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Cry or be Furious? major dog problems...

Started by Tribe, March 19, 2010, 10:42:17 PM

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So this morning i left early to get things done. It was around i would say 7 am when i left the house. Which is not normal for me really because im not usually up before 9 but of course on this day i would be up and gone before then. So anyways i come home and my neighbor across the street runs over to me all distraught, i dont know the lady at all so this worried me. She startst to tell me this story..

The older man and kid next door had been throwing things at my dog, a white shep boy named marbles. So as they were throwing things she could see them doing this out the window, she went to get her husband to come say something to them. By the time he got out the door marbles had pulled loose from his chain and was running ramptly around our yard (not barking and not once did he leave the yard!). So at this point he realizes the older man had went back in the house and when he came out he began throwing rocks at the dog and screaming at him. So my neighbors husband shouted at him and he started cursing saying the dog had been loose all morning and was trying to bite someone. When the husband said well ive been watching you since you started throwing stuff when he was still on his chain and i havnt seen him leave the yard the man became irrate and called the pound. When the pound came the husband tried to tell them hed take the dog until i got back but because he was loose there was nothing they could do.

Alright so thats where she got when i broke down in tears, the dog is my husbands baby. Theres not an agressive bone in his body hes a good boy okay! and thats alot for me to say for a dog as im not really a dog person. I just knew right then in there id probably lost my dog as i dont have the $75 to get him outta the pound. So i seen a ticket on the front door stating i had 24 hrs to call, thank the lord they have people the all around and i got to talk to someone. They said the dog was without a collar so they had no idea what to do with him and they said he just jumped right into thier truck, though because he was considered "an agressive breed" he only had 72 hours to be claimed (really they meant paid for) before they would put him down. I am now bawling absolutly ready to storm the neighbors and demand they pay the fines. Well i cant do that in fear that they may call the cops for truspassing.

Now i have no idea what to do, im home alone for another week or so and i dont want some crazy man mad at me and causing problems while my husbands gone. My step dad pretty much wants to beat his face in, my mothers already called the police stating she and i are filling a animal abuse charge and my husbands about to fly home from new jersey to settle it square. Im stressed and i have a headache i keep breaking down in tears in fear that marbles will be put to sleep and i just do not know what to do about it all. I have no proof he had his shots because his collar/tags are gone. We got the dog from my husbands dad and they are no longer talking so i cant figure out the vet that had given him shots in the first place..i mean what am i do to? So now i need a way more then ever to get that money to get him out pronto and of course i have over due bills..and im really just a mess over this. I mean why would you do that to a dog, thats just so mean first off and second why would you do that knowing its someones pet that they love dearly. I know they see us out there with him playing all the time theyve even told us what a beautiful animal he is and so on i just dont understand it at all. It sickens me to no end knowing because two human beings made a bad choice that my dogs life in now in the balance of it all -.-


What a scary story.  I'm so sorry it's happening to you... my gosh, I really don't know what to tell you, I wish I had the money to help you out, unfortunately I don't.  But you can have all the hugs you want, these I have plenty of. *HUGS*

I really hope Marbles will be safe and able to come back home.

These people are sick in their mind! >:(


This is our pretty boy, hopefully we can bring him home with what the witness's have to say.

and pou hun thanks ^^ but i dont even have a paypal to send money to if somebody wanted to help. I thought about opening rodentia usd customs but i dont know how the money would get here fast enough.


Wow. I'm sorry.
I can't see how they can impound an animal if they have no proof that the animal is dangerous. If someone else did see, though, as I think you mentioned, wouldn't that be a witness? Could you get a court order and sue the man throwing rocks at Marbles?

I'm sorry. I wish that were not happening. That is terrible *hugs*
I hope he gets home!

Edit: That is a gorgeous dog. He is so cute. Awww. How could anyone want to throw rocks at that?


That's such a scary story! Marbles stayed in the yard, so the animal shelter must have gone into your yard to get him? That doesn't seem right!


