[NEO Kennel] Mardi Gras Giveaway! (Over. Results and appology posted <3)

Started by Neocridders, February 13, 2010, 06:59:18 PM

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I changed my mind. Anyone with 3 or less dogs may enter. Ignore any parts that say you must be a non-owner. I will still check to make sure you only own 3 or less!

Welcome, welcome.
How are you today?

I myself am excited for Mardi Gras!
And, so is my dog, Mardi!

[NEO's Mardi Gras]

She is the only dog you might ever see that gets so excited for such an occassion!
But little Miss Mardi Gras is wanting to host a giveaway.
Aww, sweet yes?

Well, I liked her idea, so I decided to put up for adoption one of my dogs.
Now, I love my dog, Roxi, but she wants to be a champion. She wants the glory and the ribbons. But I don't have the time to compete her.
So, I have decided, to let her dreams come true, to let someone else take her.

This is for anyone who does not already own a dog.
If everyone here owns a dog, and no one has entered by Mardi Gras (Tuesday) I will let this open to anyone with 3 or fewer dogs.

I am also providing a champ pack with her, so I expect her to be entered in competitions! I don't care if it is every week, but don't you want her dreams to come true?

By entering this contest, you are PROMISING you are going to compete her.
Please be sure you understand this! I want her competing for those ribbons! She is going only for that. If you are just planning to sell her for profit, I will be extremely upset :/

Want to see her?

And in case you don't own a champ pack, you may use this one on her so you can start competing right away!

Feel free to chat if you want to! It is welcome <3


If you own no dogs (on either secundi or lemontoss... doesn't matter where. If you own any dogs, that counts!) you can color me a pretty king's hat to celebrate mardi gras!

Typically, Mardi Gras has purple, green, and yellow/gold items. But of course, you may color whatever you like.

This is not based on ability. This is based purely on luck. One lucky entrant will receive my Roxi.

Paint friendly (I suggest you don't color it black, but because there is no outline, I put it in black. Color it how ever you like :) Line edits are fine, I don't care. It is just photoshop brush clipart.

PSD download: http://uploadpsd.com/file/91333.psd
For anyone with photoshop: It will turn out white, but make sure the first layer is color locked and then you can color to your hearts content ;)

Good luck!

You have until Wednesday, the day after Mardi Gras, at 17:00

Remember! If we get no entries from anyone that is a non-owner, I will open this up to people that have three or fewer dogs on Mardi Gras (at 0:00, midnight. So, you will have a day and 17 hours.)

Ahh... I am meaning the time in the top right hand corner of the site.

Thanks for entering. I am sorry if you own too many dogs to enter :) You may still color some for fun! I don't mind. But please make sure you state that it is just for fun, or I might get the idea you were trying to trick me ;)

(I will be looking to check, so it's no good trying to trick me!)

NON-OWNER means no dogs on the way. So if you ordered a custom, you own dogs.
If you have placed an offer on a dog, and own no more currently, I'll let you enter anyway if that offer has not been completed at the time the entry is made.


Changed it from non-owners only to anyone with 3 or less dogs


What an adorable little girl!! I'm going to cross my fingers and wait patiently to see where she ends up <3


If I hode all my dogs can I try for her?  I love her
No you say, ok


Roxi gives a bark and runs around in excitement. I think she is happy people have sarted posting


I think a LOT of people want to try, but have too many doggies lol
Fortunate for me, I was late on the kennel things, and just recently aquired my only one :D
Blaxk & Tan pups are my favourite coats on any dogs <3 She's just too adorable! Thank you for holding this event, it's so generous of you!


Yes. I understand that ;)
But, you know, I think it is easier to get adoptables when you already have a few.
I think it is hard to start.

There are plenty of opportunities to get dogs for owners. But I want something for people to get started with. :)


She is lovely but i dont quite understand all the kennel rules and things yet so not sure how to contest, i think she will be better off with a more dedicated owner than i would be XD

Good luck to all those that try <3


Keeper, I am always available to help ;)
If you want to try, and you win, I'll be happy to try to help you through it.

Reminder: This ends at 17:00 wednesday!


edit: was going to enter lol cus i have dogs now and am going to stalk but good luck to those who did enter xx


I am sorry I was unable to get online this week. I'll see who the winner is later tonight.
Thanks for entering!


This is a poke to life. I'm sorry for not getting a winner announced. I was sort of hoping, since I asked for all my dogs to be imported, I'd get Roxi imported and announce the winner, so it will be easier to trade her.
But, since I understand that there were a bunch of requests to import dogs, I'll announce the winner now, and I'll contact that person further when they can bid on the dog.

Random.org says Kasatsu is the winner of Roxi and the champ pack.
And I feel terrible about the wait :(

I have been pretty caught up in real life, and this event was pushed to the end of my to-do list, especially since I was thinking I might wait until the dog was imported to secundi. I'll pm you, Kasatsu, when she is.

Thanks a bazillion for entering.
And thanks for being patient. I hope you aren't too mad ><