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{Quinsta} Wanted... Found :)

Started by Lectral, August 16, 2010, 03:40:52 PM

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I am looking for one or two arab foals to add to my little herd.  I would prefer fillies, and solid colors, but I will look at both genders, and I will also consider splash or sabino patterns.

I don't have much I can offer, though I will consider trading my current foal, below, for one.  I will also consider offering a pair of Cattery tags for one.

Quote96. Lectral  26 x 4 - 336. Arabian M Bay, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
- Traded to springacres

Cattery tags - traded to YourLoveOnly

For trades like this, "tag" is just a word for semi-custom - if I accept an offer, I will make the tags as soon as the winner gives me info on what they want.

Also, I will only accept "one foal for cattery tags" trade.  If someone wants my little colt, that will be the only way I make two trades.  If I get more than one offer for the tag trade, I will make my decsion by sometime in the evening on the 18th.


I have a nice little brown filly her breeding number is 103 I would take the set of cattery tags if there are going to be open slots for them soon


I will think about that for a little bit :)

For trades like this, "tag" is just a word for semi-custom - if I accept an offer, I will make the tags as soon as the winner gives me info on what they want.  I will add this to the first post, cause I forgot, not everyone has been here long enough to remember details like that XD


I do have Arab foals, but they are not solid. But I would like Cattery cats, so I shall try just in case.

105. YourLoveOnly 29 x 133 - 345. Arabian F Mouse Dun, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Stripe (Slow and lazy)

107. YourLoveOnly 78 x 44 - 347. Arabian M Grey Frame Overo, front right Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Star (Slow and stubborn)

Willing to trade one of them.


I have this girl for trade:
2. springacres 198 x 126 - 243. Arabian F Flaxen Chestnut, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)

ETA: Would prefer to trade for your Arab boy, but will also take Cattery tags.


I have a female bay, would love to trade for cattery tags :)

73. red_uni387 160 x 85 - 313. Arabian F Bay, front right Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)


I don't know if dun is considered a solid color but I would like to give it a go anyways. :)

Quote67. toffeeca 198 x 84 - 307. Arabian F Mouse Dun, front right Coronet, front left Sock (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

I would be interested in cattery cats. :)


For this, dun is solid, as are cream, and silver.  Overo, frame and tobiano are the ones I am trying to avoid, though, I know, the way the genes work with Quinsta and the Stable, technically sabino and splash are both overo

@springacres - I am very, very interested in trading my colt for your filly... I don't have a flaxen chestnut yet, and she sounds like she will be pretty, and a decent personality too


Quote61. SeaCrest 159 x 189 - 301. Arabian M Black, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Slow and stubborn)

It's a colt, but I figure I might as well see ^_^


The only Arab foal I have is this one
11. PonyMama 162 x 132 - 252. Arabian M Bay, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Snip (Calm and steady)


I have one to trade.  I would like the tags, I already have 2 foals I am keeping.

44. Goddesss 162 x 155 - 284. Arabian F Brown, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)


Lectral, I am not online tomorrow, so if you decide to accept my offer could you maybe let me know before 18:00 ?


52. Pinkshadow * x 138 - 292. Arabian F Bay Splash Overo, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

If your interested :)


Hmm, I have accepted springacres colt-for-filly trade

For the Cattery tags trade, I know I am a little earlier than I planned, but I have looked through the parents of the offered foals, to get a better idea of what they might look like, and I have already made my decision.  This way no one is waiting forever, and missing out on other possible trades XD

I would like to accept YourLoveOnly's offer for the dun filly.  I think she will balance out some of my crazy arab-ness.  Please post or PM me with the form filled out for each cat.  No mimics or excessively detailed forms please, as these are semi-custom, and open to my interpretation

Coat: (color and pattern, if desired)
Eye color:
Markings: (limit to "socks", "bib", etc)


Great! I will throw some forms your way once I am home =)