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[Elenaria] Let's Sing Together~

Started by Elenaria, February 01, 2014, 04:43:29 PM

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Who Dat Girl
Name: Norawarth
Owner: Arty
Tactics: Norawarth would protect his friends and be strong no matter what happens. He would keep his eye on the watching mares to make sure nothing snuck up on them. He has a high respect for females and would sacrifice his life to protect one. He tenses, his scars stretching as he remembers past encounters and he looks up at the mares again. He repositions his wings extending his nose towards the mares and offering them safety.



Who Dat Girl
Name: Charipo
Owner: Silvanon
Tactics: Charipo doesn't know the meaning of subtlety.  When he spies the mare of his dreams, he'll neigh his very loudest neigh to get her attention, while rearing up and beating his wings a few times in case he wasn't noticeable enough.  Then he'll wade right into the middle of the mares, making a beeline for his chosen special gal.  He figures a few good snorts and laid-back ears should keep any other mares away from both him and his beloved, as he says hi and finds out if she likes him too.  If that goes well, he and she will make a flashy prancing exit from the herd, before retiring to some quiet meadow in the distance. 


Who Dat Girl
Name: Leon
Owner: DawnStar7
Tactics: Leon would stand in the shadows at first, watching the frolicking mares, waiting for just the right moment to make his move out into the moonlight.  With head held high and proud, his step confident and sure, his piercing green eyes would lock with the face of his chosen sweetheart.  Halfway between the trees and the group of mares, he'd pause, his position perfectly posed to best advantage, and the silver moonlight would appear to ripple over his muscles, glinting off his wings as he spreads them out with a snap, before slowly folding them back while shaking his full, thick lion's mane.  His deep emerald gaze, still locked with those of the lady of his choice, would speak more eloquently than mere words ever could, promising to grant the lady's every desire, for while he is a king, the lady he chooses will rule him utterly.


Who Dat Girl
Name: Amavin
Owner: BKC
Tactics: Amavin would approach the mares from the front so they could see him. He would find a nice open spot in the full light to show off the glossy blackness of his coat and tone of his muscles as he flexed and pawed at the ground. After this display of studliness he would set his eyes on his chosen mare and whicker soft nothings to her encouraging her to come out of the tree's and accompany him on a secluded walk.

Edited cos I used the img tags rather than the url tags, sorry, it was early!


Who Dat Girl
Name: Demarcus
Owner: Kahlira
Tactics: Demarcus, undaunted by his attempt to woo the former Honk, would boldly step out towards the mares. It had been a long while since he'd been seen by the other gender, and he was unsure of how they would take to him. Oh, how he'd watch them frolic and play, and start slowly towards them, stopping at a nearby flower, plucking a dandelion daintily in his mouth, being ever so careful not to crush the stem. He knew he loved to eat the dandelions, and though they grew everywhere, he thought that maybe a mare would love it as well.  To the mares he would walk, slow and steady in his progress, letting them see his dark chestnut coat, and how the sun made the flaxen almost glow, closer to the mares, he would arch his neck a bit more, stepping high, he would rear when he was almost to them, striking with his hooves to perhaps show how fierce he was, when deep down inside he was a lover, not a fighter. Would that one of the ladies would catch his eye, he would walk to her, and give her the dandelion, which he would feed her slowly, letting her nibble it as she chose.


Who Dat Girl
Name: Aelmy
Owner: hiyoko
Tactics: Aelmy looks upon the females as they frolic along the lakeside. His fairy wings shimmer from the light of the evening rays as he focuses his gaze on the mares. Aelmy as never had a way with words, or even wooing a mare. Though his luck may have changed as he sees a beautiful mare, his wings lift him up into the air as he makes eye contact with the wild beauty. Showing off his multicolored wings, Aelmy hopes the mare will come to him.


