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The Fortune Keepers | Guest colorist wanted

Started by Whimsy, October 14, 2010, 06:54:08 PM

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Guest Colorist Auditions


Im looking for 5 guest colorist, to do 5 fortune keepers each. This is for a free halloween giveaway, so all the keepers colored will be halloween themed.

Anyone may audtion, the PSD works with just about all programs (aside from mspaint)

I will pick out colorist as I see ones I like.

If you are picked as guest colorist, you may color 2 fortune keepers for yourself ^^

If you are not picked, everyone that colored one will be put into a draw, 3 people will get to keep the keepers they colored :D


The lines

The Guest Colorist
-None Choosen


I will be trying out it just might be till tommorow or Sunday that i can do it ^_^


Ack I'd love to do this :3 I guess all I have for comp colouring examples at the moment is wickerflits?

But I'm capable of other styles too me thinks. :3


Spiderfly your style rock hind end, is there anyway you can color the lines i set up though? Just so i can see how it looks on my fortune keepers?


Can you do somthing besides rapid share? When i try to download it says error. Or you can send the file to my email


Definitely! I can give a go at one today after school :3


Yeppers I can send it over sunchaser!

Spixy, sweetie, you are hired ^^


I'll give it a go after school. :) For now you can look at the Kaki Kouma examples, in Pickups. I'm especially proud of Tawfiki.
Bum bum bee dum...


I'm home now and coloured up an example. ^.^ Not too Hallowe'eny, but I added a quick spider web. XD

Bum bum bee dum...


Hi! I might think of doing one, could you perhaps send the lines to my email? The rapidshare isn't being picked up on my computer for some reason lately haha.


-dies- Silv you're amazing! I'm envious of that talent :o


Did you send the file? i only ask cause i might have delted the email by accident if you sent it <.<


I did lol but ill send it again sweetie,

Silv is for sure hired


I couldnt think of what i wanted to do so this is what i got when my brain is not awake and not working lol. I wanted him to seem like he was covered in ice and that fog was swirling around him.



Spiderfly is hired

Usedog & sunchaser, Id like to see something just a tid bit more halloweeny. If you guys give me something a little more themed your both hired as your great colorist ^^


Yay!! So I need to do 4 more Halloween themed? Or 5 on top of my audition one? ^^


Just five alltogether, and then two for yourself. Though they cannot be halloween themed, as there is a set limit and everyone including yourselves may join in the free raffle.



Yeppers, Ill be in and out, I'm trying to get some stuffs ready for some games & some customs finished off.


2 more peoples needed ^^ Sunchaser if you think you can wrangle in a little more halloweeny themed keepers your hired babe.


yeah ill go ahead and work on one. i had a lot of issues to deal with yesterday lol


Your fine sweetie, Just do the five and then 2 for yourself and your good ^^


do you have anything specific you want then? right now im doing a vampire and it has a cool look but that might not be the look your looking for lol


Anything that can be lumped in with a halloween is fine ^^


okay then how about i do

-Candy corn-Done
-Tombstone graveyard-Done

Then two for me. Doers that work? And can we do lineart edits? i ask cause of the witch and the spider lol



Um, so, did anything ever come of this?  Did you get the ones I sent you?