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[CDA] Premade Picking Ongoing! Check For Your Name On The List!!

Started by Umm Gaia, November 25, 2012, 08:02:52 PM

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Umm Gaia

With Christmas around the corner, Luv's events ending, and Breeding Season coming to a close, I've decided we need to have something new going on for you guys to enjoy for the Christmas season coming! I have done Secret Santa giving before in RL and it was so much fun! Seeing how the events Gryphions is running is going so well and people seem to really enjoy it, I think we should have our own! Plus we'll be having some gift-giving(Hope you don't mind me stealing this, Neo!), a Recipe contest, and mabye some other fun events! Stay Tuned!

Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

[Secret Santa]

Secret Santa's have always been fun, in my mind. CDA hasn't really had many holdiay events just yet, Secret Santa seems like a good way to start!

I'll need a form and an SG fee from each person who joins in!

*PM CDA account with the form below, with the title 'Secret Santa'
*Send 10000sg to CDA account with the note titled ' Secret Santa'

Gender you prefer:
Snake or Rat?:[/color]
[color=green]Colors you like:
Patterns/Markings you like:
Anything you DON'T want:[/color]

You have through the end of December 10th to join the Secret Santa

On the 11th of December, you will be matched up with a random usr on the list, and you will create a full custom for them! Thats right, you'll be creating a full custom pet based off the form your given from that usr. :) This custom will be colored and wrapped up in a present for your giftee, and will open on the 23rd of December

Secret Santa List:
Winged dreams
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

[Present Gifting]

I saw how awesome Neo's event for Grypions with gift giving was, and I really wanted to do something similar to what she's doing!

Here's what you need to do...

*Send a form to the CDA account with a form filled out for your giftee, titled 'Presents'
*Send the sg total for your gifts to the CDA account with the note titled 'Presents'
*No gifting to yourself

Present 1: 400k
An out of season breeding box & fruit basket (2/4 available)

Present 2: 25k
1 premade

Present 3: 100k (+50k for fantasy)
2 semi customs

Present 4: 150k (+75k for fantasy)
2 full customs

Present 5: 250k (+50k for fantasy)
1 out of season breeding box & 2 semi customs (1/2 available)

Present 6: 300k (+100k for fantasy)
1 out of season breeding box & 2 full customs (0/2 available)

[color=red]Usrname: (Say none if you don't wish the giftee to know who you are)
Present #:
Will the giftee fill out their custom form?: (If not, please fill out the form(s) as shown [url=]here[/url])
Will the giftee pick out their premade?: (IF not, please choose from [url=]here[/url])

[color=green]A message for the giftee: (Leave blank if you don't want one)
Total cost:[/color]

You may repeat the first part as needed

You have through the end of December 20th to send presents to people

On the 23rd of December, presents will open and your giftee's will see what they have been given! If you filled out a custom form for them(Or bought them items, or a premade), they will open their gifts to see that completed pet/item. If you gifted a custom and want them to fill out the form(or them pick a premade), they will open their gifts to see what they've been given, and they can fill the forms/pick a premade out on their own time.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

[Recipe Contest]

I love recipes, especially seasonal fun yummy ones. XD
To enter is simple! Post a christmasy recipe in Bold White and your entered!

The prize will be 1 Full Custom CDA Pet. Fantasy or Normal. :)

This event is open through the end of December 21st

Rosedawn - Melting Snowman Cookie Balls
Country198606 - Santa Hat Prezels
Sunchaser109 - Breakfast Casserole
Bunraku - Christmas Loaf
YLO - Cherry cake/brownies
Winged - Red and Green Macaroons
Pinkshadow - Chocolate-Peppermint Striped Delight
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia


Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia


Feel free to post now!
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red




I'm so glad competitions are back up and running and I has a source of SG!

