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The Untamed- Starting up

Started by Mutt, August 03, 2011, 04:53:39 PM

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Next person to post on our thread will get our new custom item the Newspaper!

So what does it do? Well you can smack Mutt (pictured below) with it for a colors only custom, you specify a few colors and select a species, gender and name and Mutt will color it for you. But you wouldn't really smack Mutt with a newspaper right? .... right?


Also SkySong has won the male Wolverine from the suggest a species raffle, please post name and owner :)



You got the Newspaper luv007, you may smack me with it whenever you like XD


Wonderful.  Where can one see the different lines for all the breeds?


On the website under 'species' although the male wolf was just revamped a little and Wolverines are on the bottom of the first page of this thread.

EDIT: slightly altered male wolf

EDIT again:



Name: Caracajou Owner: SkySong for the wolverine. :)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Aww yay! Thank you for the lovely girl! I would like to name her Russet


Pickup for SkySong:

Okami will cert yours once she's online Ryuu.

There probably won't be an event from me today I have a new species to work on and provided it doesn't rain again today I intend to take a long walk with my dog, a few minuets before we were to leave yesterday it suddenly started pelting down xD and continued to rain on and off all afternoon.

Okami's suggest an event raffle (located at the bottom of page 2) is still ongoing and currently has no entries though.


Took my phone forever to load. XD
Events: Pick a door? Raffle? Bingo?(pick a spot on the 'card' and win something or nothing under it)



Still looking for raffle entries from Okami post at the bottom of page 2, going to run a quick quiz for today whilst we wait.

Alright so *struggles to think of question*

Sorry for the not wild animal related question but... it is animal related XD

(This girl was colored way back long before The Untamed made its way to Secundi)

Quick quiz,
What is my dog's name?
hint: the answer can be found on Secundi but not in this thread. Otherwise there is a hint in my display picture. Or on my deviantart but I'm not called Mutt there XD


Edit: Can i change my answer to Scamp? *decided id actually look instesd of guess. XD*


Lol nope, she's a girl by the way and doesn't have a particularly common name.

Scamp is the name of my mothers dog so good guess XD but you can guess again if you like.


Is it Violet? (ive seen like, 4 dog names in my search. XD)


That's correct her name is Violet. Please post name and owner for your new girl.


Yeay, thank you so much! <3
Name: Christine



Probably won't be anymore events today as we're still waiting for raffle entries and Okami is busy tonight anyway.


Alright I'm going to run a franken or a couple of frankens today because they're my favorite kind of event and it's my birthday XD ... and I'm currently home on my own XD

Alright Wolverines are allowed in franken now however if wolverine is chosen canine colors/markings will not be allowed they must be colors or markings you might find on Mustelids (we're not too strict though just nothing crazy that makes it look like a well... sparklewolverine XD )

Otherwise same rules apply as last time so for now you may answer once per franken unless I post saying you may answer a second time.

What species is our franken? (wolf, fox, fennec fox or wolverine)


Happy birthday!! :)

Fennec Fox. <3


Thanks Wildfilly :3 *gives you some cake* XD

What gender is our Fennec Fox?


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Whoo cake! XD we need more people so we can continue this franken. Lol


Yes, yes we do XD

Okay so what is her base coat color?



Sorry, guys. DX I'm going to bed, and can't finish the franken with you. :(
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Wildfilly you can only give an answer once per round, so we'll have to wait for someone else to join in.

Night SkySong :)



Blue?  Like the natural color blue-ish grey?


Yep blue is fine (and one of my favorite dog colors XD )

Does she have any markings?



lol I should specify you need to post a marking too XD Sorry about that you may edit it in XD


Ohh XD

Hrm.. Merle? (I've heard of blue merles)


Okay we have a female blue merle Fennec fox,

Does she have white and/or tan markings (Irish marked/Mantle, parti-color ect)?


Not sure what it's called, but the classic husky pattern? I'm no good at explaining things, so here's a pic.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I'm not sure what its called either, it looks a lot like urajiro but on second thought it looks more like the usual tan markings affected by the chinchilla gene.

I'm going to ask just one more question for this one,

What color are her eyes? (the lineart shows both eyes so she can be bi-eyed)



And finished,

*consults with*
I failed to notice SkySong answered two questions so left one of them out on the list randomizer.

And says luv007 wins this girl, please post name and owner.

*pesters Okami into doing an event*


Opps, sorry. I thought it was something where you could answer every other question or something. ^_^" Sorry.

Congrats, luv!
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


*jaw drops* Shes stunning!!! Major congrats, Luv. <3


Ooohh!!!  She's a beauty!!

Name:  Shadow
Owner: Luv007



Working on getting breeding up and running so things might be slow in this thread for a little while.


Quote from: Okami on August 05, 2011, 11:39:23 PM
Also, does anyone have some event suggestions? I'm going to be hosting some giveaways, but cannot think of events!

And as a reward for giving me ideas, one person will be selected via and will win this pretty girl:

Calling out for more suggestions so we can run the raffle.

Sorry there's been no events for awhile a few weeks back something happened that has had a pretty major impact on my life and not in a good way.

I'm hoping maybe running an event or two whilst working on lineart for the pups might cheer me up a little. That gives me an idea for an event.

Leave 'em laughing
Everyone loves to laugh XD So that's that's what this event will be about, you can post images, jokes even link me to youtube videos, just keep it to one entry per person.
Endtime will be Sep 04 00:00:00 Secundi time so that gives you a couple of hours to enter.
Prize is our semi custom item The Newspaper, details about it can be seen at the top of page 3.

If we get lots of outstanding entries more newspapers may be given away.


Aww, sorry something bad happened. :(

For events...
Pick a Door, franken, possibly an auction.... I'm not that creative when it comes to events. You could try doing something like the bingo cards that red did with the Cavallino, but I'm not sure if she'd get mad at you for using the idea.

And for the Leave 'em laughing.... I have no clue why, but I found this vid hilarious.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Sorry about the wait Dad came home yesterday and wanted to take me out to buy furniture and after that I took Violet for a walk and the day was over XD

I'm going to give the Newspaper to SkySong, my cats love to play with boxes too but they're not quite as... energetic as that cat is XD


Yay! Can I smack hand you the newspaper now?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Yep you can use newspapers anytime you like.


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Posting it in the thread is fine I'm less likely to forget about it if its on the thread.