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And everyone thinks she'd be the best sister ever. :'( [Rant]

Started by Math, July 04, 2010, 07:02:24 PM

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Well, if any of you are reading my silly little rant, then I might aswell continue.

First off, everyone is always telling me how they wish they had my sister as their sister. But, I'll get on with it, my sister, despite being a year and a half younger than me, gets all the guys (I don't think she's had one crush who she hasn't gone out with) and all the guys just love her.

I don't really have a problem with her being a -insert word here-, as long as she doesn't go after my crush. But... guess who's giving her a call tomorrow? My crush. And I'm talking HUGE. She knows how much I like him... and she knows how sad it makes me. But yeah, she's been going on about it all day long. :/

And that is my rant. How my sister just has to go after the guy I like, and how all the guys like her... and none like me. I don't expect anyone to understand, but I just had to get that out. :( I wish guys would just grow up and not go after her "type", if you get what I mean. :/


Aww...I can't relate too well, since nobody I know well has actually gone out with a boy before (dorky friends :P), but I can relate somewhat since my seventh grade crush went out with a bunch of other girls (then again they didn't know, but he did for the last few months of school), and last year (eighth grade year) I have a friend who I -think- has a crush on my crush, and said crush is said to have a crush on this other girl. So yeah >_>

Cookies and milk?


Aww, I don't know quite how bad that feels but I know how it feels to be jealous of your siblings *hugs*


I had a friend in highschool i ditched for just this reason. It wasnt that I couldnt get boys to like me, but if I even so much as said "oh, he's kinda cute" she's sleep with them! I decided it was her life and didnt say anything. The first boy I was intimate with, she also slept with later. I finally cut her out of my life - not because of what she was doing to me, but what she was doing to my male friends. She was breaking hearts and thinking it was a game.

I know you dont have the option to cut your sister out. But to give you some hope, that same person is now married with 5 boys of her own, and she's turned into a good person. She found me through a friend on facebook, and now I have my friend back, without the bad.


I know somewhat how you feel. I have a sister (who is four years younger) and she is cute, has tons of friends, and I imagine she'll have a boyfriend by the time she's 14. I'm almost 16, and I've never had a boyfriend. I've had only a few serious crushes, but nothing ever happened with him.
She gets everything she wants, new shoes, new clothes, trips to the movies all the time, where as my parents don't give me anything at all. In fact, she'll get my things because she can. And my parents do nothing about it. I wouldn't take things from her, but if I did, I know I'd get a 'You should know better, Savannah' sort of talk. I've never had an allowance, so I can't buy the things that she gets that I don't.

I've never had an Ipod. She got one two years ago. From my parents. I believe I got... wait... I didn't 'get' anything. I had to share a wii. It is not mine, it is everyone's. I don't care if I wanted one. She gets iPod and wii.

Sorry for my mini rant.

I know what it's like having a sister who gets things you don't. I know what it's like to not get the guys you want. Trust me, I've never had a boyfriend, or a boy even look at me. And I'm a nice girl. I'm not ugly. I'm smart. I just don't draw attention to myself.

Someday, you'll get a guy that not even your sister can steal. And he'll love you, and not her. And you'll be happy for her when she gets a guy like that who loves her and not you. It'll work out.