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News from Silvanon

Started by Silvanon, March 12, 2014, 12:23:35 AM

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I found a spot where my phone gets a good signal, and I even figured out how to copy and paste on my phone!  I got a bit of free time with some art supplies.  Hopefully above is a photo preview of some traditional Paints, which I'll make available for bribes when I'm back to regular comp use next month.



Those look amazing. I hope that you and Lilbit are ok. *hugs*



They are beautiful Silv :)

Glad you able to touch base now and then so we know you and LilBit are ok for now, we are all here if you need anything!


Here's another:

Drawing is comforting.


Gorgeous as well! Looks like I need to start saving ;)


I haven't been on much so I'm only just now seeing this.


LilBit and I are back in our new home in Utah now!  Our things got delivered while we were in CA, so I guess I'll get to spend some time the next few days unpacking.  Today I got LilBit off to school, then made some necessary phone calls and then spent a lot of time working on a resume.  "Yay" job hunting.  ^^

My good computer is still in a box at this point, so a bit longer before I start up adoption stuffs again.


Good luck unpacking, Silv, and I hope you had a nice time in CA.  Just curious, are you in a part of Utah that doesn't get snow now?



There's not snow here right now, except on the tops of the mountains & hills, but yeah, this part of Utah gets snow.  I'm in between Salt Lake City and Provo, if that helps.


Good computer has been located & unboxed, but I have to wait until my new wireless bridge arrives (supposedly Saturday) before good compie has internet again.  You'd think a wireless router could perform as a wireless bridge too, but no, apparently wireless routers can only perform as wired bridges. (You have to run a cable between two wireless routers in order for them to talk to each other.)  Go figure.  Anyways, as you can probably imagine, I am very very much looking forward to having a capable, internet-enabled computer of my very own back again.


Wah.  The delivery company left the box with my new wireless bridge in it on someone else's door, and they have to try on Monday to get it back from whatever random person they gave it to.  So I still don't have internet on my computer I like to work on.  Wah.  Wah, wah.  XP  I've thought about trying to do work on that computer then use flash drives to transfer it to one with internet, which I may end up doing if they can't get my bridge back tomorrow.  I wanna get back to doing adoptables, I miss it.


May Silv's wireless bridge come back to her.



Evil delivery company. Was it FedEx? They're good at that around here. Three times I've gotten my neighbor's medicine who lives three doors down. So I bring it to them, since it is medicine after all.

But still! They shouldn't do this. They're such big bullies!


Silvanon, I happened by Secundi today and I was shocked to hear your news. I'm so sorry for your loss and glad to hear that you and LilBit are settling into your new home.


Thank you Sushi.

My wireless bridge arrived today, I'm typing this on my good work computer which now has internet access.  Much yay for internet!  Watch for a Quinsta bribe post to go up later this evening!

Sarah Badr

So glad to see you and LilBit are getting settled in.