Any dog loose they can pick up, next like i said his collar is gone i have no idea where it was at so the pound said they had no "proof" he lived here even though the witness to the whole thing told him he knew he lived here and he would take him into his house until i arrived home.

As far as the witness goes they are all for helping me file a animal abuse and destruction of property charge on the man, i wish i could get the kid in trouble to hes in his teens and knows that what he was doing is wrong but as a minor with an adult both the police and pound said thered be nothing they could do. The lady at the pound said theres not much she could say or do as she didnt have the whole situation on paper but to call tomorrow during acutal hourse and they would tell me what i needed to do. She said though usually unless there are witness's to what happened theres nothing they will or can do to get the dog even adopted out to a new home let alone give him back to his owners for just flaber gasted on what to do or how to get the money. Im hoping maybe some of the family will help as they all love him but im just so afraid i wont get it in time and he'll be put down.


Well if she said "unless there are witnesses" then you have some hope, since you DO have a witness. Ask your neighbor for his phone number so you can give it to the pound and they can call him, most definitely!

I can't believe you have to be away from your boy overnight because they won't release him. -_- That sucks. He just HAS to come home soon.

I think in the future you probably shouldn't leave him outside if you're not going to be home, though.


Well he has to be outside if im not home for the pure fact that he'll potty on the carpet and terrorize the cats if i dont. Normally we have no problems with him at all, i cant believe it came to this all of the sudden.

Hopefully my mother and the witness will help me out alot, my moms pretty good with things like this and so on.

My only worry is my mom said at some point that she thought dogs had to have a license in henry county indiana however ive never heard this so i have no clue if they will get us on not haveing one or not. I honestly cant find anywhere that says i have to have one but it could just be lack of information.


....some people need a life. what kind of people throw things at others?! *snugs Hunni* I hope you get your poor doggie back soon, it's so unfair how he was taken from you and now you have to PAY to get him back :(


If the police/pound says we can file charges with just the two witness's we have im also going to sue for all fees needing paid to have him out. Im hoping with his tags missing they will be okay with me just having him taken to the local vet for his shots instead of them throwing a canery fit over him not having the tags/proof. I dont know i just looked up laws on dogs in indiana and the only thing i found for licensing a dog is when you are hunting with it and so on nothing about just owning it. And from what ive found is that indiana gives out the licenses for those not the counties themselves.


Im going to go to bed so i can be up and about by the time the shelter opens as they are only open for a few  hours and id like to try to get him home tomorrow.

Im also worried that they will be concerned over his weight, i dont know that you can see it in the picture but the dog is just skinny. Hes a shepherd first off so hes small through the waist but i just recently noticed him not only not gaining weight but loosing it. Found out it was worms but he just got treated so hes still rather skinny. Im hoping they understand and can possibly test for the worms to show that he did have them and hes being treated for them.


Wow.  Just wow.

I would say the rock throwers should pay the fine.  There was absolutely NO EXCUSE for throwing rocks at a dog who is tied out, ON HIS OWNER'S PROPERTY, and not doing anything wrong.  I will also say that if anyone ever did that to MY dog, I would probably end up facing murder charges, and I am not a violent person at all.


Hunni that is soo terrible! If that happened to one of my dogs, my mom would soo yell at Anyway, I think your dog will be fine. ;)

Mostly cause a few years back my Rhodesian ridgeback bit a FedX delivery guy and is still very much alive. *pets dog* It was his fault of course, since we have a front door, yet he felt the need to come to the side door (which is behind a fence w/ beware of dog signs). He came in alright, but she bit him as he was leaving.

But anyway, I think you should soo sue those jack asses! I hate people who are mean to animals, could be why I (actually my mom's) there are so many here.


Oh all the hugs you can handle coming from me.  I so hope you get this worked out.  Your boy looks like my Holly. 


