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~Fables~ [Daily Claiming Games- July 10th-16th]

Started by Luv007, July 08, 2011, 05:52:42 PM

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 Daily Claiming Games for July 10th-16th

1.  Please only make ONE post per Fable that will be entering the competitions in this thread.  Edit ALL of your Fable's entries into that single post.  This should keep everything in one thread, while allowing it not to be too complicated for me to find entries to all the different competitions.
2.  Games are color coded.  Please take note of this and color code each of your entries.
3.  Any comments or questions can be posted in the active thread (aka "the experiment").
4.  Winners will be posted at the end of the thread and edited into the first post at the end of each day.
5.  The square you won may be 'claimed' in the grid thread (coming soon) where your prize from that square will also be announced.
6.  Each Fable may enter the contests, not just each owner.  The only exceptions is "as a Fable owner" questions or tasks.

Sunday, 10 July 2011-CLOSED:  Everyone has a natural talent.  What is a talent that your Fable was just BORN with?
The prize, grid square D1, goes to Ravvana's River of Sokanon herd!

Monday, 11 July 2011-CLOSED:  Forgotten Love's favorite quote is "Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who matter  don't care, and those who care don't matter."  What is your fable's favorite quotation?
The prize, grid square A2, goes to wildfilly94's Liam of Sokanon herd!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011-CLOSED:  As a Fable owner, what breeding item would you like to see incorporated into Fable breeding?  What effect would it have on the breeding?
The prize, grid square A1, goes to Ravvana of Sokanon herd!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011-CLOSED:  Fables, share a childhood memory with us.
The prize, grid square G4, goes to Ravvana's River of Sokanon herd!

Thursday, 14 July 2011-CLOSED:  You lazy Fables, you!  Get to work!  (I'll release a post about this in the other thread and how to do each of your jobs.  Don't feel pressured to pick a job now.  Many new ones could be released later that will fit your Fable better.  This is just to encourage Fables who have chosen a job to feel out their job.)
The prize, grid square G6, goes to Kahlira's Heartbreaker of Sokanon herd!

Friday, 15 July 2011-CLOSED:  As a Fable owner, where do you find the adoptable's weaknesses?
The prize, grid square C1, goes to Kahlira of Sokanon herd!

Saturday, 16 July 2011-CLOSED:  RP your job with your herd through the Secundi forums.


Example Post:

Forgotten Love

My talent is to help others.  I'm good at taking the punches when someone needs to let off steam and I'm good at being there when no one else is.  It's not much, but it's what I'm good at, and always have been.

"Be who you are and say what you mean for those who matter don't care, and those who care don't matter."

I remember playing "herd" as a young story.  The other stories were always very... exclusive.

Entered. (Provide a URL link please!)


Marbled Secrets

My talent is blowing bubbles!  As a story I would blow bubbles with my spit, drove my mother crazy.  Now I can blow bubbles with just about anything.  Have you ever seen anyone blow a bubble from gun the size of a beach ball?  Well I can do that.

Sticks and stones can break your bones, but names can never hurt me.


The natural talent my Zack fable was born with, is to listen to others and stand up for others.

Zack's favorite quote is "Never let the fear of Strikin' out, Keep you from playing the game"

New breed Item; Colourful Berries, Adds new colours to the story

As a young story, I remember to go to the lake with the other stories of herd

Having to RP so much

(Hope this is right)


Shara of Sokanon
Shara has a keen sense of direction. Once she has been somewhere, she can always find her way back.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Confucius

Shara was resting in a field of flowers, watching her two elder sisters frolic and play. They never invited her to play with them. She sighed, looking toward the other Fables of her age. As a Story of the herd leader, Shara had always been an outcast from her peers. Not that she needed them anyway. She noticed a butterfly playing overhead, and jumped up to follow the creature, eager to see it up close. Running after it, she bumped right into another Story. They both blushed at their clumsiness. The other smiled at Shara shyly, introducing herself as Daria. "Do you want to be friends?" Daria asked, full of childish purity. Shara, more mature for her age, was taken aback. But then she smiled. "Yes, let's," she answered. They raced after the butterfly together.


River of Sokanon
River can read other Fables with great accuracy at first glance. She can identify core character even if the Fable puts on a show of acting differently (for instance, a timid Fable who acts brave). This ability allows her to form quick bonds with others, for she understands them as well as they understand themselves.

"There is no such thing as chance; and what seem to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny." Friedrich von Schiller

Everything around her was on fire. She shrieked as a tree collapsed feet in front of her, looking desperately around for her brother. He left, just like all the others... Suddenly, she heard his voice calling her name, a loyal older brother to the last. She scrambled toward him, graceful even on her unsteady foal's legs. She caught him and they ran together, leaving behind the charred remains of home. Mother and father gone, but she didn't mind, not truly. They had always used her, exploited her intelligence. They weren't kind Fables, not like her brother. He loved her. She was loved, and that was enough. Enough to make a new start.



