
SMF - Just Installed!

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Started by Ryuukokoro, August 12, 2010, 03:31:49 PM

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WHOO HOO! I've been back in Maine for two and a half months now and FINALLY I got a job!! *fists in the air* I've been looking forever!

It's a cool data-entry position, putting info into computers for a big supermarket chain. $11 an hour, full time 40 hours a week! I'm so psyched! ^___^ This is particularly good since my bank account is pretty empty and all my bills are all due at the beginning of the month la la la.

I start Monday! Whee! Although this means a lot less Secundi time, unfortunately. But that's the way of life! Whoo! Work! Work work work. So happy!


Yay Ryuu! Congratulations! :D The job sounds pretty nice too, not too stressful and you get a lot of hours :3



Yay jobness! I too am on the hunt for a job, so I know how hard it is lol! Congrats!

Reality is only for those who lack imagination.




Congrats Ryuu!! and there's still weekends to relax and play secundi :D


Randomly I must trumpet my joy to all my friends: Today was my first payday in four months!! MONEY! ^_____^ *does a dance*


I bet you don't have much left too. Hah I know my first check after missing work for a month was completely gone before I even got it.

Keilin Alyr

Congrats! I remember how excited I was to get my first paycheck in a long time. =)

Buy yourself something nice with a bit of that money, and remember to set aside money for recreation purposes. You don't want to burn yourself out working just for the sake of working.

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD