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Mothorial Day (Mothers Day + Memorial Day) Thread is Open!

Started by SGA, May 30, 2014, 01:44:44 AM

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Hello guys, I'm finally getting the promised thread up.  I am so SO sorry for the delay in getting this done.  I had wanted to do two different event threads, one for Mother's day, and one for Memorial Day.  But well, things happen.. So you get a combined thread in more ways then one now.  Combined pets plus combined (themes?).  No fun games I'm afraid, just a simple little thread.  Even so, it still would not have been possible without the help of my sisters (Rosewood and Riverwind) who did the coloring of all the pets for me.

So you get to adopt some nice new pets with little effort, and I get to keep my word and give you the thread.  This will be the last thread until I get the Surfers uploaded into the Agency.  I'll do my best to get that done as soon as possible, but well.. it might take me a bit.  If you want to read about why/what's been going on with me, you can do so here

Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Important!  Please do Not edit any posts in this thread.   If I find that you edited a post, I'll have to disqualify you from claiming anything from the thread.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Belated Memorial Day

For Memorial Day, we have 10 Storm Chasers looking for homes.  They are all sporting a pretty ribbon in Red, White and Blue.  There are only ten, and I'm sorry for that.  This will be on a first come basis, so please remember no editing posts allowed.  If you post to claim one and realize you were beaten to it, simply make a new post with a new claim.  You may only claim one Storm Chaser.

To claim a Storm chaser, simply post which one you are claiming, and tell us about someone (or several someone's if you like) from the military community that you are thankful to/grateful for.  This could be a soldier currently serving, someone who served in the past, or even a serviceman/woman's spouse (because really, they are serving too).

Images are clickable to the pets page should you wish to see stats or full size view.

523 Claimed by Kahlira

524 Claimed by Victoria

525 Claimed by SweetCaroline

526 Claimed by Victoria

527 Claimed by Bunraku

528 Claimed by SweetCaroline

529 Claimed by Victoria

530 Claimed by Country

531 Claimed by SweetCaroline

532 Claimed by SweetCaroline
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Belated Mothers Day

For Mothers Day, we have 20 Wind Surfers looking for loving new homes.  Again, this is a first come type of thing, so no editing posts.  Please make a new post if you need to.  You may only claim one Surfer for now.  I'll let you all know if/when you may claim a second one.

To claim a Wind Surfer, simply post which one you are claiming, and tell us a bit about someone you are grateful for this Mothers Day.  It doesn't have to be your Mother if you don't want, it can be anyone who is a Mother, or acts as a Mother figure; either to you or others.

F51 Claimed by Victoria

F52 Claimed by Bunraku

F53 Claimed by SweetCaroline

F54 Claimed by Rosewood

F55 Claimed by SweetCaroline

M49 Claimed by Rosewood

M50 Claimed by SweetCaroline

M51 Claimed by SweetCaroline

M52 Claimed by SweetCaroline

M53 Claimed by Victoria

F56 Claimed by SweetCaroline

F57 Claimed by SweetCaroline

F58 Claimed by SweetCaroline

F60 Claimed by SweetCaroline

F61  Claimed by SweetCaroline

M54 Claimed by SweetCaroline

M55 Claimed by Kahlira

M56 Claimed by Riverwind

M57  Claimed by SweetCaroline

M59 Claimed by Country
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


I'd like to post my thanks as well.  I'm very grateful to my Mom.  I know we fight a lot, but I love her dearly.  And over the past couple of weeks while I've been recovering, she has taken care of me.  She has gotten very little sleep, for the need to make sure she is awake to wake me to take my medicine when it's time.  Different medicines on different schedules, so only a few hours in between each time she had to be in here waking me up again.  That on top of making sure everything else that needed done still got done, from making sure people did their chores, to doing all the cooking, even sitting and keeping me company while I watched tv because I couldn't sleep any more.. though I know she was exhausted and could have used a nap.

Thank you Mom, I love you!