Ending Tuesday, 12 July 2011 at 23:59: Some sort of "luxury nesting straw" that produces fraternal twins or triplets from a single father. I'd love fraternal siblings, but I admit I'd feel kind of creepy having one of my mares breed with two studs in a single season, especially due to the heavy RP emphasis of Fables :-[ I don't want one of my mares to lack fidelity to that extreme -- two fathers in a single season.

Ending Friday, 15 July 2011 at 23:59:  It is such a big, complex adoptable that is is kind of intimidating. It seems like it you aren't very active, you'll have a hard time participating at all. It might scare newcomers off. Also, I foresee it becoming difficult to RP lots of different Fables, which discourages people from owning a large collection of Fables.


Ending Sunday, 10 July 2011 at 23:59:  Everyone has a natural talent.  What is a talent that your Fable was just BORN with?
Prizes: D1


Goddess-Bella-Marbles Secrets


QuoteThere were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

    Goddess-Bella-Marbles Secrets

Timestamp: 2011-07-11 11:34:57 UTC

Congratulations goes to Ravvana's River of Sokanon herd!!



Favorite quote: At least there was music, there was always music~Mused by Vanyel Ashkevron in Magic's Pawn

Oh wow, let me think, there was this one time while I was just laying there in the grass, minding my own business when a tiny blue butterfly landed upon my nose, and sat there for a long while. I went crosseyed watching him. But that was ok! He sat there, every once in a while he'd open his wings. I stayed real still, so he would stay longer, but he grew weary of me and fluttered off on his own way.

Ohh! I don't have the attention span to do no border protecting, though it would mean spending a lot of time outside. I don't want to be alone! and I so love baby Fables! I chose to become a midwife! That way I can help all of the mother fables with their young ones without having to resort to having one for myself!

Heart Breaker

Favorite Quote: It's a far, far better thing to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all~He doesn't recall who said that, but he heard it as a young fable, and now it's a favorite line of his.

I got my horn stuck in a tree once! My momma was furious! Granted with the help of a woodpecker we got it out with no real damage except a bi of sap which eventually washed away, but still, I thought it was fun!

Heh, in order to be near my niece Abby, I chose to become a builder.


Favorite quote: the wheels on the bus go round and round~Though she has no clue what a wheel or a bus is.

Her eyes grow a bit larger. You want to know! She lets out a tiny little giggle. Well, silly, my unky chose me to be taken care of since my momma couldn't do it. And we left the herd to find another herd! And we did! And it was great! Yay! I love my new herd! They even like me,  I think.


As an owner, the item I would like to see most would be uh, something along the lines of special gems which would guarantee the passing of a parents colors (Not exact, just colors or patterns) onto the story. Like a purple rock (Amethyst?) to pass the pattern of a parent onto the Story, or Ruby to pass the colors (Can choose different gems to say, pass mom's colors and dad's patterns) That'd make an awesome story, HB's pattern's with Julianna colors! (Julianna does not like this though)

Currently I believe it's that it's very time consuming, and It's easy to forget things. (I so fail)

Don't think I'm going to put Ashke up since she's not "officially" been introduced. And I hope I picked the right colors XD



"The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge

When I was little, it was just my mother and I. I didn't know waht happened to the herd, if there was one at the time. One day, she and I were running around a meadow with lush alfalfa grass and we came across a bunny. Well, ran into it, rather. We chased it around for a bit and eventually the bunny got used to us and jumped on my back and I trotted around with it on me. Momma laughed and smiled at us lovingly and after the bunny ran off we shared a long embrace. It was the last embrace, smile, laughter, and love I'd get from her ever again, which makes it the most cherished.


"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen

The only thing I can remember of my childhood, was my dear brother. He's no longer with us, but as a story, He and I had great fun together. Once we were wading in the water of a large pond, and all of a sudden, a fish bit my brother! He freaked out and started to run, but he kept slipping and scrambling about, flailing around. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. We both fell over laughing, as he realized his silly he looked. I teased him about it all the time, never letting him live it down. Ahh, those were the days..

Weekly Job Report Done


"You cannot catch a child's spirit by running after it; you must stand still and for love it will soon itself return." -Arthur Miller. He is a free, wild spirit. <3

My childhood has only just begun. But My favorite memory is the day I was born. I opened my eyes for the first time, and there she was. The most beautiful, and loving female I'll ever meet. My mother. She cried when I was born, and I cried too. I knew the second I saw her, our bond was made firm and could not be broken. She gave me the biggest hug and we were so happy. Then I got to go running!! :D It was fun!