Love the gift of giving, I really do XD

Umm Gaia

I've got Bun busy making the present Item, which should be finished today! I may or may not have time to color up and write out the gifts today (Going to the bfs again) but I'll try. If not, they'll all be up wednesday! :)

I will, however, have the # of limited presents limit updated each day though. <3
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red



*runs off with dark brown female ratty* I shall prepare my massive gift list of D00M asap :P

Umm Gaia

I'll be home today at roughly 2:30-3ish.
I colored up 6 present colors for the present Bun made for us last night (Would've done the two breedings that are next on my list, but didn't have time. Tim's brother is greedy over the computer. >.>) so I'll edit the text in and upload gifts for everyone who's already ordered them today.
Then I'll be doing YLO's breedings marked with '--', then the ones marked with '@' and if I have time, customs I owe. If time after that (Doubtful) than the rest of the breedings that are left and/or premades for the gifting!
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

Presemts are HUGE. Didnt notice until AFTER uploading them all to photobucket and posting them. *cries* Now I have to go back and attempt to resize them exactly the same.. All 75 of them.. D: I just cant deal with this right now. Im working on breedings and taking a break.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


*hugs Wild* Also, breeding on joinme? :O If so I will stay awake a bit longer.


I don't find anything wrong with the sizes.  I think it might actually make it easier to read the name on the tag.

But there is always the option of converting sizes on photobucket since they are already uploaded too if that helps?  Good luck.

Umm Gaia

Nahh, I get too distracted on XD I'm sorry YLO!
Plus angry wild=nonsocial. D:

Hmm.. I may try that, Luv. I don't need them TOO small, just small enough so two can sit side-by-side.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


I must say, those boxes are super cute! I love 'em! And no need to change the sizes. I think they're fine. Don't add extra work on top of what you already have hun!


I re-sized them just a bit. It makes the post a little shorter, so I'm happy with it. :)
I'm gla dyou guys like the gifts! Bun did a fabulous job :)


Oh, I have a question!  Do the recipies need to be edible, or might they just be like homemade recipies for making crafts....

-giggles-  We just did foot print of baby girl in salt dough and as soon as daddy put her down, she stuck her foot straight in her mouth to taste the dough.  I died.  Like just fell over laughing.




What You Need

1pkg.  (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened

24 NUTTER BUTTER Cookies, finely crushed (about 3 cups)

2pkg.  (6 squares each) BAKER'S White Chocolate, melted

48  Mini OREO Bite Size Cookies

2Tbsp.  decorating icing

Make It

MIX cream cheese and cookie crumbs until well blended.

SHAPE into 48 (1-inch) balls; place in single layer in shallow pan. Freeze 10 min. Dip balls in chocolate; place in shallow waxed paper-lined pan, allowing excess chocolate to pool at bottom of each ball. Decorate with remaining ingredients as shown in photo.

REFRIGERATE 1 hour or until firm. Keep refrigerated.

Umm Gaia

Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Umm Gaia

Alot of gifts have been ordered today! I'll get to adding them later if I stay away, or tomorrow <3
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

With my current count, I have 43 premades left to color. XD
Mabye I'll do 50 so theres a few extra incase someone isnt happy with the choices.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


I've colored all 43 premades. :O
Just need to get thumbnails and upload them. Then help Bun upload some premades she did, and were on track!



•Mini Twist Pretzels
•White Chocolate Almond Bark
•Red Sanding Sugar
•Mini Marshmallows

1.Melt the white chocolate almond bark according to the directions on the package.
2.Dip each mini twist pretzel halfway into the melted white chocolate almond bark.
3.Dip each almond bark covered pretzel into the red sanding sugar until only a small amount of the almond bark is showing. Place on waxed paper.
4.Cut the mini marshmallows in half. Use additional melted almond bark to adhere a mini marshmallow half onto the side of each pretzel. Allow time for the almond bark to set.


I never before popped in but I want snakes o.o

Okay for me this is a simple recipe my family does every christmas.

Breakfast casserole

1 pound of sausage
9 x 13 pan
9-12 eggs
little bit of milk

Pretty much what you do is you brown your sausage up.
Butter your pan. What I like to do is get a paper towel and use that with the butter and grease all the sides and bottom
Cut the crusts of your bread. Through crusts away or keep to feed the birds. You only want enough pieces to fill the bottom of your pan.
Place your bread on the bottom of the pan.
Drain sausage. (there is allowed to be a little pink but you dont want a lot)
Place sausage on the bread.
Scramble your eggs up with a little milk. You want enough eggs to cover your bread and sausage.
Cover with cryan wrap and place in fridge overnight or at least 6 hours so the bread can soak up the eggs.
preheat over to 375
uncover your pan and sprinkle the cheese and seasonings you want on it.
cook for a hour and 15 minutes
Pull out and your done :) the way to really make sure its done is the tilt the pan and see if there is any runny eggs.

