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•°Lire'Jeune°• One Free Jeune for all

Started by Solistia, June 21, 2012, 04:02:16 PM

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QuoteThe Jeune, or rather the large island the Jeune were living on, were found by fisherman who had gotten lost in a sudden tropical storm. He washed up onto a fairly large island, and was able to survive on the abundant natural resourses there. When he was found and rescued, scientists took a large interest in this uncharted island, for it was quite ecologically diverse. There were rocky plains, a rainforest, a high mountain, and even a rather large desert. They found many bird species, mostly fruit and bug eating, but upon further investigation they came upon the crown jewel. The Jeune.

At first they thought it was some kind of lizard or gecko from its shape (from the order Squamata), but blood analysis put these little creatures into their own Order, Draconigena. The Jeune were very diverse on their home island, having adapted to live in the variety of ecological systems, however, when samples were moved to a lab and bred, they became very plain, and not nearly as colorful or dynamic as those bred and born on the island. One researcher believes that because the environment is static, it has caused the Jeune to all breed to look the same. She has convinced the other lab technicians that these creatures need to experience new environments, and see how they, and their offspring, adapt.

And thus, Jeune have started to be given away to the general public, on the condition that the lab has a chance to analyse the bred offspring to see if the Jeune return to being as genetically diverse as on their island.

Jeune is a small sub-adoptable of my main adoptable Anima Adoption Agency. They have a rigid genetic system, but still allow for individuality. One of the best things about the Jeune is that anyone that wants one can have one. Thus, this thread will hand out one free starter Jeune to anyone who asks! (AAAers who have already claimed their one free Jeune on AAA cannot claim one on Secundi also). This will be a permanently open thread to all Secundi goers.

Though not all AAA Jeune owners are on Secundi (or vice versa), the AAA Jeune and Secundi Jeune will be housed together, and thus may breed together.

You will be able to track your Jeune, and see other's owned Jeune on this page:

I also recommend reading all the information pages about the Jeune on their website if you're intrigued by this adoptable. It has a lot of good and interesting information!

Due to the nature and background of Jeune, I will NOT be aiming to be a Secundi Agency. But I do aim to fill Secundi with a lot of Jeune :3

Also, one of our top followers, tbiris, who has poured a lot of time into figuring out the genetic code, will be posting a genetic primer and discussion in the Breeding Forum later today (I'll link it when it's up). She has geniusly created an awesome little java program that can even help people who don't understand genetics test breed Jeune together to see what they'll get!




Ask and ye shall recieve

Ooooo a rare colored and mottled starter 8D

You can choose to name your new Jeune or leave her nameless. Just be sure to refernce her ID number, s-118, when naming her!

The "Owner" section of the ID page is for the name of the RPed owner of the Jeune (so if you won't be RPing with them, don't worry about it :3)


:O She's lovely! (Mottled is actually what I was hoping for! ^^)

I'd like to name her (s-118) Serenity, please


(huge congrats then!)

And her page has been updated ^o^ <3


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Ooh! Grats Filly, she's pretty :'D
I would love my first please!

I'm quite excited with the challenge of the genetics ;O;

Keilin Alyr

Very pretty little girl, Wild. Hope she's hiding some neat surprises should you choose to breed her. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Thanks guys! I can't wait to see yours as well!
Keilin; I think I will breed her, as soon as I aquire her a mate :D
I'm so excited to breed them and see what's hiding!


I'd like to name mine (s-119) Kuro, please!
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Aaah, I'd love to name my boy (s-120) Bangarang please!

*snugs him*
Thank you!



Eeeeeee I wasn't expecting Jeune until July!! (Haha I pronounce them 'joon' in my head, like the month, so that sentence is weird to type...)

All the lovely Jeune are great so far. Wow, a black and white mottled, I've never seen that before!

The red and white desert-breed Jeune with the ears in the top post is my girl Aka! I'm so pleased she was chosen to be used as an example! ^.^ *snuggles Aka* She's my gorgeous baby.


Heehee, I wanted to show how vastly different offspring could be from their "plain" parents, and Aka is one of my favorites >u>

I at least wanted to get the One Free Jeune going X3 now that I'm done with all current Jeune things 8D
I pronounce it Joo-neh in my own head, but I say there's no right or wrong way to say it! =D (since it was a made up name based on european languages XD)




o.o Tb, that must have taken you ages to type up! Thanks for the info. <3


She is gorgeous! :) I'll name her (s-121) Fabala, please <3


A bit, but had the layout somewhat in my mind so not too long at the same time. That or I zoned again. That happens when I code some times, I just zone out typing it up and then I look up and two hours have gone by. XD

It doesn't happen with Jeune much anymore unless Soli throws a curve ball (like mottled and the subspecies showing with full species) unless I want to go and rewrite the entire program (which has happened twice so far).

But yeah, I love Jeune genetics and stuff 8D
I kinda wish I had more knowledge so I could get it to just pull the data from the ID numbers, but pretty sure I'd need a database for that and just blaaarrrg.


All named up Rav! <3

And much love to tb >u< ♥♥♥♥




I have a few very very pretty babies so when breeding crops up if someone wants to breed just ask =D The genetics make my head all spiney but TB is wonderful enough to explain them to me, or you know I poke her and say breeding which ones of these will make for pretties?! And she answers lol.


Rose, I might take you up on that!

May I get a first?


For CutieePiee!

For luv007!

And yes, if you ever want to know what two Jeune would be good to breed together, tb is ALWAYS up for a friendly PM or IM about Jeune :3



My FAVORITE color!  How did you know??  Haha.

Edit:  Name himher Blue, please!

Keilin Alyr

Blue's a girl, Luv. Kind of like the puppy from Blue's Clues. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Named! (don't forget to reference their ID number or image when naming! It's easy in this thread, but in other threads it can get a bit crazy @A@)


Check!  Sorry, Soli. 

I need to actually read more about these guys as soon as I have the time.  I'm actually watching Blue's Clues right now.  LIttle one just went down for a nap.  Hehe.



I love mine! His color is lovely!

Name: Taro







She is very cute! I will name her (s-126) Larissa ^_^


Oooo lucky Pink! That's a cute blue on blue mottled!

Keilin Alyr

Ooh, I'm loving all of these mottled blues. Congrats, guys. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



(@Ryuu, actually that's a blue on purple mottled =D if you talk to tb in the genetic primer thread, she can explain to you how mottled cannot be of the same color and must be two different colors ^o^ )

EDIT: Jeune have been updated with names!


-nods- And looks like we have a colorblind one there too :3




Okay question. Would people like to see games for more starters, or a round of breeding first? :3

For breeding, just so you all know, you only need to have one Jeune, since you can use a lab Jeune with your own (and since everyone gets at least ONE jeune from this thread, that means anyone is eligible to start breeding!). And of course, you can ask others to breed their Jeune with yours, or even use two Jeune from others to breed :3 (only breeding with a "Lab" Jeune carries the stipulation that it must be bred with a Jeune owned by you, anything else is fair game :3)


>>..... <<.....  Clarke demands that i vote for breeding. ^^ <3


I'd love to see breedings honestly, and start playing with those genetics >:D
*pets Bangarang*


Breeding works for me as well. :) Although, I'm fine with either.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed