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Adobe Photoshop CS4; help needed

Started by SplitX, March 09, 2010, 09:36:16 AM

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Every time I go to open it, it says: "License expired" Then under it, "Licensing for this product has expired." What do I do? O_O I need CS4 right now. D:


Sounds like you got a free trial version, maybe? If the trial time expired, they probably locked the program so you can't use it again without buying it.

You could try uninstalling it and then re-downloading the trial version from wherever you got it, to see if it resets your trial time, but these days companies might have something in place that prevents the same computer from installing the trial version over and over again.


Oh okay. <3 Thanks Ryuu. I'll give it a shot. ^_^


or try gimp. its free, it can open .psd's, and most of the controls and shortcuts are the same. I have both, and the only thing you lose going from photoshop to gimp is the folder organization. the layers are all still there, just not in folders, so you have to turn things on and off layer by layer.

I personally prefur gimp, because I like the feel of the smudge tool better, and thats my favorite tool. but photoshop does a smoother quality when resizing down a large image- which is the only reason i have ps.

oh yeah, and on photoshop, you can only control+z (undo) 1 step back. with gimp you can undo all the way back to the first step you did.


I can't use GIMP with the CBD files, though, is the problem. D: They have tons of folders. ;_; And so everything doesn't look right in it.


well, its still an option. the folders go away, but the layers are in the exact same order. instead of hiding/showing a folder, you have to click the eye icon for each layer that was in the folder, so a little bit extra work but the finished product is the same :)

oh, some layers may need re-locked for transparency. its just a checkmark above the toolbar, and you're good.

its an adjustment, somethin to get used to, but its *free*. so if nothing else works, at least you still have options, without having to go spend $300 on an art program just for folders.

example: if you had a unicorn horn option in a folder- chances are you have a locked transparency color layer, under a shading layer, under an inked lines layer. In photoshop, you click 1 button to turn the entire horn on or off, then go color your colored layer.

in gimp, you still have all 3 layers, in the same order. you may have to re-check the lock transparency box for the colored layer. 1 time fix, save, and its fixed forever. if you want to hide/unhide the horn, you'd have to click the icon to hide the color, shade, and ink, instead of just the folder. so, 2 extra clicks for a simple mutation.

now, if they arent things that need to be turned on and off, like mutations, then its really no different at all, except you have to *look* at the layers, and scroll to the one you need to color on. but it wont change how it looks all done at all!


Ooh thanks! :3 *scurries off to try GIMP*


Quote from: indigowulf on March 09, 2010, 09:57:00 AM

oh yeah, and on photoshop, you can only control+z (undo) 1 step back. with gimp you can undo all the way back to the first step you did.

You can change the settings of Photoshop to undo more than one step. ^^ I think the max is 30 steps.


ah, i edited my post for more instructions on the differences.

thanks ryuu, i didnt know you could do that. ultimately, ill stick with gimp for my coloring needs simply because the smudgey makes me happy :)


I agree with what indigo has already said
I love photoshop elements, as I have not gotten used to Cs4, but since I can't even use photoshop elements, I am trying to learn new things. Ahhh. Gimp is a program that I never liked. I mean, it's great, but I could never understand it. I did have to use it for a while, and it had some pretty neat things, but it frustrated me.
Umm... If you go buy a tablet pen, you can sometimes get elements in the package I believe. Warning though, i've tried to use faerain's files with it and since they were in folders, I could really only view them.
I did find out later(and as indigo mentioned) by using gimp, those folders go away and you get regular layers. It was easy for me to savethe gimp file and use it in elements.
Of course, i bet elements costs money too... So i guess that doesn't help:/ sorry that it expired.


Neo; CS4 keeps on not working for me. D: How do you open folders in Elements? I have the trial for it. o_o


Did you buy your cs4? if so then you may need to contact the softwares customer hotline. I need to get a ps program for myself im trying to decide on what to get but i worry that after spending so much on a program it'll fail me XD maybe i should try trial versions myself.

But i do agree outta the older ps's i had i only ever found one i like more them gimp personally.