Sometimes we add tomatoes or cream cheese to this or even onions its your choice but i love it.

Umm Gaia

Everythings updated besides gifts!
22 premades to add to the list of things to do XD
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

*Scoots 49 gifts under the tree*

44 premades to color, YLO's custom to fix, and 7 breedings to do <3
Plus 2 customs from a gift to do, once the forms are in
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

Opinions on something?

How should I let people pick out premades?
By order the presents were gifted, or by usrname, or by just first come first served?
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


I think first come first served is the fairest, since people can't control when they were gifted or what their username starts with (at least at the time of picking premades xD)


Thank you toff and Santa :)

*bounces* I always love snakes and can't wait to get a few ^-^


Okay so, this recipe may sound a BIT strange to some of you, because one wouldn't think the combination of flavors would go well together, but its actually REALLY good. My family has been doing this for holidays since well before I was born and it's been passed on. To be honest, I've never heard of another family doing this or even what it is "officially" called as a recipe, but if any of you do know, please tell me, because I'd be interested in knowing we aren't the only ones making these! XD

Christmas Loaf

What is needed:
3 Loaves of unsliced stuffing bread (Frozen the night before)
6 Packages of cream cheese, we favor Philadelphia
About 3lbs Egg Salad (This has a recipe of its own that I wont list here, because we make it ourselves as well)
3 Jars of preserves, we favor strawberry or raspberry
2 Cans of Tuna
2 Cans of Deviled Ham
About 1lb Chicken Salad (Again this has a recipe of its own because we make this ourselves as well)

First of all, you'll want to prepair your cream cheese, by putting all of it in a bowel with about a cup of cream. You'll need to have a blender handy (or strong arms for mixing) because you'll need to whip it until it has a frosting like consistency. If more cream is needed, add a little bit at the time, but don't make the mixture too runny or soft. After you achieve the desired smoothness, place the mixture in the fridge to chill for a while.

Next, take your preserves. You can use all one flavor, or choose a different flavor for each loaf, but my family preffers strawberry, raspberry, or black berry. DO NOT use normal grape jelly or any type of jelly, as it is too sugary and will not taste good at all with the rest of the recipe. You MUST use real fruit preserves. You will need at least one jar for each loaf, or two large jars. If you are using all of the same flavor, simply empty the jars into one bowl and mix them up so that they become softer and less clumpy for ease of spreading. If you are using three different flavors, do the same but in separate bowls.

*NOTE: At this point, before the next step, all of your salads should be mixed and ready to go. Tuna, Deviled Ham, Egg Salad, and Chicken Salad. Set them aside in the fridge. This is because the bread needs to remain slightly frozen when putting everything together, so you will not have time to make the salads after you begin preperation of the bread.

Now, the loaves of unsliced stuffing bread need to be prepaired. They need to be frozen the night before, and slightly unthawed in the morning so that the middle is still hard, but the crust is soft enough that it can be gently cut away with a bread knife. You'll need to cut very carefully so as not to gouge any holes in the rest of the loaf or take too much of the middle bread off. After this is done, allow the bread to unthaw just a bit more, but not completely, and slice each loaf into four parts the long way, so that you have a top, two middle, and a bottom piece of bread to work with.

For the next steps, you will need to work rather quickly for the bread to remain frozen. I advise placing the other two loaves in the fridge or back in the freezer while you are working on one, so that you do not have completely unthawed bread. This will not work with unthawed bread, as it will sag, tear, and become a complete mess before you are finished.

Next, choose one loaf of bread to work with. Take the bottom part of the bread, and decide which meat salad you will be using first. Spread this about a half an inch thick across the bottom part of the bread, until you have an even spread. Take the middle peice that would fit on top of it, as if you were making a gigantic sandwitch, and place it on top of the meat salad. Do not press down or squeeze, lay it on gently.