There are a lot of folks I am grateful to this Memorial Day.  Starting with My Dad and Step Dad, who both served in the Army.  I don't know much about my Dad, I think he was in the 82nd? Airborne Division.  My step dad was a mechanic, and served in Desert Storm.  Also at that time, I did the pen pal program in school, and made friends with another soldier over there.  I am saddened and ashamed to say we lost touch, and I have since forgotten his name.. though not him.  My friend's father Tim, and her Mom Martina, as well as my Mom.. Sunchaser and Marshal, and all the other friends parents from when I was younger.. My ex Eric, and our friend's Patric Kenneth and Eric.  Various others, quite a few actually, that I've known through the years.

I admit, I loathe politics, and am not always a fan of the military.  I often question why things are being done, and perhaps feel that they shouldn't be.  But the men and woman IN the military, they are a different story.  I appreciate what you do, and are trying to do.  I appreciate the sacrifices you and your spouses and families make.  Thank you.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :



Who did I honor this memorial day? My brother in law. He passed away last year. Many a year ago, he and my sister served together in Germany, which I believe is where they met. He served in I forget what the actual name of the war was, but it was called Peace in the Middle East back in the 90s (I'm thinking it was the Saudi Arabia war). I remember when I was in school that year, and we wrote letters for the service members. I said. Hey! Why not send some to my brother in law's unit. And my teacher was like ok! So everyone in my class wrote to him and his crew. So this year I chose to honor him.


Where to begin when talking about my mom? My earliest memories are of sleeping in the same bed with her, and playing paper dolls with her. Not real ones, but ones cut from magazines and such. Mom was always there when I needed someone to talk to. If you left her house hungry, then it was your own fault, as she would always feed you something. (Even if it was 99 cent bologna! Inside joke here. Just run with it) My mom was one of the most amazing, kind ladies I ever knew. And I've tried to be like her. My mother was progressively getting worse over the years. I noticed it started small. She'd lean on cases in the grocery store. Then started using the handicap carts. Until it came to the point where she couldn't walk at all, and had to reside in a nursing home, so she'd have her needs taken care of 24 hours a day. I'd go visit her every Saturday. It became my thing with her.

I missed my last chance to see my mom. We had worked one hard peak season. 50+ hours! And it's a part time job! I couldn't make it Christmas Day, but I had promised her I'd go see her the 26th. That day I slept in til almost 5 pm. My body was so exhausted. I called her up. Told her I'd be there Saturday after. She couldn't talk by then. We had a code. One beep meant yes. Two meant no. I told her I loved her. She gave me one beep. And hung up.

At 8:15 am on the 28th I received a phone call. They found my mom unresponsive. They tried to bring her back but couldn't. They pronounced her dead at 8:45. I love my mom. To this day I still cry when I think of me not seeing her one last time. I called my sister to tell her, and she had one of them answer tones, where you call their phone and instead of a ringing, you hear music. Her song was "Undo it". Oh how I wish I could undo it.


526 and M53

For both memorial day and mothers day I'm thankful for my mother. She has served in the navy for 20 years and she was a single mother at the same time. She has struggled with alot to try an take care of me and to make sure she is doing her job. She has had to make tons of sacrifices for me. This is why i am so grateful. For mothers day she didnt really want anything but some mlp toys lol but i made her a letter that was only a page long but it made her cry. I really do care about her she is the only one in my life that is consist. I couldn't imagine life without her. Thank you for everything you done mom!



I am thankful for a very dear friend of ours who has basically adopted my husband and myself as her "kids". She helps us through a lot and is always there if we need someone to talk to. I seriously do not know what we would do without this great lady right now!


I am thankful for my husband and a friend of mine. Both served in the Army and both were honorably discharged due to medical issues. My husband was deployed for a while before we met. I am thankful that no harm came to him and he was able to come back so we had the chance to me, but I am grateful that he had a hand in keeping our Nation safe. I am very thankful for all the men and women past and present who have served our Great Nation.



