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Unicorn templates - would anyone be willing to run them? (decided)

Started by TheLeet, March 09, 2011, 08:22:48 AM

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I don't know why but I just felt like drawing these. They're fully templated with shading and different layers for eyes, hooves/horn and hair. As you can see, there's a cert too but you don't have to use it. I have a feeling it might be a bit small and awkward to work with. The .psd files are 500x500 pixels so it would be possible to have them a little bigger than in the sample pictures (which are 300x300) - I just prefer them a little smaller myself :)
I know my limits and there's no way that I can run a 3rd line of adopties without getting sick of it, so I'm looking to give them to someone else to run.

However, being the control freak I am, I'll have to put a few rules in place (but that's ok because I'm giving them away for free lol XD )
- they're only to be run on secundi, no other sites
- if I ever leave secundi, you can keep the lines
- if you ever leave secundi, or just disappear for more than a few months, you can either pass the lines on to a friend or give them back to me
- no USD sales
- the lines are not to be sold on
- if you find that you don't have the time to run them, please give them to someone else to run on here or give them back to me

Sorry about putting so many restrictions on >.<

If you'd like to run them, please fill out the form below. I hate being so formal but it saves me from having to do my own research :)

date you joined secundi:
any other adoptables you're involved in:
(if there are none, just leave this blank)
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events:


Username: Pinkshadow
date you joined secundi: 14 September 2009
any other adoptables you're involved in: Well None, Kinda own Nymphea Kats , but not running them or anything close (:
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events: Min. 2 at a month or some in that order (;
- I'm homegoing atm so i have alot of sparetime i need to fill, and these are just super cute :)


date you joined secundi:july 26th O.o I've been on longer then I thought...
any other adoptables you're involved in:ATM I'm doing my adoptables, though I may be coloring for a couple others *soonish* I've got to download a huge program for one and I've go to hear back from another.
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events:I'm trying to hold events for "the phish & more shoppe" every week. I can run events for these along side it with one huge event every couple of months. My goal would be the same as my current shop's which is to move out at least 10 animals a week and do at least 2 breedings.


Thanks for the interest so far ^_^

I'll keep this open for a couple of days to give everyone a chance to see it (and to give those who've seen it a bit of time to think about it)
I'll probably make a decision on Friday or Saturday :)


I want to colour them so bad ;__;
Leet-art is amazing >3>

However, I don't have the time to run them with my current adopties x3;

If whoever gets them needs a/an extra colourist, I'd happily voulenteer :'D


O.o If I get to run them willow I'd -adore- to work with you ^-^


Ooh, these are absolutely beautiful! I would love to sign up, but one of the reasons I love TheStable being realistic is that I don't need to miserably fail at jaguar spots and rainbow coloring and so forth x_X So when you are deciding, please keep in mind that for the really intricate markings I couldn't do justice to, I'd need to get a guest colorist <3 Don't worry -- I can actually color the majority of patterns, etc; I'm not inept at coloring XD I just don't have much experience with crazy, non-realistic patterns, although I'm a pretty fast learner ;)

Username: Ravvana
date you joined secundi: September 04, 2009 (first or second day!)
any other adoptables you're involved in: TheStable
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events: I'm going to be totally honest here and say that when I get swamped with school, that needs to come first. I try to run one Stable event per month, and I think it is feasible to also do one event for these guys each month. I'm thinking I may do something with them in the style of Quin, where I'd have alternating months: one for giveaways/auctions/adoptions/customs/etc, and one for breeding. I know I can handle keeping that up faithfully. That plan will also mean they can be active without me getting swamped by breedings or bored from repetitive pick-a-door style events every month.

Thanks for the consideration! They are beautiful, Leet :)

EDIT: I thought more about how I would run them, so here it is for your consideration:

1. Every other month would be a breeding month. During a breeding month, each user can request one breeding for a nominal fee (ie: 1k SG). Outside RBs and studdings are permissible; non-owners can borrow both dam and stud. There will also be somewhat rare items to get second or third breedings/foals in one month. These items could be earned through bribes, auctions, raffles, giveaways, etc.

2. The non-breeding months would be event months. During an event month, I will try to give out a minimum of 10 unicorns, although I foresee being able to give away more than this each month (due to the operating plan I'm laying out here -- keeping reading re: full cusoms). This could be through a pick-a-door, scavenger hunt, RP, Franken, auction, raffle, art contest, poetry contest, etc, etc. These unicorns would primarily be premades, although semi-customs would be available with less frequency.

3. Full customs would be primarily bribe-only. They still may show up as special event rewards, but bribing is the primary way to get one. This way, I won't get bogged down by trying to perfectly color intricate mimics, giving me more time to color premades and semis -- and thus ultimately giving more unicorns to more users :) That will also mean that when someone wants something like rainbow sparkly jaguar spots that I'm not sure I could give justice to, I will be able to find a guest colorist without feeling too much time pressure.

Okay, putting way too much thought into this probably XD But that is my basic plan for how to run this if I am selected :)


Ravv I wouldn't mind guest coloring on occassion. I'm finally used to my tablet and able to do things like leopard spots <3 Only thing I know I'm not very good at is fullbody stripe designs.


I have been trying to break into the adoptables world for a little while but since I lack any drawing skills I have so far failed, so...

Username: BabyKittenCandy
date you joined secundi:   2009-09-08
any other adoptables you're involved in: I do have some lines I wanna get sorted to be an adopt but im waiting on a mate to help me with them.
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events: I will be Honest and say that I am at Uni, so my assignments and deadlines would have to take priority over anything else. I also have a small child to take care of so  I would like to say I would do a couple of events a month but my real life would have to come before them too, but I would try and make sure I ran at least one event a month, even if it was only a flatsale/pic a door or put up a long running event.


Username: Goddesss
date you joined secundi: September 04, 2009
any other adoptables you're involved in: I ran a few on PI.  I also color for Gryphions, Storm Chasers, and Guest color for Okibi and others.  I also helped with Chibi pets.
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events: I could do one at least once a month.  I have the time to do more then once a month but things sometimes come up so I wouldnt want to promise more then that.


I'm too busy to run them. But I'd love to color time to time, if the manager decides they want a few from me here and there.
Looove them!


Added to my application... Procrastinating essays is fun :) *scurries back to work*


My GOODNESS these are cute. I will heartily be stalking these.


Leet I LOVE them! Thank you for doing them and bringing them to Secundi! There was a similar set of lineart you made for Luv008(I think...) on PI and I was a huge fan. I was so sad they didn't get very active (maybe they are active now, but at the time I was on, they weren't!)


I think you mean Fables by luv007 Ryuu ^^ She planned on bringing them to secundi, but her real life got busy. She only just got her internet back and we've been keeping in touch. At this point she has no time to come back to secundi, but maybe that will change someday =)


Yeah, I tried to make these look as different as possible, in case she ever wanted to come back and run the Fables. They were much more my little pony looking. :)
I just had to do another set of unicorns, though. Unicorns are awesome :D


Username: Victoria
date you joined secundi: June 08, 2010
any other adoptables you're involved in:
how often do you think you'll be able to hold events: Every day. This would be my first adoptable so it would be a pleasure to run them here on Secundi. It may even make me stay on (stalk the forums) longer then i usally do.


Right, I decided to go with Ravvana on this one, since she already put so much thought into how to run them :)
Does anyone know a good place to upload .psd files?  I've got no clue since disappeared.

edit: nevermind, I've found a way to do it ^^