On top of this peice of bread, GENTLY spread a half inch thick layer of preserves. After you have an even spread, repeat the process of laying the next peice of bread on top of the jelly, as if making a huge sandwitch. Be very gentle, and do not squeeze.

On top of this piece, gently spread your egg salad about an inch thick. After acheiving an even spread, lay the top part of your loaf over it.

Now, here comes the tricky part.

Once you have all of your ingredients within the loaf, carefully remove any excess or overspill of fillings with a butter knife by gently scraping it off the sides or edges. You do NOT want any overspill, because it will ruin the next step and look messy.

The final step is the hardest part I feel! You have to be very careful, so that you won't tear your bread, or rip your whole loaf apart. Take out your cream cheese you prepaired earlier, and let it warm up. You don't want to spread this on cold, or you will rip apart the loaf.

Take a butter knife, or preferably, a rubber spatula used for cake decorating. Treat the loaf like a cake and begin frosting it with the cream cheese, spreading it VERY gently on the sides and ends first. You need to be very careful not to get any of your fillings mixed in with the cream cheese so that it remains looking nice. After you have a smooth, even spread of cream cheese completely covering the sides (You want it to be rather thick) Spread cream cheese across the top of the loaf. It should be completely covered with cream cheese, except for the bottom. I would advise that you prepair these on whatever platter you want to serve them on, as they can NOT be easily moved after preperation.

Repeat the steps for each meat flavor you want. My family always makes one Tuna, one Deviled Ham, and one Chicken salad, but we have also used Crab Salad in the past. Almost any kind of meat salad will go well with this combination!

Finally, garnish your loaf with a little spice! We like to sprinkle paprika, chives, or parsely flakes acorss the top of ours and garnish with a little sprig of fresh parsely or kale ^^

Place in the fridge to allow the loaves to chill and set, so they do not sag. Later in the evening they will be ready to slice! Serve using a spatula and slice carefully for the best appearance. They will look very pretty on a plate if sliced and served carefully! My family and I love to have these on Christmas Eve or the day before thanksgiving, and eat them with snacks and other celebratory foods.


Umm Gaia

Yeay recipes! :DD

Speaking of which, I just got an Omish Friendship bread starter yesterday from my old high school english teacher. SO excited to make the bread! :D
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


I had an awfully hard time choosing, but this is a really yummy desert! Or just something to serve with tea or whatever. It's also quite Christmassy looking I think!

•3/4 cup butter, cubed
•1-1/2 cups packed light brown sugar
•2 eggs
•3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
•2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
•1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
•1/4 teaspoon salt
•1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
•1/2 cup dried cranberries
•6 ounces white baking chocolate, coarsely chopped

•FROSTING:•1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
•1 cup confectioners' sugar
•1 tablespoon grated orange peel, optional
•6 ounces white baking chocolate, melted
•1/2 cup dried cranberries, chopped

•In a microwave, melt butter; stir in brown sugar. Transfer to a large bowl; cool to room temperature. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon; gradually add to butter mixture. Stir in cranberries and chopped chocolate (batter will be thick).
•Spread into a greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish. Bake at 350° for 18-21 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean (do not overbake). Cool on a wire rack.
•For frosting, in a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, confectioners' sugar and orange peel if desired until blended. Gradually add half of the melted white chocolate; beat until blended. Frost brownies. Sprinkle with cranberries. Drizzle with remaining melted white chocolate. Cut into bars. Store in the refrigerator. Yield: 2-1/2 dozen.


I'm planning on making these as christmas presents, so i'll let you know how it goes! Never made them before.

