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[Elenaria] Let's Sing Together~

Started by Elenaria, February 01, 2014, 04:43:29 PM

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Anything You Can Do

Name: Blue Beyond
Task: Swim the Pond


Anything You Can Do

Name: Pearl
Task: Swim the Pond


Drat, got home just a little too late for entering yesterday's >.>


Feel free to post for the Buck the Bag task!  i will not be able to update and post results for that until later. <3
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: Ruiten
Task: Buck the Bag

wasn't sure it was open yet (and am always iffy about posting first for events that run through random), but someone has to anyways XD


Anything You Can Do

Name: Kigatilik
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Rhiannon
Task:  Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Voodoo
Task: Buck the Bag


Helter Skelter
I searched and searched for the perfect spot...finally I had found it, a little wooded area with a small creek behind the clearing and only two ways in or out of the clearing. I grabbed some industrial strength cling wrap, a few buckets, some pressure plates, some fishing line, a blanket and a basket filled with some of the biggest, juiciest apples I'd ever seen.

I make my way to the clearing and set upon my task. I take the cling wrap to the first entrance and begin to wrap the trunk of a tree with it. I stretch the wrap across to the neighboring tree and secure it about chest high for an Elenaria.

I make my way to the other entrance and begin hiding various pressure plates under the foliage and attaching the fishing line to them and the buckets which are now filled with water and perched precariously on the branches above both entrances.

Finally, I Spread out the blanket near the creek and place the basket in the center. By now it is beginning to get dark, the perfect time to set my plan into motion. I take one of the apples from the basket and use my knife to cut the apple into multiple slices. I thin slip through the traps and make my way back to the festivities and find the two troublesome mares. I make a trail of apple slices back to the first entrance, knowing that they would divide and conquer. I made sure to stay out of sight until I reached the clearing and took my place next to the basket. Sure enough I could hear them. I waited a few more minutes and then took my water skin to the creek to refill it.

Thinking I was not paying attention to the apples they decided to make their planned. Helter took off at a fast trot straight into the cling wrap while Skelter went around to the secondary entrance, her hooves quickly finding the pressure plates and causing to the buckets to pour down on her and her partner in crime.

I turn just in time to see the scene unfold, I laughed while taking in the sight of the two soaked mares. I quickly gathered up the blanket and headed over to the first mare and cut her free and dried her off some. She followed me to the other mare and let our an apologetic whinny while I drier off her partner in crime.

I laughed again and produced two big shiny apples, one for each. I scratched them both as the happily devoured the apples. I bet they don't try to pull a fast one on the master of prank again anytime soon!


Anything You Can Do

Swim the Pond

Some might tease that boys don't like to be clean, but the stallions did their best in this event.  Unfortunately, there were two unicorn mares who swam faster and neater than all of their other counterparts.  Misty swept past the reeds in first, with Arlythonna right beside her!  All of the Elenaria escape the drag of the water and go for a nice long roll in the grass.  Oh, dear, time to pull out the brushes!

And Random Number Generator has decreed Wildfilly as the first raffle entrant (from all of the daily participants) and CutieePiee as the second raffle entrant (from all of the mares who participated)!  Congratulations!  You're now entered into the raffle for Euclidean at the end of the event!
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


[Updated to here.]

The task changes at the strike of midnight, Secundi time!  ^^  If i happen to not be on, you guys are quite welcome to swap the task over without me. ^.~  hehe
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: Shalirratri
Task: Buck the Bag
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Wow! A raffle entry, AND my beauty got second in the swim race! :D

Anything You Can Do

Name: Undlin
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Galliard
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: grell
Task: buck the bag

Phone again sorry :(


Anything You Can Do

Name:Enchanted Blade
Task: Buck the Bag

Keilin Alyr

Anything You Can Do

Name: Fisavia
Task: Buck the Bag

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Anything You Can Do

Name: Squall
Task: Buck the Bag

Borrowing from Sera again. <3


Anything You Can Do

Name: Pride on the Battlefield
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Norawarth
Task: Buck the Bag


[Updated to here.  Despite ya'll's attempts to force me to keep editing constantly! ^.~]
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: Duke
Task: Buck the Bag
Owner of Gliders!


Anything You Can Do

Name: Yokan
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Snickerdoodle
Task: Buck the Bag
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

Midnight Phantom

^.^!!  Phantom:;pats Ethereal::  Ethereal:nudges his hand::

Anything You Can Do

Name: Dusk Wind
Task: Buck the Bag   


Anything You Can Do

Name: Snowfall
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Cid
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Name: Mohatu
Task: Buck the Bag


Anything You Can Do

Buck the Bag

This task takes an inordinate amount of set-up.... no, actually, it does not.  It takes the help of the humanoids in the area, though.  A heavy bag is slid on to the coloured hides, and each Elenaria gets to buck it off hard!  The bag goes flying, and it's judged on height and distance.  The stallions are the ones to take it, but it's a surprising turn of events when the light-built Galliard sends the bag sailing high, high, high over his wings then over and nearly into the crowd of watching Elenaria!  The only other one to come anywhere close is Cid's bag, but, it's definitely the fairy who's the winner of the day!

And Random Number Generator has decreed Silvanon as the first raffle entrant (from all of the daily participants) and red_uni387 as the second raffle entrant (from all of the stallions who participated)!  Congratulations!  You're now entered into the raffle for Euclidean at the end of the event!
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: The Mover
Task: Airs Above the Ground

Last borrow from Sera! I love this Ele. XD


Anything You Can Do

Name: Clasali
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Borealis
Task: Airs Above the Ground
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


omg yay i have a chance at Euclidean!! <3

Anything You Can Do

Name: Sonata
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Yay, go Cid!  I knew if there was one of my Elenaria who was going to manage to make something fly, it was him!  XD

Oh, also, the main contest post here:

Needs to be updated with yesterday's winners Wildfilly & CutieePiee, who won here:


Anything You Can Do

Name: Belle
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Kovu
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Gift of the Wild
Task: Airs above the ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Stabbity (or at least I think that's what Sera named her <^.^;; )
Task: Airs above the ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Silver Bells
Task:Airs above the ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Clouds at Midnight
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: S'Plaid
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Cresla'jume
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Kalliope
Task: Airs Above the Ground

Keilin Alyr

Anything You Can Do

Name: Thotaera
Task: Airs Above the Ground

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


CutieePiee - I love seeing random pets named in Gavanian.  XD


Anything You Can Do

Name: Sir Glitterfest III
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Quote from: Silvanon on February 24, 2014, 10:50:46 AM
CutieePiee - I love seeing random pets named in Gavanian.  XD

She and many other adoptables are mimics of my original Cresla'jume, my Painted Unicorn custom. ^_^


[Updated to here.]

Thanks, Silv!  The other raffle entrants have been added in.

What on earth, stallions?  Come on!  Join the games!  lol  Are you just going to let the mares win? ^.~
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: Snowflake
Task: Airs Above the Ground


Anything You Can Do

Name: Lafali
Task: Airs Above The Ground