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{Panda Shrimps} New Discoveries ~ Babies page 3!

Started by YourLoveOnly, January 17, 2011, 09:15:49 AM

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(artwork by LunarPixie, cert by YLO, colored and managed by YLO)

After my last trip to the land of the Panda Shrimps I came back with the first few rescued creatures, but I couldn't help wondering if there were anymore out there. So once I rehomed the current Panda Shrimps safely I prepared for another journey. Much to my surprise I did not only find more of these cute little creatures, but I discovered new genes! I am sure a lot more are hiding out there, hoping they are able to live in their natural habitat without being discovered by the other animals. I will keep going back to see if any need my help and who knows what more we will learn. For now we were able to add ten more genes to our list. We are starting a research project and I have more pets looking for homes as well! Please stick around while I get everything ready.

If you want to learn more, you can find some basic information on this flyer.

Owner folders:



January 22 lab update: All Panda Shrimps paired off in couples and all females were succesfully pregnant, how exciting! The pairs they formed can be seen below and their offspring can be found on page 3.




Full custom Panda Shrimps may seem a bit complicated at first, but that's because of all the options. If this is your first time purchasing, please read through it all. I know it's a lot, but it will help avoid confusion, hopefully.

How to get a custom
Make sure there is an open slot before you post. One slot per person at a time. Once your custom is finished you are free to claim another slot. Prices depend on what you want to get.

To get a slot post the following:
[color=red][b]I want [insert slot type]![/b][/color]

Once you have a slot fill out the form, which can be found in the next post. Please post your form within 24 hours or the slot will go back up for grabs. Once you post your form I will let you know your total (there is a pricelist in the next post so you know how much everything will be upfront). Please send payment once I have given you your total. I will not start on your custom until I've received payment.


1. Kahlira *done*
2. Kahlira *done*
3. Kahlira *done*
4. Aralie *done*
5. Aralie *done*
6. Kahlira *done*

1. Pinkshadow *done*
2. Willow *done*
3. hiyoko *done*
4. toffeeca *done*
5. toffeeca *done*

1. hiyoko *done*

Help! I'm confused! How does this work?
You are lucky! I typed up a whole tutorial, please read it completely and then post if you still have questions.

Step 1 ~ Getting a Slot
First decide what you want. There are three types of slots: Normal, Multi and Unique.
Slots enable you to get that type of custom, they do not include things for free. So only a Unique slot enables you to buy unique markings.

With a Normal slot you can have as many premade markings as you want, but you can not add multiple colors to a single color pattern or body part.
With a Multi slot you can have as many premade markings as you want. Body, scales and eyes can have up to two colors. Red markings can come in multiple colors.
With a Unique slot you can have as many premade markings as you want. Body, scales and eyes can have up to two colors. Red markings can come in multiple colors and you are also able to purchase unique markings. 'Unique markings' means any non-templated marking. Other people can buy the same unique marking when they have a slot, it does not mean that type of marking is unique to you.

Step 2 ~ Understanding Colors
In the examples each part has a different color. It is important you know what each color means so you can fill out the form correctly. For example, yellow on scales is not a marking color, it's the base color of the scales.

White - body color
Cyan - eye color
Yellow - scales color

Red - first marking color you give me
Green - second marking color you give me
Blue - third marking color you give me

Please give the amount of marking colors needed, no more and no less. So if it's a red pattern, list one color. If it's a red and green pattern, list two colors. If it's a red, green and blue pattern, list three colors. Only with a Multi slot can you give a red pattern more colors.

Step 3 ~ The Basics
Pick a color for the body, the eyes and the scales. If you have a multi colored slot you are allowed to pick up to two colors for each. If you do this the body and scales will be a gradient, the eyes will be bi-eyes (each one a different color)

Step 4 ~ Picking Markings
Consider the slot type you have when ordering! All premade markings can be found here. Unique markings can be anything you desire and if I really feel like I can't make your custom you will get a full refund.

Don't forget to pick colors for everything! If you have a Multi or Unique slot then take look at the price list. There is a number in brackets behind each marking, this is the amount of colors you can get for that marking. It's only available for red patterns and not all of them have it. Red/Green and Red/Blue/Green patterns do not have this option as they are already multi-colored by default!