I'm thankful for a friend of mine, named Earnest, with whom I used to work. He's a discharged soldier, and though I don't know what circumstances lead to his discharge, he was always a friendly, helpful person with an amazing sense of humor who seemed to take the idea of duty to heart especially when it came to his friends. He is much older than I am, but was always willing to talk to me and answer my questions about his deployment. He traveled quite a bit, and liked to tell stories about the base in Turkey. We had a lot of inside jokes, and passed the time together being bored at work by just laughing at life. I thank him for changing my idea of what it means to be a soldier.


For mothers day, I'm thankful for my mom. She's the one that's always encouraged me to use this crazy thing in my head called my imagination, and never tried to limit me when it came to how far I could stretch it. I thank her for being the mom who never said "you're too old to play", being the mom who never tried to shape me into something I wasn't, and never trying to make me "grow up" too fast. As a result, I grew up with the things I loved in tact and they matured with me, making me an artist and writer.


For some reason, the glider I wanted did not end up being added to my above post, so I'll add it here, if thats okay?




I am very thankful for my mother, SweetCaroline. She puts up with my moods and she shouldn't have to. When I need a shoulder to cry on, she is there for me, and she is forever doing random little things for me without me asking. She is everything I would ask for in a mom, and even though we fight a lot, I love her very much.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


I am Thankful for all the men I have known that have served in the military,(Andrew Roy Broyles, my grandfather, Thomas Edward Prince, my grandfather, Alan McNeely , my first husband, Kevin Tyson, my current husband, Ronald Booker Sr., Gene Buckler, my brother in law, Rob, my almost brother in law, Kennedy, a dear friend, Timothy Rushing & his wife Martina Rushing), and for all the rest of the men & woman in this country that have served in the military in any form or fashion to help keep us all safe.


That's perfectly fine Bun :)

Everything should be updated to here, and pets delivered.  Surfers are still located in the registry here so if you want to find then before I get the agency all set up, you can find them there.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


I am grateful for my mother & all the hard work she did trying to help take care of all us kids. I miss her dearly & will miss her forever. I am also grateful for Kadana (my oldest daughter), she is a very good mother & does her best to help me take care of her sisters. I would be lost without her. I am also grateful for all my sisters who are all mothers. They have raised & are raising some wonderful, loving children. I am also grateful to all the other mothers in the world who raise their children & protect them, teaching them right from wrong to help make this world a better place.



I am thankful for my mom, because without her I would not be here today. She gives me advice when I am struggling with a problem and when she knows I am holding something back from her she does not try and force me to tell her what's going on. She knows that I will tell her when I'm ready.
I am also thankful for my boyfriend's mom. Without her I never would have met the love of my life. She is like a second mother to me. She makes amazing pancakes and she has supported me in all the decisions that I've made.



Everyone may now pick again.  You may claim a Storm Chaser OR a Wind Surfer, once every 4 hours.  To claim a Storm Chaser, post a picture of the American flag.  To claim a Wind Surfer, post a picture of a Mother with a child.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

The Jungle

Sorry for stretching the page, didn't realize it was quite that huge. Also, that post was for SweetCaroline. Forgot to switch accounts.


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson




Updated to here.  There are still 1 Storm Chaser and 5 wind Surfers waiting to be homed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


And that was the last Storm Chaser, 5 Wind Surfers left.

All Storm Chasers should be delivered to your accounts now.  All claimed Surfers should be listed in your registries.  please let me know if I made any mistakes anywhere (delivered the wrong pet to you etc).  I'll start uploading surfers to your accounts after the last of these are homed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :



I believe that's the last one. Kind of feels strange getting so many, but it seems not to many folks were around to play. Guess life has caught up to all of us.


Updated.  Everything should be delivered now, either to registry or agency.  Later today (after a nap) or tomorrow (if the nap doesn't help) I'll get started uploading all the owned Surfers to agency pages as well.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :