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help with my novel?

Started by Ryuukokoro, September 23, 2010, 07:33:28 AM

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Hi y'all! Ryuu needs inspiration!

Last night I had an idea for a new childrens novel. Not like I don't have seven novels in the works as is, but hey, we can't control our muses! I think I'll be working on this for NaNo.

So anyway, the basic plot so far is about a boy who gets pulled into a fantasy world that turns out to be created from the internet (yeah, I know similar things have been done before, that's okay). Tentative title is Digital Magic.

What I need from you guys is computer/internet terms I can convert into concepts for the world in this story. Some obvious examples I've come up with:

Virus - the name for the main antagonist
Trojan - name for a general in the antagonist's army
Firewall - some sort of obstacle to over come
Password - self explanatory, used to get past a blocked way

So please feel free to shoot out anything that comes to mind in this thread! The more random the better. It'll help get the creative juices flowing. ^^

Thanks in advance for your help!


Lol, I can't even properly explain half the terms I thought of, but hopefully the way the words sound inspire some ideas for you XD

Internet terms
Cloud: examples of cloud computing: saving your files on multiple servers out on the internet instead of your own computer; dividing up computational work among volunteer computer out on the internet to solve some problem (usually physics, chemistry, etc)
Cookie: ((cookie pun))
Spyware/Adware: Some badguy names?
Torrent: Peer to peer file sharing system. Could be a synonym for something like telepathy? Or maybe it's a form of transportation?
NAT (Network Address Translator): because IPv4 has its limitations, many computers often have to share one IP address. The computers grouped under the same IP address are grouped together by a NAT under the one global IP address. Within this mini-network, the computers have private IP addresses to distinguish themselves from one another. If things out on the internet want to interact with these computers, they have to go through the NAT first, then talk to the computers (they need to know both a global address and the private address).
... complicated, but maybe you could use it for names of towns or something? -nat could be a city name suffix or whatever. I dunno XD
IP address
Packet: A piece of data that's being sent from somewhere to another place
Meta tag: Information about a website, used in search engines

Computer terms
Encapsulation: A term that basically means to make a system look simple on the outside, even though it's actually complicated. An illustration is a radio -- there's a complex system on the inside of the box, but a user can interact with the complex system using a simple interface of dials, buttons, whatever on the outside.
Turing machine
Application: Maybe the hero can obtain applications/power-ups during his journey? lol I dunno
Automata/finite state machine: the study of abstract machines and the problems they can solve (super math related... I still don't get it even after taking the course)
Variable: something that can hold data. What it's holding can change.

What are general enemies going to be called?


Hacker - spy, infiltrator
ILUVU - designation for a top secret plan (remember the "I love you" virus?  or am I dating myself here?)


alt-F4 - makes cool things happen

noob - also nub, nublet, nubber, N00B


since this is geared for kids, I won't suggest using /b/.... or Wiki...

Google - lol

Esc - self explanatory

Router - could be some kind of cool method of connection from one thing to another mebby? <_<

Server - I'll leave that one up to you...

too bad I can't use Reboot stuff here XD Hexadecimal <3



Vista - goes hand in hand with Virus -_____- </3 Vista

Windows - lol



Blue Screen of DEATH



FireFox - Browser hero? XD


Those are all the ones off the top of my head, I may add more later ^_^


love how we all posted just about the same time, but all said different things XD


Safari - Firefox's Mac sidekick

Keilin Alyr

Heh... personally I'd make Firefox the deceptive villain behind the scenes who only looks like the hero. I've never had so many aggravating and disruptive problems with a single browser. Of course, if you're hoping to get this published, you can't use specific browser names, but it's fun to use 'em as a starting point.

But once I get through my general lousy mood, I might start throwing some universal computing and cyberpunk-style terms around, probably lifted from the various Shadowrun manuals I have lying around. I really should be working on my technomancer.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



*giggles* Thank you all! There's so many opportunities with this, and all your suggestions are much amusing. X3

I do want a fox character in the book, I wasn't even thinking of Firefox but that will be the perfect tie-in! Haha!


This sounds like an awesome idea! 

Here a few:

Bit/Byte - general computing XD
Binary Code
Operating System

When I think of more I will type more.  XD

You should let us read when you get done. :D