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red failed again.... ;_;

Started by red_uni387, March 19, 2010, 03:08:56 PM

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first off - posting this here instead of PI cause I know most of you and it's not something I want people I don't know commenting on...

red likes singing, a lot. Ask Fangy, she'll tell you I sing almost constantly. This year, my 9th grade year, my school classes were completely filled with academic classes, so I couldn't take choir without having to wake up at 5 in the morning. One of my friends was nice enough to find out when auditions for next year were, and to point me in the right direction. After school yesterday I ran there only to find out we needed sheet music of the song we were to sing, which of course I did not have. After watching the rest of the extra credit for history film on the other side of the school, I ran back to the classroom in tears and asked the teacher if I could audition tomorrow morning instead. It wa probably because of my tears, but she said yes. This morning I skipped the beginning of my chinese class to see her, and she even said I sounded nice. After school I went to look with the same friend who helped me and saw her name right away, and the other Camille's. mine wasn't there. not anywhere on that list. I was in shock....not even able to cry. I only started sobbing in my mom's car, when she took me home, and am crying while I type this.

This may not seem like such a big deal, since I can try again next year, but my self esteem just dropped to the lowest its been since 6th grade, when I also failed the audition to get into the highest level of choir in middle school. I've been listening to my friends say I sing nicely fo years, hearing my brother even admit that my voice is okay hen not annoying him with constant singing, and I just love it so much. To not be able to make it into the choir was just beyond dispointing, it's like I'm being deprived for food or water. I wanted so badly to prove it was worth saying yes to let me audition in the morning, but I failed. I know even know if I want to try again next year....not after failing so badly this year...

*sorry for all the typos, I can hardly see the keyboard


I would say first on what type of music you choose would have swaied the teacher, it kinda sucks though that they let one person judge another  youd think theyd have a few people judge and thus would end up with better results and a more eclectic array of students.

What was you song love?


She said her favorite music was country, and it's mine too. I sang Some Hearts by Carrie Underwood cause it's one of my favorites and is by a girl, so I can match the notes a little bit better even though I'm more alto than soprano


I know nothing about choir (I was only in it up to like 4th grade) but I wish you better luck next time. Its too bad about this year =[  I envy you for being able to sing, I have a weak voice and can't sing loudly or that well (even though my dads a great singer, so unfair!). So don't worry, even if you're not in it this time there are people around you who appreciate your voice.


Singing's about the only thing I think I can do well, so I thought getting into choir would be the ONE thing I couldn't mess up.....and I messed up :(

*squishes* it doesn't matter what you sound like, just sing if you want to <3 my daddy's about as tone deaf as a person can be, but boy scouts told him to sing as loud as possible, so that's what he does


Just wait til you can start going to karaoke :) Then you can sing loud and proud all you want. There's even some resteraunt/lounges that have all-ages karaoke from 8 PM up until 10 PM in some areas. Maybe you could find one?

Great thing about karaoke, you can try a new song on a slow night, and get used to how it feels with the mic, ect. Then when you have it down, sing it on a busy night and blow everyone away!


my parents aren't exactly into karaoke unfortunately >> plus I tried it once (at the library!) and recognized.....none....of the songs/artists avaliable Dx


How close are you to old enough to drive? Once you can do that, you can find a place on your own :)

I wont ask where you live cuz thats not internet safe question, but you should be able to google an all-ages karaoke place that you and friends can go to, if someone can drive.


Save up for rock band! That is the most amazingly fun way to sing! They have oldish songs but I've heard and like alot of them and they have some screamo songs that are hilarious to try to sing X]

And you don't have to do it in front of people if you don't wanna sing in front of a crowd. So yes, rock band is the way to go. at least in a sense of fun, not sure if it helps professionally but who knows.

And heehee thanks, I will sing badly loud and proud xD Thats a great thing to learn from boy scouts.


er....I don't know when we can drive XD just turned 14 last december though
and I live in my own little world

isn't that game for Wii though? >> I -just- got a DS today (my first yay!) and I doubt my mom would let us get a Wii so soon after Dx


Rockband is also for playstation and xbox, but I don't think there's a DS version.
Guitar Hero has a DS version, but you can only play guitar/bass on DS versions.
Too bad you don't have another console, games like singstar, rockband and guitar hero are great fun if you're into music and singing.


I've tried guitar hero at a friend's house and failed's really hard o.o


I dont know about wii but our rockband is for the playstation.   Oh well, if you don't have a playstation maybe you can ask for one way in the future. Like christmas =3


yeah....asked for a DS for the last 3 christmases/birthdays (usually I get one thing) and took 3 years of that + over 3.5 GPA to get it ._.


Noooooo! Dont get rockband for the wii!

Ive had/played it on xbox and on ps3, and both are great. then we bought it for wii when it came out. I kid you not, we returned it within half hour of opening it. It was terrible.

Basically, they took the program and stripped it down to its basic stuff, like ps1 level programming instead of the existing ps3 level, and claimed it was the same thing. NONE of the cool options were there. You cant even choose if you are a guy or girl or name yourself. rockband for ps3/xbox you can name yourself, your band, pick gender, unlock clothes and instruments, and customize completely.

Not to mention wii had almost NO songs available, and you had to buy additional songs on disk instead of download the ones you like, because wii version wasnt internet compatible!



Red: Dang, maybe you could do odd jobs around the house for extra cash and get yourself a PS3. It might take a long time but you can play alot of fun stuff on the PS3 not even including rock band so its a good investment x3

Indigo: Wow, glad we dont have that then o.o


If you like to sing, red, keep an eye on newspaper bulletins and local ads and so forth.  Chances are there's a community youth choir or two around that you could join.  Some may require auditioning and others may not.  Another idea:  my sister liked to both sing and act, so she'd try out for musical plays at our local community theater.  She didn't always make it, but sometimes she did.  Your local church may have a choir you could join, too - I like to sing as well, my church choir has been my outlet.  Every singing experience you add to your resume will help you get into the next thing.  Don't give up!


I already do chores and don't get paid for it Dx

and thanks for the warning, indigo, I'm sure a ton of people wished they had known that before buying it <3

*squishes Silv* I'll try to look for stuff in the newspaper, though I don't go to church so that's out xD

and started crying again in piano class earlier today >>


Darn, me too. =[ Good luck finding a singing thingy in the newspaper and hope you feel better *hug*

Wolfs Fang

Oh, Red.  :(

I know that you love singing, and it must be horrible to fail at something that you really like. I know the feeling. Sometimes, it just happens- you can put your heart and soul into something, and it still won't work out. 

But even if you didn't get accepted this time, it still doesn't mean that you're not a good singer. I know this sounds really cliche and everything, but it's true. I mean, look at this:    <-- list of a bajillion people that failed before succeeding.

Hope this helped. *hugs*