Red and Green Macaroons

1.Place the icing sugar and ground almonds in the bowl of a food processor and pulse about 15 times until fully combined. Sieve this mixture into a large bowl, discarding any particles that stay in the sieve. Add the first batch of egg whites to the almond mixture, mix to form a thick paste and set aside.
2. Tip the second batch of egg whites into a spotlessly clean, heatproof bowl and have an electric whisk at the ready. Place 50ml water and the granulated sugar into a small saucepan on medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook until the syrup registers 110C, using a sugar thermometer, at which time start to beat the egg whites on high speed. Once the syrup is at 118C pour it slowly down the side of the mixer bowl, avoiding the moving whisk. Continue to whisk on high until the mixture has cooled slightly and you have a shiny peaked meringue mixture - the bowl should no longer be hot to the touch, but still warm. Add the colouring and whisk to combine.
3. Tip the meringue onto the almond mixture and gently fold together. It is important not to over-mix the batter - it should fall in a thick ribbon from the spatula (A). The ribbon should also fade back into the batter within about 30 secs - if it doesn't, fold a few more times.
4. Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3-4. Line 3 baking sheets with baking parchment. Transfer the batter to a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Pipe rounds about 2.5cm in diameter onto the prepared baking sheets (B). Leave to rest for 30 mins out of the fridge, or until the macaroons have developed a skin.
5. Bake the macaroons for 14 mins (this needs to be precise so you could test a macaroon first). Immediately slide the parchment onto the work surface and cool for a few minutes before gently peeling the macaroons off the paper.
6. To make the filling, place the cream in a small saucepan and the chocolate in a medium bowl. Bring the cream just to the boil and pour over the chocolate. Leave to stand for a few mins, then stir to combine. Add the butter and stir until smooth, then leave to set until thickened. Place the chocolate mix into a clean piping bag with a smaller nozzle and pipe around the edge of half the macaroons (C). Fill the centre with jam and sandwich with another macaroon shell.

Link to the website page, from Good Food

ETA: Forgot the white, sorry.
Owner of Gliders!



Chocolate-Peppermint Striped Delight
45  NILLA Wafers, finely crushed (about 1-1/2 cups)
1/4cup  butter, melted
1/2cup  sugar, divided
1pkg.  (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
3cups  plus 2 Tbsp. cold milk, divided
1/4cup  finely crushed candy canes
1tub  (12 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed, divided
2pkg.  (3.9 oz. each) JELL-O Chocolate Instant Pudding
1/4cup  coarsely crushed candy canes
make it

MIX wafer crumbs, butter and 2 Tbsp. sugar; press onto bottom of 13x9-inch dish. Refrigerate until ready to use.
BEAT cream cheese, remaining sugar and 2 Tbsp. milk in medium bowl until blended. Stir in finely crushed candy canes. Add 1-1/4 cups COOL WHIP; mix well. Spread over crust.
BEAT pudding mixes and remaining milk with whisk 2 min.; pour over cream cheese layer. Let stand 5 min. or until thickened. Cover with remaining COOL WHIP.
REFRIGERATE 4 hours. Top with coarsely crushed candy canes just before serving.

Umm Gaia

*scoots 10 more gifts under the tree*

Secret Santa pairings are sent!! <3 Also added an end date to the recipe contest.. I forgot XD
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Will the gifts be imported as 'litters' so they change into pets by default? I'd love to see who gifted me, but I cannot scroll through that many similair images without my head hurting. I do thank whoever has been gifting me even if I cannot go check who you are XD <3


*Has actually been striving to get this thread to page 2 so it'll load faster. SO much giving!*


For the Secret Santa, all gifts will be imported as fake litters, and grow into their pets. I'll post a list of who gifted who on the 23rd.

For the Gift Giving; There are Quite a bit of premades that were gifted, and no one chose to pick the premade for their giftee, so I can try to muster up a list of who gifted who for that as well, though itll take a while XD
With that, I'm either going to let everyone jump in and pick premades at once and hope you guys get who you wanted first, or do a list of everyone's names (Repeated if you got more than one premade gift) and let each person pick one in the order their name is placed


I think that last way of doing things would take absolutely forever. I'd just put them up for bid and accept whoever bid on a pet first. Well actually I'd probably not have let people pick themselves in the first place, since they are meant to be random premades, but I do think it is nice of you to do so <3


I do like YLO's idea of first-come-first-serve. Makes it a lot easier for you, Wild.


Hmm.. Okay, then I suppose I can do that!

I'll write up a list of how many premades each person has to pick, then let them all go. XD I think I'm going to rename all premades by numbers too, so I can tell if more than one person bid on a pet at the same time