

These pictures are ages old, like from 2008 or earlier. So it's far from my whole collection. And also my camera and picture-taking talents sucked back then. :P

Baybreeze, rare MLP Fair pony
All my G3 babies
Random G3's
the four G3 Season Ponies that were only sold in Europe
all the G3 pegasi that existed at the time these were taken
Random USA holiday exclusives
The first three Rainbow Dashes that existed
the first three Super Long Hair G3's
The Birthday Jewel Ponies (I never got all 12 sadly)
The "glittery-butt-mark" G3 set
The "shiny-tropical-butt-mark" G3 set
Random G3's from sets I didn't fully collect
original "jewel-for-a-butt-mark" G3 set
G3 exclusives from playsets
the last of my G3's, more randoms from various sets I didn't collect all of
G1's Year 2 Earth Ponies
G1's Year 2 Unis and Peggys
G1 Rainbow Hair Ponies
G1 randoms: European Gypsy plus all the animal buddies from the playsets, and mail-order Spike you could only get from the Pony Points program back in the 80's
G1 Jewel-Eyed Ponies
G1 Flutter Ponies (first set)
G1 Teeny-Tiny Babies
G1 Butterfly Wing (set 1)
G1 Butterfly Wing (set 2)

The cream of my collection, my "Dash Stash" because Rainbow Dash is my favorite Pony of all time. ^.^ (Or "Gay Pony" as my roommates called her, because of her rainbows and her way of saying "Daaaarling!" on the G3 cartoons)

Aaaand last but not least, 14 pages of screenshots from the 80's and the G3 cartoons! (Before they put the new awesome one out)


Ryuu has no G2s? xD And no I don't wanna hear how everyone hates G2s xD I grew up right in between the G1/G2 switch, so I really adore both. Also you should totally make your flutters replacement wings, it's super easy! My Rosedust looks in mint condition now <3

*too lazy to take pictures* I has lots too! Also a whole large bunch of customs.


I have one G2, Clover-boy, because it amused me that they randomly made a boy pony without making a big deal of it, when the only other boys were the Big Brothers. He's MIP but I'm thinking of selling him to someone who will appreciate him more.

I like these new piggy cartoon version G3's more than I like the G2 design. >.>;;

Flutter wings will be the death of me lol. I've tried SO many different replacement ones but they all look dumb. And I don't want to pay $20 for the person on the MLP forums who makes them look just like the originals.

Ooo customs are cool. I have some nice ones, yeah! I have a G3 baby Rainbow Dash for my collection, and a beautiful baby G3 covered in clay to look like a baby dragon. She's so beautiful. They even used some kind of transluscent plastic for the wings. And my last one I love is a Big Brother painted white with a fabulous all-over-body symbol of a western dragon on one side and an eastern dragon on the other. Hmm, I think I may have pictures of him....

The only custom I ever did myself was put a Gusty head on a deflocked Truly body and put in a white mane and tail to look like a rearing unicorn. ^^


I think once I move out I might start customizing again :)
I really do enjoy it, but I don't even have room to start again XD

That boy is gorgeous! I should get pictures of all of mine someday, I have a few, but defenitely not all.


I gave in and bought one of the new piggy-Ponies. XD Are these technically G4's? Who knows! haha. I bought Rainbow Dash of course, for my Dash Stash. Once you get them out of the box, they have a certain charm! And she has regular MLP hair, not plastic molded hair, so at least some of the new ones will be customizable. Also I like how they did the peg wings, they're molded but popping up from the body so you can kinda flap them if you wiggle them and I don't think there's any chance of breaking.


Oh wow, a new cartoon, MUST WATCH *w* (the old 80s cartoon is what got my into MLP in the first place XD)

And I must say the new designs the love child of G3 MLPs and new age Littlest Pet Shop...


Indeed indeed they do. Which makes sense since Hasbro makes LPS too... lol.

I cried so much when I saw the 'G2' version of Littlest Pet Shop.... the ones from the 80's are HUNDREDS of times cuter than those...bobble head monsters I pretend don't exist. >_>


Ryuu, love didn't mean to step on your toes a bit there. *hugs* Though I must say your collection is very nice =D And your dragon one is to die for! (seriously)

Oh yeah, the bobbleheaded LPS. *cries* They used to be cool is what I tell my niece, I didn't own many (Pair of hamsters, a couple of kitties, and a parrot) though there were many I wanted. *grins* And they had little playsets which could fit in yor pocket (Like Polly Pocket, back in the day) Won't go into what I think about those either. >.>


No sweat Kahlira, thank you for letting differing opinions into your thread. ^___^ Though we've derailed it a bit. >.>;; Sorry about that. Maybe we should open a new thread to talk about nostalgia and 80's toys vs. newer ones today lol.

I don't understand how they can still call it Polly Pocket when she no longer fits in your pocket. *scratches head* I swear I've seen some around as big as a Barbie.


I like both LPS generations. I didn't like the new ones at first but I got some custom painted ones that were super cute. I am still not used to the new MLP though, there is just something that puts me off. They kinda have their charm, but they feel like supersized Ponyville to me. And if you are gonna do cute and little, then please just keep it little XD *pets her Ponyville cuties*


Oh gosh I just totally binged on the new MLP Magic is Friendship show, soooo cute!!, I'm in love! ^o^ (it really does remind one of Foster's home for imaginary friends for the art style XD)
I almost feel like a traitor but I can't help it 8D (the 80s cartoon is still the absolute best, it was far more epic, but this one isn't too bad :3)


*grins* I'm of the opinion that hey, just because I don't like it don't mean someone else does. I could totally change the title though, or someone could make a new thread XD Either way. As big as a Barbie? Don't think I've seen em quite that big yet.  I don't mind de-railment XD The way my mind works, one moment I'll be talking about one thing, then i'll pop off with something that was discussed days ago. LPS. Man. Ah well, such is life. The only thing that stays the same is that everything changes.