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The pretty gene missed me apparently :'(

Started by Math, March 20, 2010, 03:54:38 PM

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I've been holding back tears for the entire basketball game after Mikaila told me what Drew and Scott told her. :( Well, my cousin moved to our school this Friday and all the guys think she is really hot and pretty... and when my crush found out that I was related to her... guess what he said?

"I guess the pretty gene missed _____" When Mikaila asked Scott to confirm what my crush had said, he proceeded to say how low and shallow it was.

But yeah :'( I'm crying now, after holding back tears for the last 2 hours. :'( I didn't think it would hurt as much as it does. :(


Awe, I'm really sorry.  Boys suck sometimes. *Hugs*


Grr, not much to say for him that's just rude and mean. But I hope you feel better *HUG*   


aww, that is just plain rude.  For what it's worth, you don't deserve treatment like that.  You deserve someone who likes you for who you are NOT what you look like.  *major hugs*


I agree completely with springacres.  You truly are a beautiful person from what I can tell about you from your posting.  Also, don't forget that most of the time, when there is a new comer at school, they are the 'new thing' so they get all the attention for a while.  And if your crush doesn't find you 'pretty enough' for him, doesn't mean you are not the prettiest person on earth for someone else. <3

It is sad so many people stop at the physical appearance and don't try to know the person in front of them better before judging them.


Thanks everyone for what you've all said, between reading your comments and talking with one of my friends, I'm starting to feel slightly better.


*squishes* that was so rude of him! It's so sad how boys care about physical appearence more than your personality :(


You know, we all have our dorky moments growing up.  Sometimes boys you've been around for awhile just can't see past having known the younger you.  My mom was always the dorky "pretty gene missed her" person that no one wanted to date growing up...until she moved to a new place.  Suddenly everyone thought she was beautiful and she was getting asked out all the time.  That may not be so much consolation right now, but the good news is it's not you, it's them, and you don't have to be around them for forever.  Life will take you to new places.


O was alwasy taller then all the boys in my class, skinny, no curves and have3 big teeth.  Brown eyes and brown hair was not what the boys seemed to want either.  I was called hampster girl, ethiopian (becaise of how skinny I was) and many other various things that did nto help me.  However when I hit a certain age, I ended up getting dates, and nto witht he guys I had crushes on, but guys who thought I was kind, funny and a really great person.  I can tell you that they were very attractive guys too, many I am friends with still to this day.

Unfortunately with it being your crush it hurts more, but I highly doubt (I know it can happen) that you will walk into a marriage with the guys you could date now, and they are being selfish and rude and are not finding a mate, that comes later for them.

Truthfully when it matters most it won't matter what you look like, personality and confidence will shine through.  So work on the confidence and snub him off.  Yeah the pretty gene skipped you (according to him), but looks like the smart gene missed him, or he woudl be able to hold his tongue, and nto make an *ss of himself.


Well, the rude and inconsiderate gene certainly didn't skip him.


*dies laughing*  I love you bewilderness!  XDDD



First off sweetie, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If you see yourself as beautiful then you really are. I know its wierd but i find beauty in almost every person i meet, beauty is not just something the looks concieve. Beauty to me is about a person as a whole, inside and out all around!

Most people will knock off freckles or brown eyes but i find both my freckled nose and coffee brown eyes to be amazing. They give me the character i am today! so look in the mirror and find those things you love about yourself and just say phooty to that boy. Boys are stinky worthless creatures in high school anyways..they just really think about themselves and what they want and well thats it. There are very few considerate thoughtful males in high school so you'll have to dig deep for one but they are so much more worth your time ^^


Quote from: bewilderness on March 20, 2010, 08:55:04 PM
Well, the rude and inconsiderate gene certainly didn't skip him.

bewilderness, you are awesome XD


Aww, shucks. =^_^=

Teenage guys can be jerks.  One day when he's 80 and covered in wrinkles and liver spots, he'll look back and shake his head that he was so shallow.