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Have to say it

Started by PonyMama, August 21, 2010, 12:19:44 PM

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Ok so we are preparing for a trip at the end of September.
For the first time in my life and both my kids we are going out of country.

Ok not far out but it is exciting none the less.  We are going to Disneyland.  The oldest kid still doesn't know, but since her gramma paid for it we will let her tell her.

So this is a fully paid trip, we had our passports, flight, passes and hotel paid for by hubby's parents, we just have to pay for food and anythign we wanna buy.  I am very excited.

But we picked up some american tender and I have to say it
To much green, I like my Canadian money color.


hahaha most of our money is much more rainbow-y now than it was in the past. It used to be all green. Now the $20's have that yellow color in the middle. And the $5's now are 0_o

Edit: There was a lot of jokes here about "monopoly money" when these new designs came out lol. Took people a while to get used to money that wasn't green.


Yes but your pink/yellow/white $5 bill still looks slightly green, compared to my Blue $5 bill
Mind you my $20 bill is green, but different green


Yeah I think the ink is still green, it's just the paper we use now is colored. Probably to make counterfitting more difficult.


I know I was looking at your $5 and it looks fake, mind you I have a pretty crisp looking bill so it hasn't been used much

Still have to go pick up about $250 more of your money for the kids so they can each buy some things (stealing it from money the oldest has daved from her great grandparents becasue we are broke)


HEhee Congrats on getting to go to Disneyland! x3 

i hear a LOT from Canadian friends that they don't like our green money. xD;; 

Gads, ya'll have a BLAST! x3


I have NEVER left canada.
Actually I have never left BC, so this is a big thing

Although I know I don't travel well so my hubby has said he will nto allow me on the plain without tylenol in me so I can sleep


Ugh, be prepared for trouble though, and get your passports way ahead of time. I have heard some REALLY horrible horror stories about people trying to cross from Canada to America and having a really hard time at our borders.... -_- I don't even want to repeat them.


yeah well I don't expect many things to go right, I am travelling with a guy who doesn't like to talk or think
an 8 year old who thinks she is the Sh**
and a baby

I expect chaos and me being so stressed


i used to take Dramamine to pass out on flights. x__X;  But then my body just learned to pass out whenever i travel, which is both good and bad.  More bad now since now i'm travelling with a baby, but. . . lol

i've never done Canada/US customs, so i can't say, but i didn't have any trouble with Japan/USA. . . i hope it goes better for you.  : /  Filling out those forms on the flight are a HASSLE, though, and inevitably people were SUPER LOAD whilst they were explaining, so we were never certain if we had done it correctly. . .


we are going to document any electronics we bring into the country that way they can't say much about that, we have our passports, and ticket info
The biggest issue will be the stroller.   We are allowed to bring it on the flight, they store it at the front of the plain, but I am sure somewhere that is goign to cause an issue

we knwo what we can take for luggage and how much it shouls weigh
we knwo what can be taken on for carry on, adn what shoudl never be taken on flight (like nail clippers)

So as long as all that is followed we shoudl have no issue, says my MIL who is also a travel agent


My family had no trouble crossing into or out of Canada when we drove the ALCAN highway to Alaska and back, but that was before 9/11.  Things may very well have changed since then (and probably have) so I wish you luck.


as I have been told, it is a tad easier when youa re a family instead if single person, but you have more stuff.  I still have to be at airport 2 hours early, knowing me though I will go 3 hours to be safe


*nod* You should be good then, just give yourself plenty of time! Since you're traveling with two little kids, like you said, that should be easier.

I didn't have any trouble crossing from US to Japan and back either, but all the horror stories I've heard are from Canadians crossing into the US, for some reason. Which is pretty silly when you think about it! :P


Oh I hope you guys have a great time.  I havent been to disneyland since I was 6 and i live only 4 hours from there.

Strollers and planes are so easy.  You take the stroller up to the gate with you.  You can even leave the baby in it till you get right to the door.  Fold it up an leave it there.  The will store it and when you get off the plane it will be right there at the door for you.


We've never had a hard time at the border whether it's for shopping trips or we're heading to the airport. But... that's at our not-too-busy border. :P

DisneyLand is so much fun! :D Just, hope that, if you enjoy screaming... that you don't end up sitting behind some grouchy old lady. I did, and I was on the scariest ride ever... this lady turned around and started yelling at me. :/ The lady pretty much told me I ruined the ride for everyone, when it was her who ruined it for me. :/ Anyways, be sure to check out Splash Mountain, it's the best. :)

I'm sure you guys will have loads of fun! :D


*pat pat* Don't let people like that get to you, Math! They're nuts. I used to work at an amusement park and you wouldn't believe how much they bring out the worst in some people, for some reason... :P


No worries
I don't go on rides, I am the purse holder and money spender type

Although hubby told me I have no choice I am going on splash mountain wether I like it or not


PM - I did the whole US to Canada and back thing this year and it's not as bad as people try to make it out. Now granted I did drive and not fly, but I was in a car with three guys, one of whom doesn't have a US passport, and we had three bags full of lightsabers (we were going to a convention) and didn't even have to get out of our car or anything. I think you'll be more then fine XD

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.