Little Talks

Saevia hums under her breath as she prepares some more punch for the party.  It's sweet with apples and juice, along with some herbs specially chosen from her garden.  She smiles as carefully mixes the ingredients together.  "Did you like my melody?" she asks with a small smile.  "Do you want to try to come up with some lyrics?"  She winks.  "Maybe you can entice that handsome fellow over?"  She gestures subtly off to the side where a stallions paces in the shadows.  He seems intrigued by something, but is it the melody?  The words?  His own shadow beneath the moon?  Perhaps he's just hungry.  Maybe the song will be what can draw him over.


Your job is to write a poem to entice the stallion over!  It may be any style, but no more than twelve lines.  It can be about anything, anything you think might draw him over to the festivities.  This event ends 20th Feb, 2000 [8 pm].  [It also doesn't have to be very good.  Or good at all. ^.~ ]

[color=sky blue][b]Little Talks[/b]
[Poem Here!][/color]


Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Little Talks
One step, two step
three step, four
this is one dance
that will never bore

Before you know it
before too long
you'll get into
this everlasting song

come and dance
enjoy the fun
we'll keep at it
until we see the sun


Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers

Kadana Sorano

Little Talks
Starlight and moonbeams, friends both near and far
You left my life in silence, but remain in my heart

Little steps, dancing through the night
Little arms, holding on so tight

The darkness creeps in on me, but your light, it guides the way
You will always be a part of me, forever and a day

Little steps, dancing through the night
Little arms, holding on so tight

My tears fall hot and heavy, my grief, it knows no bounds
But you live on inside of me, you are immortal now
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Who Dat Girl
Name: Ode
Owner: CutieePiee
Tactics: Though he's not one with many talents, Ode was born with the gift of song. The sound of his musical neighs flow through the trees of the forest, a hymn that cannot go unnoticed. Hopefully, his song will capture the heart of a young mare who he would happily call his mate. An ode so beautiful would surely tug at her heart strings and pull her towards the handsome rose grey stallion.


Little Talks
Laughter's sweet sound
rings through the air

Friends circle and dance
All except one

A beautiful gold mare
stands alone in the crowd

Too shy to join in
Too noticeable to leave

With a coat of shimmering starlight
won't you welcome her?


Little Talks

Dance with me oh Mysterious One,
Let laughter ring out under the sun,
Let worry melt away from thee,
And feel how it is to be carefree.

Dance with me oh Mysterious One,
By moons sweet light and shadows fun,
And when the dance is finally done,
Walk with me til we meet the sun.

Come share your life with me I ask,
I do not care whats in the past,
Live for the now and each sweet day,
Love will show you not to stray.


Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Little Talks

Your coat is like a reverse night sky,
'Cuz the black part is white and the stars are all grey
And you've got a split-pea soup eye,
Yes you've got a split-pea soup eye.

Your horn and hooves are brilliant bright blue,
Like those fake gems of glass that are colored so gay
But it's not fake gem glass on you,
No it's not fake gem glass on you.

You said it didn't have to be any good....


Little Talks
Snow, gently falling
Water beneath the ice
The cold winds are calling
For you do they entice

Snow, quickly falling
Water beneath the ice
A cold grave is calling
For you, they will suffice

(Edit to get code working properly)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


[Poem will be raffle based. x3 <3 ]


Little Talks
All gathered round fires crackling
Cheerful smiles, all gleaming
The wonderful sound of laughter tinkling
Dancing in the moonlight beaming

Really not good at poems XD


Little Talks
There once was an Elenaria from far away
Whose silver grey coat glows during the day.
All through the day, all through the night,
He was such a pretty sight!
And he loved to roll in the hay.


Who Dat Girl
Name: Depths of the Forest
Tactics: Depths will use all of the charm at his disposal. As he is frequently trying to out-charm his twin brother, he's got a lot of practice with this. He's perfected his courtly bows and suave demeanor, and always knows to let the lady go first and not to be pushy when he isn't wanted. Still, he also has a twinkle of mischief in his eye, and can't resist throwing in the occasional good-natured roguish comment.


Ember has permission to use Cloudy Night in the Who Dat Girl event. 

[Yay, following my own rules. xD; ]


Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Little Talks
Always close by
You follow me everywhere
I never ask why
You seem like the air
In darkness you hide
But in light, you're along for the ride!
Where every I can go,
So can my shadow!