I know it will be a while, but it would be cool to have an item that could produce mutations on Fables. Like wings/Unicorn. I'd say the item would be a nesting bed of grass mabye? Something like that I guess. I'm not super creative. Lol.

The only issue I have, is that its so time consuming and I can't guaruntee I'll always be here, with my job, and school. I try to get on as much as I can and participate because I love my Fables, though.


Live life as if each day is your last

If you aren't happy with something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain


Ina's favorite quote : "Love isnt always easy, but mostly worth it"


Ending Monday, 11 July 2011 at 23:59:  Forgotten Love's favorite quote is "Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who matter  don't care, and those who care don't matter."  What is your fable's favorite quotation?
Prizes: A2


Pinkshadow-Ina-Marbled Secrets
Neocridders-Jinx-Marbled Secrets
Neocridders-Cassie-Marbled Secrets
Goddesss-Bella-Marbled Secrets


QuoteThere were 13 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

    Neocridders-Cassie-Marbled Secrets
    Pinkshadow-Ina-Marbled Secrets
    Goddesss-Bella-Marbled Secrets
    Neocridders-Jinx-Marbled Secrets

Timestamp: 2011-07-12 12:09:12 UTC

Congratulations goes to wildfilly94's Liam of Sokanon herd!!


I'd like to see an item that gives a story colors or markings that the parents don't have! Maybe you could just assign a random color to this breeding item, like Green Nesting Straw or Yellow Nesting Straw?


I think a cool new breeding item might be a thistle. It would be used in addition to a breeding straw. One of the offspring born eats it when born and a random effect will occur (different color/marking/mutation/gender/etc)


CLOSED:  As a Fable owner, what breeding item would you like to see incorporated into Fable breeding?  What effect would it have on the breeding?
Prizes: A1, Braided Nesting Straw


Ryuu-Base colores based on Nesting Straw color
Kahlira-Parent Markings/Coloring by way of jewel stone
Ravv-Luxury Nesting Straw (Fraternal Multiples)
Pink-Berries for special colors


QuoteMy decision is based this time on which user's suggestion I want to implement the most.  While quite a few of your ideas are going to be put to use however, I will give each of you an item like what you described.

Congratulations goes to Ravvana!!

And also to each of the other entries!

Ravvana will take home the square and a Braided Nesting Fur.  Sometimes mommy's put a little extra work into their "nests" and when Fables do, they get a fraternal baby or two.

Pinkshadow will take home a berry of her choice color which will add the coloring to the foals when eaten before birth.

Kahlira will take home a jewel of her choice that will add mother's or father's markings or coloring when added to the nest.

Wildfilly will take home a bare twig that added to a nest will make the Fable be born without a horn.  (That's the best I can do mutation-wise for now.)

Ryuu will take home her choice color of Nesting Straw which will give a foal the base color of the straw.

And Neo will take home a branch of thistles, which will have a random effect on the foal when added to it's nest.

Post for what color you want if you have an option so I can add it to your inventory!


CLOSED:  Fables, share a childhood memory with us.
Prizes: G4, 5 Blocks of Wood


Kahlira-Heart Breaker-Sokanon

QuoteFirst place was decided by which piece drew me into the memory most.  It was very close, but River's memory was most touching.  Second place was also chosen by the me.

Congratulations goes to Ravvana's River of Sokanon herd!

Second place goes to Wildfily94's Estella of Sokanon herd!

Everyone else did so well that I made up a list of things to be given out randomly:

Pinkshadow-Zack (A Red Berry)
Ravvana-Shara-Sokanon (White Nesting Straw)
Kahlira-Julianna-Sokanon (Purple Berry)
Kahlira-Heart Breaker-Sokanon (Saphire Jewel)
Kahlira-Abby-Sokanon (Blue Berry)
Wildfilly94-Xavier-Sokanon (Thistle)
Wildfilly94-Liam-Sokanon (Black Nesting Straw)


CLOSED:  You lazy Fables, you!  Get to work!  (I'll release a post about this in the other thread and how to do each of your jobs.  Don't feel pressured to pick a job now.  Many new ones could be released later that will fit your Fable better.  This is just to encourage Fables who have chosen a job to feel out their job.)
Prizes: G6, Braided Nesting Straw, 3 Blocks of Stone


Kahlire-Heart Breaker-Sokanon


QuoteThere were 3 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

    Kahlire-Heart Breaker-Sokanon

Timestamp: 2011-07-15 10:59:46 UTC

Congratulations to Kahlira's Heart Breaker of Sokanon!


CLOSED:  As a Fable owner, where do you find the adoptable's weaknesses?
Prizes: C1




QuoteThere were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


Timestamp: 2011-07-16 22:37:32 UTC

Congradulations to Kahlira of Sokanon!