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[wild ponies]Shutting Down The Shop

Started by Tribe, April 28, 2010, 10:54:46 AM

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After finding out some family news, and expecting another baby plus my son now being able to crawl i dont think ill have enough time for this shop at the moment. I will shutting it down here on secundi and giving it to a friend on pi to run there.

However i am aware that i owe stuff on these guys, in which its all completely done and ready to upload -HOWEVER- if youd rather at this point have a sg refund (i dont think i owe anything this way) or if i traded something for these guys and youd like to have it back i will be completely willing to do it this way.

If you are owed a horse from the genetics breeding game, i will be giving 10k refunds for them if youd rather then have the horse itself.

Im truley sorry to shut these guys down, because i rather adored them. However i just dont have the time and its not fair to let such a beautiful adoptable to just wither away on my computer like it is.

I do hope everyone understands, im really very sorry for this all but RL beckons and im sure most agree it is more important.

Thanks for your understanding and time guys!



I still need a refund for that mutated one (the one with the beak, dunno what that mutation was called), you did deliver it but I said I didn't want it, you would give it to someone else and I would get a horse to replace it. But I never got that horse and if they will be shut down on secundi I would prefer a refund. I also still need 2 genetic babies delivered that I would like a refund for.


If im not wrong that boy was from the genetic breeding game, Thus like i said if you dont want the wild pony ill be giving a 10k refund on them as i feel thats whats fair. It was a free game, with free prizes. So im sure 10k would cover that fine.


The mutated one was rare, that is not worth 10K i think.. I've seen you sell them as customs for a lot more. But whatever, I just wanna be done with it, so send 30K and we're gonna be done. I just don't want any unfinished deals with you anymore so I'm fine with whatever.


The mutated were still free no matter, if it was part of the event that is. If it wasnt just tell me and ill give you a full refund for what a premade would go for :) i honestly have no hard feelings towards you ylo at all. I understand your upset with me over the whole kennel thing and thats fine like i said i understand. Im not trying to be mean or unruley i just feel its whats right, i have my oppinon you have yours and thats fine i do think.


I had two, one cyo that I never got certed
and a mutated one. 


You can find those contracts silly, you're probably not the only one. Only thing everyone is asking you is to stick to the ones you already signed, even if you think it's idiotic. You signed them, so you should stick to them. You are of course free to do whatever you want from this point on, no one can require you to sign a new contract (although they can refuse to do business with you if you don't wanna sign, which is what I will do myself).


Tis fine ylo, i think we are both understanding to what i meant now.

But lets keep this on track for the WP's.

So was that boy something other then a genetics baby or what sweetie? I need to know as i dont want to jip you on your refund.

PM did you wan the ponies or the pg? For the CYO ill offer the same 10k as it was a free event.


I should also offer this up so not everyones out on the wild ponies.

If anyone would like to run the shop for me id allow that, youd have to allow me time to upload all the like 50 ponies from the whole genetics game but id be more then happy to allow someone to run it EXACTLY as i did (so not to go through the whole thing like i did with rodentia).

Sounds fair, if youd like to run the shop feel free to pm me ^^ (if this happens they wont be going to pi)


I would rather the sg, and my CYO file deleted completely from your files as that is one of my persona ones


I am sorry to see you have to shut down your shop and hope that your RL gets easier.

I traded you an Alaskan Husky pup for but I think you must have traded him as you dont have him anymore.  This is what I was traded for him.

2 customs
1 golden apple-cant give you the results of what it does until someone uses it.
1 required apple
1 apple of your choice


Would you guys like to wait to see if someone else wants to run the shop? Because if so you could go on using your ponies. If not ill give you full refunds now.

Goddess, lets see

2 customs would go for about 100k - 1 50k
Golden apple was to result in three babies so 75k would have been its seling price.
1 required apple would have been 25-50k
1 apple of your choice would have been 10-50k

So if i give you all the max refund, it will be 325k i believe?


However since it was for a dog, i can give you 500k as thats thier going rate if youd rather.


rather just have the sg and the image of my CYO removed


Okay ill send the sg over and make sure hes not saved somewhere.



Ok that sounds fine I guess.  I will take 500k and thank you


I am sorry to hear about this issue.  I was only owed 2 certs/stat cards at this point, so nothing huge from me.  The certs owed were on Gentle Lady and on this mare who I had named Mongfind.

Hope RL gets easier for you soon hunni *snugs*


Perhaps you could give the adoptable to someone that can take care of it till you can come back> that way they dont have to leave? Cause i woudl still like my love pair >.>


I had planned on that sun, i really hate to have them just leave. I made a post about that to somewhere up there.

