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O.O Short wedding date notice

Started by Sunchaser, May 20, 2010, 07:34:01 PM

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okay so floof(marshall) just told me that he ends A school a week from monday. Now if he gets into C School which i kinda feel he will, we will be getting married between a school and c school. So basicly i could be married in 2 weeks o.o

so at moment im freaking out <.< can i get some words of encourgement or..somthing lol cause i know i wanna marry him i just was thinking july not june >.>


Hi! i planned my wedding in two weeks, too. xD;  Yay, Navy! xD;;;;;;

We had a fantastic ceremony, but it was also quite small, and i'm very flexible on a great many things.  But, then, flexibility is an important characteristic of a military spouse.

You will do fine, especially since, if memory serves me, you've been doing some planning anyway. ^^

If it helps, we got married between boot camp and A school, we moved up to his A school, then he was sent to C school, i moved back to Texas for the duration, then we found out at the very end of his C school that we would be moving to Japan in, essentially, three days. xD  It is all do-able and fun.  Feel free to poke me if you need any help or advice. <3

Kadana Sorano

*huggles* don worry sweety, it will still be OK.  As long as you have everything you need to be done, done.  It's only a month early, so shouldn't make a whole lot of difference I think.  And freaking out is OK, I think everyone that gets married probably freaks out a little bit, as the big day draws closer.  Having your plans change on you, can't help but add to that.
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yes we have had it 'planed' for a bit just we hadnt a date or put down payments on anything but the dress. we where figuring out on doing a small thing with a beach house and what we want to do is do everythign on the beach that way we dont have to pay as much and what not. and this is between A and C school so i dont know if i would be able to move with him or not >.> would be nice cause ive never been to cali. But its still up in the air. i just have a feeling even if he gets deployed we are getting married in two weeks

*snugs sera and kadana* thank you guys


oh how exciting.  You know you want to marry him, the date shouldnt make a difference.  Freaking out is so normal this is a huge thing.  *hugs*  You will have a great wedding you already have a plan.


Navy won't move you to/with him if he's going to be at that place for less than six months.  ^^ i think. xD  Just and fyi. <3  We paid to move me up to IL for his A school.

It sounds like you have things well in hand, especially since you did have flexibility planned in anyway! Good job!  ^^ 


he probally is so im not to worried about it ill just be happy that once married i can know if somthing happens. its why we where in a rush anyways isntead of waiting for him to get truly settled. cause if somthing happened gfs and fiances dont know squat but wives do.

and thank you guys it means a lot


Well, if the ombudsman is doing his/her job. . . ^.~

Some ombudsmen will add fiances to their contact lists even though they're not technically supposed to. =P  lol  i thought there was a movement to keep significant others in the loop anyway, but that might have just been an overseas thing. . .


lol i just know id rather be safe then sorry. *hangs head* dude im crying now <.< just thinking about it


*snugs* Deep breaths!  <333 

i know that whilst Trebias was in boot camp, my roommate wanted to watch things like. . . PEARL HARBOR.  i was like 'Dude! i'm not watching something where guys in Trebias' uniform DIE. THANK YOU.'  Jerk! D8

*fluffs*  He will be fine and so shall you. <3  Do you know wot job he's going in for? ^^


GSR? i wanna say basicly working ont he engines.

And yeah while he was in bootcamp we wrote back and forth and with A school we talk with text. truthfully ive only met him once. Like in rl once when he gradutaed bootcamp but it felt so right *blushes* we have been together almost four years by calling each other and texting and yahoo >.>


Sounds like the plans are all in place, so that's great!  As far as just plain 'ol being mentally prepared for it, hey, you know you want it, and ok yes it is a change, but its an awesome one.  So, while it's normal to be a bit nervious, really there's nothing to be worried about.  *snugs*  You'll be fine.  Yay for getting married!


Hahah sounds like me too! XD  Married to a military man will do that to you ROFL!
Got married really quick when we decided that's what we were going for.  :3

It'll be fine, I'm sure of it!  Sooner than later, yes, but in the end that's what you wanted... to be with your loved one.  That must be exciting! (Even if you're nervous about it, which is perfectly normal.  It's quite the big change in your life, so you have all the rights to be nervous!) :D