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[Gliders] Quick flatsale & Franken

Started by Winged, September 24, 2012, 01:51:35 PM

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Last weekend i moved into halls at college, so really busy at the moment, settling in and starting my course and stuff. But i don't want these guys to become inactive, so here's a quick flatsale with some that i've been colouring over the past few weeks.

Well i stole Dunkel's idea xD Was supposed to be a big flatsale but decided to just get them out. These guys have been rolling in flour, so i'm looking for some people who can help brush them off. Once you've brushed them off i'll cert them and you can see them shining!
They cost 40k each and have a variety of markings and even a couple of custom markings! Hope you like :) They each have a massively inspiring and original codename, so use them to buy :)

Please fill out this form to buy one.

Jotun- skysnolimit

Greenorange- CutieePiee

Spring- PM

Darkgreen- Spring

Yellow- Saturnalia

Teal- YLO

Rainbow- Ryuu

Snow- Aralie


Well today i failed my driving test for the second time :( It was a tiny thing, and apart from that i drove fine but i still didn't pass. The test is so stupid! So here's an event to cheer me up xD

Bribe me

She has no mutations and a custom marking loosely based on great dane harlequin!

To win this girl, please bribe me!
I'll look at most things; USD, agency pets, art, customs, SG, whatever you like.
This will end on the 29th sometime.

Inspiring photo

To win him, post a photo that you think is really inspiring. Can be anything, landscape, animals, whatever you lije. The photo i think is the most amazing will win.
Ends on the 28th at 13:00 secundi time (8pm UK time)

I'm tired and not thinking right now so if i've missed anything let me know! Enjoy :)

Owners Folders- Click
Information thread- Click
Owner of Gliders!


for the bribe me, should we PM you?


awww sorry to hear that, Winged! driving is difficult D:

for inspiring photo:
(not sure if this counts since it's not a photo; please let me know! <3)

It's fanart of my character Canyon, who has a deformed wing, but is trying to fly anyway. Art is by Boolet :)


Shall have to look around for inspiring photos.  I've a bribe in mind for the girl, too, but I'll wait and see whether we're supposed to post here or PM them.


Inspiring Photo

The story: "While a reporter was taking photos of a therapy horse visit, a woman who had not spoken since she arrived at the assisted care facility three years earlier began talking to therapy horse Magic. "Isn't she beautiful" were her first words.  "It's a horse".  The activities director began to cry and told the woman she loved her. "I love you too," the woman answered...her first full sentence to another person.  Six months after Magic's first visit the woman is still talking!" (


For the bribe it's up to you, i'd prefer you post here but if you'd rather pm then that's fine too :)

Runi i think i'll have to say no it must be a photo. Sorry about that, you can make another post.
Ravv that is so sweet! I've actually heard of that therapy horse before, it's lovely the work they do.
Owner of Gliders!


Happy Marigolds! :D I got my plants from a top, forgotten rack at the store, and they looked pretty horrible. All scraggly and dying... but now they're taking over my garden! The will to live of a plant-- a non-sentient thing, at that-- always impresses me!

(Edited because I messed up the image url...)



Wow Ryuu that's a really cool photo xD
Owner of Gliders!

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Inspiration :3 I thought he was lovely


isn't that so cool? x3 I love artsy stuff~


Lovely photos!
Crystal is that an edited photo or fully computer designed? If it's an edited photo that's fine but if it isn't then can you choose a different photo please :)
Owner of Gliders!


Ok, for a bribe, I can offer tack for any one of your Arabian, Gypsy Vanner or Grade Quinsta.  Examples can be found here:


Very tempting, thanks Silv! I might request it on my new vanner girl i'm getting, or one of my current vanners. But i'll stick to my date of the 29th for choosing a bribe, though you are the only bribe currently lol.

Photo contest ends tomorrow! Runi you need to post another one and Crystal you need to let me know if that's an edited photo or artwork.
Owner of Gliders!


Plants always have such a will to live, even in the worst of conditions <3
(sorry for giant pic!)


I've chosen Ryuu's amazing photo of a wave! Let me know name and owner for him :)
Owner of Gliders!



I have two more custom marking girls, any ideas on an event for them?
Owner of Gliders!


Any more bribes? Only one so far, I'll choose sometime this evening.
Owner of Gliders!



I'll close the bribe and accept Silv's offer of tack! For my ner vanner- Can the leather be a dark brown like her mane, and the saddle pad either be white to match her appy or silvery like her roan. Whatever you think looks better, or surprise me with colours, i'm not totally sure what would suit her.
Owner of Gliders!


Congrats Sil for winning the bribe! ^_^

I would like to name my male Anda please, owner me :)


Thanks Winged!  I've put the tack on your gal now.  For the glider, could I name her "Harley" please?  :)
The Gavanian Quinsta Outreach Program: Adopting Quinsta Off-world since 2010.


She looks great, thanks! I'll get them certed soon, just moved into halls at college so busy settling in and stuff but i will get this done :) Haven't forgotten or anything.
Owner of Gliders!


Hopefull i'll cert those two later this afternoon, for now here's a small flatsale. Enjoy!
Owner of Gliders!


Codename: Snow
Name: Snowfall
Owner: Aralie


Owner of Gliders!


Codename: Spring
Name: Kioja
Owner: PonyMama


Codename: Rainbow
Name: Hope's Dawn
Owner: Ryuukokoro

Ooo I was afraid I missed them all because I saw so many replies in the thread, but then I looked and saw you used your old thread but changed the title lol!

The big back fin is my fave mutation, but I was captivated by the rainbow girl's pale pastel! Lovely look. *paws at screen* Can't wait to see these beauties certed.



Haha yes i didn't think it was worth making a new thread xD
Glad you like, i try to avoid rainbow often, so it stays a bit more special, but it can look lovely on a premade sometimes! And the fins are one of my favourite mutations too, they have such a striking image :)
Owner of Gliders!


Codename: Teal
Name: Ocean
Owner: YourLoveOnly


Codename: Darkgreen
Name: Kvasir
Owner: springacres


Codename: Jotun
Name: Kite
Owner: skysnolimit


Codename: Yellow
Name: Amazon
Owner: Saturnalia



Codename: Green orange
Name: Eve
Owner: CutieePiee


Updated, and that's all of them sold! I need SG from Cutiee and Saturnalia. Will cert later this morning hopefully, i don't have class till afternoon.
Owner of Gliders!


Pickups! Hope you all like them :)

Owner of Gliders!


They are all so cute! Love my Snowfall <3


Ooo there were some surprises! And yay, I was hoping Hope would have some blue too! ^.^


Yeah i tried to hide some surprises on some of them :) Glad you like her Aralie, she's one of my favourites!
Owner of Gliders!


Awesome! :D Love Amazon! And the rainbow girl... ee!

(And SG sent, sorry about that! I realized I forgot to send it last night, so all this morning while mucking stalls I was thinking, "REMEMBER TO SEND THE MONIEEESS" haha :)


Ooh, Kvasir is beautiful!  And oddly enough I just realized he has the same colors as my state's pro football team :)  Not a football fan myself but I just find that kind of a neat coincidence :)


Glad you like! No problem Sat, it's not too late xD
Owner of Gliders!


Owner of Gliders!



Great! Usual rules, anyone doesn't know then ask :)

Owner of Gliders!



Owner of Gliders!
