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*Testing the Waters* Trading sketch lines sets for Adopties :D

Started by Kage Davies, December 23, 2010, 09:56:02 PM

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Kage Davies

I think this is okay and in the right place. If not smack the newb (me) and I'll get it sorted.

I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in trading sets of sketch lines for adopties from their shop. I want to get more involved in Secundi, and I always feel embarassed about posting in events all of a sudden. But! I do not want your adopties for free, oh no. I offer in trade cleaned sketchlines (example below.) I will draw them to the style of your shop, and whatever you request. Please, try to keep it to three stages or less or I will die XD. I do not assume that my lines are better than the ones in your shop. But I know some people buy their lines from others, and then are limited in adding to their shop. Or have an awesome idea for a new shop but can't get the lines down for it. I also digitally line pencil sketches.

You have to shade your own. I passionately hate shading right now XD.

These are cleaned sketch lines, although I have also coloured them XD. They are not perfectly smooth, although they should be up to this standard. I will include the sketch for them, so you can prove they belong to you. You can use them for whatever you like, as long as you admit I drew them XD. I can provide further examples. Since there will be no money involved, I cannot possibly cheat you out of what you are due. Art will be exchanged when both parties confirm they are finished.

If you do not already have a shop, I might consider doing the lines first and accepting the trade after you've set up :D.

If you would be interested, post this for me;

Shop Name:
What you'd like:
What you'd trade:


Ooooo! This sounds very interesting! I don't think I've ever seen an artist offering this kind of trade before. I think you'll get a lot of offers! ^^

Shop Name: Okibi Caballi

link to website: (needs to be updated but has examples of all species and items)
link to photobucket: (password is showmetheokibi)

What you'd like: I'd actually be thrilled if I could get 2 cats for my new kitty shop (which will be coming to Secundi!) which has realistic kitties that can be bred and taken to cat shows. I have someone doing general short-hair, general long-haired, and bob-tailed. But maybe you could do a male and female Siamese? Example of short-haired male and female:

What you'd trade: I'd like to offer 2 full custom Okibi Caballi which include Unique Markings and Mutations, and a Breeding Foxfire and a Twin Foxfire so you will get 2 offspring. Also your choice of Items for your two Okibi to wear, if you'd like them. ^^

Comments?: I'm happy to help you start collect Secundi adoptables! It's fun and I hope you enjoy hoarding! ^.^

Kage Davies

HOMG yes. Siamese are my absolute favourites. I'll see what I can do :D.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Sorry, posted from wrong account earlier heh mm Ever done any equines?  I've been wanting to get more lines for the Storm Chasers, but not followed up on doing so as I haven't the usd to spend just now.  Here are examples of what I have now.  I'm not worried about the artists style being perfectly copied, but I am worried about realism.  As in, not chibi or cartoon type lines.  

These ones were done with the thought of the arab breed in mind.  If I get new lines to add, I will want to pick a different breed to base them off of.

This is an adopt that is run on both Secundi as well as Pony Island (when I can afford to renew my PI accounts).  And too, I want an artist who will give permission for me to use the work on other sites later on if for some reason I decide to branch out or so.

Not making any order requests atm, just testing the water so to speak.  As I said, not got the usd to pay for what I want, so.. but saw yer thread and figured I;d see if you could do this type/would be interested.  If your interested, we can discuss trade.  I'd be happy to trade some Storm Chasers for new lines.  
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

Kage Davies

Interesting proposition. I've tried draft horses before (My favourites XD) but it was a long time ago. I can try whipping up an adult example sketch, if you tell me what breed you'd like, and you can decide if you'd like a refined set. My style tends to simplify shapes, and this can be a problem when it comes to horses and deer.

I'm happy for users to take these lines on to any sites they like, as long as I'm creditted as their drawer, so to speak.


I think I want my next lines based/referenced from one of these..


I'm not sure what you mean by simplified shapes, but I'd love to see an example sketch if you feel like drawing one up.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

Kage Davies

I mean that my lines seem (to me) quite simplified compared to a realistic line XD.

I'll see what I can do ;).