If You Wanna Be My Lover

Komek and Holes in the Canvas prance back proudly to their owners, leading Saevia who, with a laugh, delivers the two eggs.  "Take good care of them!"
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Congrats guys!!

sera, looking back at the entries list, I noticed my entry isn't there... Did I not post the form correctly?


Owner of Gliders!


No, your form is correct and i'm utterly baffled mostly because i distinctly remember typing up your entry into that list.  .__.;;;;  My best guess is that i must have accidentally deleted you when i edited.  ><;;; i'm very sorry! 

i'll talk to Rose and Crys, but the thing i'll probably do is cancel my next event and re-run that one with you in place (but removing the previous winners. ^.~).  This is not guaranteed until i've talked to the others, though. <33

Also, unfortunately, i cannot guarantee how long it'll take me to do another set of twins, but i'll do my best.  : )

Sorry about that, Runi!!! 
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


I'm fairly certain I saw my entry in there as well, which is why I didnt check the list again until now. It isn't that much of a problem, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with my entry for future reference ^^ And I'm sure others would rather have another event to enter rather than just waiting for a reroll <3


Who Dat Girl
Name: Ebil
Owner: Ryuukokoro
Tactics: Absolutely not. Absolutely NOT. There will be no "tactics"! There will be no "enticing"! Ebil is not some pretty little stud pony to be trotted out any time someone wants a pretty little star egg to join their hoard of other precious baubles! And the very idea that Ryuu would drag him to some frivolous "festival" where there will be mares and apples and dancing and music and mares. Ugh. Honestly. The very idea--!!

Well, except that lovely little lady over there. Yes, her. You know. That one. She's not that bad looking, really. And at least she's not jostling about like some cloudheaded filly without two licks of sense to her name, like the others. Hmm. Yes, she seems like the sensible sort.

The others though. Ugh. Mares.



Very pretty eggies!  Congrats SPO & Winged!


red_uni has my permission to use my stud "Winging It" in the Who Dat Girl event. :)


Who Dat Girl
Name: Hero
Owner: Bunraku
Tactics: Crash landings are Hero's style. After circling the herd of mares a few times from the air, the stallion is more likely to topple down in front of the one he likes rather than make a graceful landing (even though he tries, oh, he tries) and end up looking rather sheepish as he rises to shake himself off. The offended mare will probably end up with bits of grass on her coat and in her face, but he'll give her a friendly snort and a little grin as if to say 'no harm done, huh?'


Who Dat Girl
Name: Winging It
Owner: Ryuukokoro
Tactics: Why should he be the one using "tactics"? One look at him and all the mares should fall madly in love with his coat of burnished copper. What's not to love about it? He is not at all rude, however. After choosing the lucky mare, he'll approach with an apple as gift and bow politely, aiming to enchant her further with his wonderful manners.


Anything You Can Do

It's unclear how exactly it got started, perhaps it was the stallions trying to entice the wild mares. Perhaps it was just a discussion among the Elenaria, but, suddenly, there's a line drawn in the dirt of the pathway up to the cottage.  The Elenaria crowd on one side or the other, but, closer inspection, proves that they're separated by... gender!

The stallions stand on one side of the line, the mares on the other, and they snort and prance, proving to the others that they are better!

Saevia steps between the herds and holds up her hands.  "All right, we'll make it a competition."  She bites her lip and thinks furiously.  "How about a series of tasks?" she asks.  "And everyone can compete who wants to.  We'll keep a count and see who wins at the end."

The gathered Elenaria think about it, then snort and neigh their agreement.  Saevia breathes a sigh of relief.  "All right, the first task will be, uhm...."  She bites her lip a second time.  "A race around the apple orchard.  It will be a moonlight race."  She smiles.  "Let's have five tasks.  That way there shouldn't be a tie.  All right?"

A grullo Demon mare trots up, whickering to Saevia.  The elven girl smiles at her.  "Oh, will you help me judge?  Thank you!"  Saevia turns back to the Elenaria.  "We'll come up with the tasks and let you know as soon as we can!  For now, prepare for the midnight race!"