However no one has said they'd like to take care of them >.>


Id be more then happy to if you would let me :)


It's not that I wouldn't wanna run them, but I found the way you ran them very confusing and you don't want people changing the way they are run so that would leave me out ;)



Ermm..if you do not devalue anything that i have already given out then i would honestly let someone tweak them as i kinda shut them down in the middle of a change which was honestly starting to confuse me.

So theres that, if you allow others to use breeding items they already had for what they were worth thats fine. Same with horses and so on, you can run them as youd like. Obviously all profits would go to you.


Like i said im more hten happy to run them and give them back to you when you have time. Ill try and keep them as close to what you have now if you wish :) you will just have to explain things to me lol


Yes they were confusing to me. I liked that you kept them realistic and wanted to start up RP, but then all kinds of mutations and fantasy colors were brought in, that is kinda stopping me from wanting to take over, I could and would never undo things that already happened. It's kinda sad because they were amazing. I hope someone will take over and run them in a non-confusing way.


Okay well since sun wants to run them ill let her have a go at it. I think people really liked all the natural stuff and i did to but a few people pushed on the matter that they were plain so i tried to add in some things. However i dont think ill ever be seeing the mutations for them -now out 1 mill sg- i will probably just nix that and all fantasy stuff in the future. The ones that are already out there will be totally rare as rare can be. (though i may keep that spirit mutation because i freakin love it XD)

Now then, sun if youd like to pm me ill get you set up with everything and you can start them out again ^^


but Hunni as you have already said I woudl get a refund I woudl still liek it, I will follow them under sunchaser maybe so I woudl rather get what is owed to me from you and be done there.


PM its your choice love, sg refund or getting the ponies that were owed. :D


I would like the SG please.  I dont see myself following these guys anymore.


and I still chose sg and have yet to see a refund, which is why I am still waiting, so that would be what I am owed


Oh okay XD so pm i totally misread that ill send the sg for yours pm. Goddess what were you owed?


Quote from: Hunni on April 28, 2010, 11:43:44 AM
Would you guys like to wait to see if someone else wants to run the shop? Because if so you could go on using your ponies. If not ill give you full refunds now.

Goddess, lets see

2 customs would go for about 100k - 1 50k
Golden apple was to result in three babies so 75k would have been its seling price.
1 required apple would have been 25-50k
1 apple of your choice would have been 10-50k

So if i give you all the max refund, it will be 325k i believe?

Quote from: Hunni on April 28, 2010, 11:44:10 AM
However since it was for a dog, i can give you 500k as thats thier going rate if youd rather.


I'd rather have owed horses than a SG refund. I believe I'm waiting for some breeding game babies still?


OKay i would rather get the fantasy lines to considering thats what hope and Siurin are supposed to be... i dont mind coloring them myself but i would like them how they where promised.

As for the rest of it just send me a pm outlineing what you would what. My idea is to keep everything the same an natural however keep the fantasy ones as well and only those that are fantasy have them be extremly rare. if that sounds good toeveryone <.<


Yeah, keeping the fantasy stuff but having it be very rare sounds good to me :)
ETA: And I'm with Ravv here - I too would rather have owed horses (or in my case certs) than any kind of an SG refund.  I like my pretties :)


To make myself clear I would love to keep my CYO, I would just like a refund for the customs.  I am not sure I will follow these still, and I dont want to put my owed customs on someone else. =)


Goddess i can still color your customs if youd rather.


No I dont know what I want and I am not sure I had wanted natural colors.  I just wanted to make sure the CYO would still be mine. =)


I still don't have the refund either. If you said you were gonna refund and I even agree on a price that is too low in my opinion just to be done with it I would very much like to actually receive the refund so I can stop checking this thread. Thanks.


YLO sweetie im not trying to be mean but i told you if you think its to low then ill give you more. However you cant expect to much out of a free adoptable. Its been offered to you and you still choose the refund. Im waiting on you to tell me how much youd like before i send it.

PM has her refund.

Goddess's will be sent.


Morning all, Hunni can you pm me with your messenger if you have one? I wanna go ahead and get started learning more about these guys so i can be prepared to take over.

And FYI for others that have owed customs, if for some reason Hunni can not do it i would be more then happy to do them for you if you would accept me. Coloring helps me with depression and ive been in fights all week. IN fact im going to be working on my PU story for hope and siurin


I didn't say you were mean? *honestly confused*
I don't expect anything, please just send me what you think is fair, I don't have the energy for this at the moment, I just wanna be done with it. I am not sure I will follow the wild ponies anymore so that's why I want the refund. I also want to get it over with asap and waiting for my horses to be completed would take much longer, so I prefer to get refunded.