Well i woke up to early, i need to go back to sleep so i dont have to worry about this until i can acutally do something. My step dad dropped by last night though after my mom said what happened to him and hes furious. My step dad guys looks like the undertaker on wwe wrestling..only scarier the mans tattoo'd head to toe and is just ruff looking. Normally even though he really isnt even tempered at all hes not one to work up easy so i *believe* the nice ol people (rock throwers) next door will be a getting a visit from him..hes not one for any sort of animal cruelty and if anything (even though hes caused me much of it) he HATES to see me upset or in a fuss of anysort.


I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I get angry just reading it. It's an outrage that your dog first had things thrown at it and then was taken from your yard. I can't believe that the pound can just take him like that :(


Unfortunatly i live in town so any dog loose can be taken, now if i were still out of county lines *like i used to be* then he wouldve more then likely been fine because you dont have to have dogs on a chain (though it was).

I checked the chain just to be sure that he hadnt broken it. The chain which is like normal chain link fence which weighs about 20lbs when your trying to lug it through the store shows no signs of wear or tear. The clip does not either, which i didnt expect it to be tampered with but who knows. Now normally yes its not good to keep dogs on a heavy chain like this but this was a saftey measure as he snaps those little wire cable coated things about 2 per month okay..hes a big boy. So now this comes down to either his collar broke off of him or the ring on the clip broke. Though i scoured the yard and its no where to be found according to the pound he dosnt have one and according to the neighbors he never left my yard? so where is his collar? because that just dosnt make sense i beggining to wonder did the rock throwing neighbors come into my yard and take the collar? if so i can not only hit them with the whole destruction of property (in town dogs are considered personal property) but i can get them on truspassing and stealing we'll see how this goes but i promise to do my darndest to get them in all the trouble i can.


Good news marbles is now home though he smells horridly from being at the shelter. Though after looking him over her has a few marks from what i assume were whatever they were throwing. The only thing is even though they let me get him on just his boarding at $24 i owe them $40 for his tags that i now dont have due to him not having a collar. I only have 7 days to pay this to so i have no idea how im going to do this. My mother let me borrow then money to get him out in the first place, she dosnt have the extra to pay for the other fees.

So now i must find a way to pay this other $40 fee plus go have him vaccinated within the next few days.


Aww. :(
Atleast he was not euthonized! That is the important thing. But I do hope you can get the money you need!
:( This is unfortunate that you have to pay for something your neighbors did. I'd make them pay, and if they refused... sue for the $40 (or all of what you had to pay)


Oh, I'm SO glad to hear he's home safely.  And I do hope you find his collar with the tags.  *sends lots of cuddles your way*


I'm so glad he's home! That sucks about the fee. At least they didn't charge you as much as they could have...

If he had his collar and tags (tags prove he's registered, right? I haven't owned a dog so I'm not sure...) couldn't you go to the place where he's registered and get the proof on paper, like a receipt or something?


Well the city id tag i didnt know about so that ill have to pay for sure. However i just took him to get his rabies shot redone (the vet that is around here my familys been friends with forever so he did it for free) and most of the charges agianst me or the dog whome youd consider were dropped so now i only owe them like $20 but im gonna see what i can do about making the neighbors rembuirse me.


No, tags prove that he has an owner who lives in the county and that he's had his rabies and other required vaccinations.  And Hunni, glad to hear most of the costs were dropped, but yeah.  That neighbor needs to learn that throwing things at chained dogs is not OK and leads to being made to pay for things.


I'd threaten to sue the county people for tresspassing into your yard and taking a dog which *clearly* had a collar on it before they arrived. I mean, if he was on a chain, and aggitated until he got loose, its not like there's not going to be obvious signs in the neck fur that a collar was just around his neck.

Also, Id tell the neighbors that you have a webcam pointed at the fence, aimed at thier side of the house (so, your own yard, not thiers, but on thier side), broadcasting live 24/7 to the whole world and being recorded, and if they ever so much as stick a finger on your side of the fence again, you'll have them arrested. You can get a $5 webcam thingy off craigslist.