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[The Phish & More Shoppe] Pick Ups & Stock by PM

Started by Whimsy, March 08, 2011, 12:29:18 PM

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As you park you notice a large button like sign over the new local pet store, it's supposdly state of the art insides were to much for you to pass up.

When you walk inside you notice there is not other people around, not even an attendant at the cash register. However there is a large button at the counter and past it a conveyer belt that cirles around the store. Along each wall is a section, Each section contains a certian sort of animal along with all the things you need for that animal. You walk up to the counter..will you press the button?

As you press down on the button a menu comes down in front of you, it prompts you to pick your pet.

After you pick your pet a new menu is put up.

Out loud you say "what is this?" over the intercom a robot like voice starts "The picking menu, you pick option allows you to pick your pet, we pick option allows us to choose the correct pet for you"

You push your button and off you go down the belt, it stops you in front of the tanks where the animals are kept and out comes a small pet box folded and ready to go home. You scoot a little further down the line to the section where you name your pet.

A menu comes down and asks you insert the pets name & the owners name. An example pops up to show you where the information will be located

Pets name is located in the first row, this is where you will see your pets name.
Owners name is located in the second row, this is where you will see your name.
Gender is located in the third row, this is where you will see the gender of your pet.
Id is located in the fourth row, this is where you will see your pets ID number.
Lineage is located in the fifth row, is where you will see your pets parents.

What exactly is the you pick we pick menu?
If the menu picks for you, it selects a random pet of the type that you would like. You pick its name, owner & gender. If you pick what pet you want you pick from what the store has in stock for that week. You pick its name, owner & gender also.
*With the we pick option it will not be a pet seen in the current store stock!

What about custom pets?
These will come once a month, I run them myself instead of the menu ^-^

What in the heck is the menu?
The menu is what runs the store for me mostly. You fill out your forum and I go through and put together certifcation.

Is the menu actually real?
Well not really, you fill out the forum and I do most of the work behind the scenes. Its just a fun way of putting things together ^-^



*Noted:If you have an old breeding tank from the orginal phish shoppe you may turn it (them) in for a free breeding slot to use whenever youd like. You will recieve a button like below with your name in your inventory. When its used it'll be removed.

Breeding here at the Phish & More shoppe is rather easy. You just leave your two pets with us, we breed them, and deliver to you the offspring.

You -may not- breed two different types of pets, sorry that just does not work and even though It's been tried It often ends up in someone eating someone O.o

You may only turn in breedings when slots are open OR when you have a free breeding slot to use.

Offspring are delivered within 72 hours of the breeding being entered.

Offspring grow into adults 7 days after they are delivered, you may trade them during this time.

Offspring have to be named within 5 days of growing, you may trade them as adults during this 5 day period.

If offspring are not named within this time (unless otherwise worked out) they are put in the stores stock for others to purchase.

Clutch sizes are
Fish-1 to 3
Snakes-1 to 2
Lizards-1 to 3
Birds-1 to 2

Currently Open
2 Slots

Breedings in Cue
PM-Done-1 Offspring Female
Kunaisa-2 offspring males

Breedings are always free.


Store Stock *need to make a button
Stock claiming Fee:Free

You may only claim one PM stock! (birds and snakes will come next)

Code:Lion Fish



Claiming Forms *need button

You Pick

Type & ID:

We Pick


Breeding Forms

Full Breed
Mother Link:
Father Link:
Mother Owner:
Father Owner:

Half Breed (we use our studs)
Mother Link:
Mother Owner:

Mother/Father Link:
Mother/Father Owner:
Permission For:

Old Pickups

Old Breedings (Please Pm me with names & owners you may leave them unnamed as long as you like, trade them whever you please)


I woudl love Snake:002
and Snake:001

Not too sure how to claim

what happened to the old Phish store, I bred two and then I didn't knwo what happened

ETA: Oooh if you need this post I will delete it
and now I see some claim forms


Tis fine pm your good ^-^

Here are your grown babies


Name: Muugi
Owner: PonyMama
Gender: Male
Type & ID: Snake 002

Name: Rivke
Owner: PonyMama
Gender: Female
Type & ID: Snake 001

I hope this is right, if there is a fee let me know or if I am so very very wrong

ETA: how many can I keep from the babies again? and how do I claim the ones I can keep?


Thankies PM ^-^ There is a fee, I wasnt -quite- done with the thread but its not big issue!

If you dont mind sending the fees they are 5k a piece.


You may keep as many as youd like and you just PM me the names, owners & genders.


fees sent, I didn't realize, I am sorry, I was looking for something big bold and red saying NOT OPEN YET, but there wasn't anything, and even read through to see, but seems I was a bit quick, but really wanted some snakeys
ok and PM the names for the old phish, I can do that


I am still missing a lot of old pick-ups and the certs you said would be fixed don't seem fixed yet..



You said they were all finished and you've been uploading new stuff, so I'm very confused why mine wouldn't be able to be uploaded. You said your new computer has no issues with secure sites anymore. I understand if they had to be colored it would take a while, but you told me quite a while ago that you finished coloring them, so it kinda upsets me that there is new shiny stuff but mine aren't there yet. But oh well.. I'll just keep waiting, can't do much else.


Edit:YLO I will not discuss this in the thread. They will be doon soon, some still need organized into folders & uploaded some need put on a cert and done the same.


Wasn't a discussion, I told you I would wait. I just said I was confused because you said they were completed already.


Type & ID:Lizard:001

Gender: female
Type & ID:Bird:001

We pick



Name: Robyn
Owner: CutieePiee
Gender: Female
Type & ID: Bird:003

Name: Beans
Owner: CutieePiee
Gender: Male
Type & ID: Lizard:002





Updated to here <3

I promise I'll pay more attenetion to these and you guys now! Had to take a little bit of a break from my art program before I got burn out!

Also little bit of news
-Birds are now on the rareity list, I fail at coloring them so they will mostly come simple or from lovely guest colorist. I know this sounds lazy but I hate putting them out there without feeling like they are a quality adoptable. So you will no longer be able to "you pick" them just get them when they are instock.


Name:Spot :-p
Type & ID: Lizard spotted

and now to get the info for my fishy breeding i want to do



Name: Fiesta
Owner: CutieePiee
Gender: Female
Type & ID: Lizard:Fire


Name: Flame
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Type & ID: Lizard fire


I figured they wouldnt last long ><

-O.o ohhhh saraxmarsh babies, I shall have fun,Ill get right to that sunny ^-^

-YLO Expect your lovlies to be finshed certed and in your folder tonight. I've got to sort a few more things on here and get some job apps then I'll get to them!!


Poo YLO cutiee claimed that lizard just before you..would you like to choose a differnt one?


lol thanks whimsy :) and YAY i have my first lizard though i dont see prices is that cause they be free or am i confusoled agian?


Naah I'll wait for the birdie/snake batch then.

And yay, that is good news! *stalks folder* XD