Oh, dear!  It looks like the Elenaria are having a gender squabble!  Perhaps your Elenaria can help them decide who's better at each of the tasks!  For each task you may choose one of your Elenaria to perform the task and try to win points for their side!  There will only be one task per day, so make sure you're posting for the right event!

  • You may only enter one Elenaria per task. [So only one Elenaria per day.]
  • Each Elenaria may only be a participant in one task.
  • If you don't have enough Elenaria for each task, you may borrow one of sera's Elenaria.
  • Currently, you may not borrow Elenaria from anyone else.
  • Each task begins at midnight and ends at 23:59:59 of that same day.  If your timestamp does not match that day, it will not count.
  • Editing is allowed, but posts edited past the deadline of the task will be disqualified.
  • Each day, everyone who entered will be put into a raffle.  That raffle winner will be put into a raffle at the end of the event.
  • Each day, everyone who entered on the winning side will be put into a raffle.  That raffle winner will be put into a raffle at the end of the event.
  • [Therefore, everyday, two people will be entered into the final raffle.]
  • The event begins Feb. 20th at 00:00:00 Secundi time.
  • The event ends Feb. 24th at 23:59:59 Secundi time. [11:59:59pm]

Task List
  • Midnight Race Mares win!
  • Rear and Strike Stallions win!
  • Swim the Pond Mares win!
  • Buck the Bag Stallions win!
  • Airs Above the Ground

To enter, post the following form!  Make sure you have the proper task listed!

[color=white][b]Anything You Can Do[/b][/color]
[img]URL of Elenaria Headshot[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] [Name of Elenaria]
[b]Task:[/b] [Which task]

Airs Above the Ground

Winner Raffle Entries
  • Ryuukokoro
  • DawnStar7
  • Midnight Phantom
  • Kahlira
  • Wildfilly
  • CutieePiee
  • Silvanon
  • Runi
  • SkySong
  • Country
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: Ríluachmhara
Task: Midnight Race


oh my gosh that demon girl's wings <333

Anything You Can Do

Name: Iono
Task: Midnight Race


[Updated to here.

i hope people enjoy this event and Euclidean. x3]
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Anything You Can Do

Name: Damask
Task: Midnight Race
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers

Kadana Sorano

Anything You Can Do

Name: Amafisten
Task: Midnight Race

sounds fun, just need to remember to post every day, and try not to double post.  *mind is shot*

And Euclidean is beautiful, she looks so soft and pettable :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Anything You Can Do

Name: Amavin
Task: Midnight Race


Anything You Can Do

Name: Hellfire
Task: Midnight Race


Anything You Can Do

Name: Blue Moon Flower
Task: Midnight Race


Anything You Can Do

Name: Riftwalker
Task: Midnight Race


Anything You Can Do

Name: King Leo
Task: Midnight Race


Anything You Can Do

Name: Ice Queen
Task: Midnight Race


Anything You Can Do

Name: Sebastian
Task: midnight race
I am on my phone and can't get the headshot image :( but this is his page


Anything You Can Do

Name: Monarch
Task: Midnight Race
Owner of Gliders!


Anything You Can Do

Name: Dueil
Task: Midnight Race

Who Dat Girl
Name: Xodius
Owner: Wildfilly94
Tactics: Xodius is the most powerful, strong, and beautiful demon stallion ever sung. His idea to get a mare to come to him is simple. He would seduce her to him with his beauty and strength, galloping around her in a galliant dance, mesmerizing her. He believes every mare is beautiful in her own way, despite his character he is a sweet lady's man deep down. He would win her over with flowers and sweet nothings, truly captivating her heart, binding it with his own.

Little Talks
Strawberries, blueberries,
Raspberries, banana
Ice cream, pizza,
Chips, Salsa
Apples, grain,
Grass, Hay

Warmth, Sunshine,
Breeze, Fields
All these things appeal to you,
Its clear you belong here too,
Down at Misty Shores

^I am the worst poem writer EVER. XD I take pride in trying though