Once you get a slot, please post this form:
[b]Custom Form[/b]
Marking 1:
Marking 1 Color:
Marking 2:
Marking 2 Color:
(add Marking & Marking Color lines as needed)

Hex codes are allowed and encouraged!

All customs have a base price of 15,000 SG. Then there is a fee for each marking you want added. Multiple colors and unique markings cost extra. Make sure your slot type allows those things!
Different markings have different prices depending on how intricate and common they are.

Name of marking ~ (maximum number of allowed colors) ~ Price

Forelock ~ (1) ~ Free
Rainbow Forelock ~ (n/a) ~ 1,000 SG

Inner Ear ~ (2) ~ 500 SG
Tipped ~ (2) ~ 1,000 SG
Mask ~ (1) ~ 1,200 SG
Nerd ~ (2) ~ 1,000 SG
Blaze ~ (1) ~ 1,500 SG
Nose ~ (1) ~ Free
Freckles ~ (1) ~ 2,000 SG

Socks ~ (4) ~ 500 SG
Stockings ~ (4) ~ 1,000 SG
Fade ~ (1) ~ 1,500 SG
Barring ~ (2) ~ 2,000 SG
Split Toes ~ (n/a) ~ 2,000 SG

Mottled Body ~ (1) ~ 2,000 SG
Split ~ (2) ~ 1,000 SG
Paint ~ (5) ~ 1,500 SG
Spots ~ (5) ~ 1,000 SG
Zigzag ~ (5) ~ 2,000 SG
Belly ~ (1) ~ 1,000 SG

Dual ~ (3) ~ 1,000 SG
Dorsal Stripe ~ (1) ~ 500 SG
Lines ~ (4) ~ 1,500 SG
Checkered ~ (4) ~ 1,500 SG
Mottled Scales ~ (1) ~ 2,000 SG
Striped Scales ~ (n/a) ~ 2,000 SG
Rainbow Scales ~ (n/a) ~ 1,500 SG

Special Options
Multi-colors ~ +2,500 SG per marking or body part
Unique Markings ~ 5,000 -20,000 SG depending on difficulty




Yes yes shiny new thread :D
Special breeding event is open. All silver text is in-character, because I like doing that sometimes XD
Flatsale will be up after I update the Notary Office thread and while the flatsale runs I will work on the customs post.



-The Form-
ID#: 44
Name: Brenda
Owner: toffeeca


Sorry for spamming up the nice clean thread. ><
I won this boy in the last thread, can I have him named Gary please


Yes you certainly can ^^
I was gonna post a reminder for names needed once I was done with the custom post.
Will get him certed asap =)


ID#: 43
Name: Pippin
Owner: Willow

Love her :')




Updated. I am working on getting up all the custom info.


All events are now up! I know the custom post is big, but it was needed to explain everything. If you are only getting a Normal Slot then it's not a big deal if you don't read it all: just read 'How to get a custom' and Step 2 of the tutorial :)


-The Form-
Name: Estin
Owner: kunaisa

Scientific Research

-sent the money ^^^^


All yours ^^

Will start on flatsale certings. I am watching tv, but I will be here every commercial break to update and do a bit of coloring =)



Custom Form
Name: Michiko
Gender: female
Owner: hiyoko
Body: white
Eyes: light blue
Hair: navy blue
Scales: blue that fades to yellow
Marking 1: tiger stripes or zigzag
Marking 1 Color: teal
Marking 2: double hair tips
Marking 2 Color: pink that fades to yellow

That should be good, but you know who Michiko is ^^


Pinkshadow, you've got the slot, you may now post a form ^^

Hiyoko, I would love it if you would let me use the templated zigzag as I find stripes extremely painful xD But if you really want unique ones that can be done, although it will be priced different. With the zigzag your total would be 28,000 SG :)


Either or. Though I'd like to remind you, your Chistina was evil, puzzle


I know Christine is evil xD a lot of my customs are :P
I just really hate stripes, even more than wild cat mimics and puzzle patterns xD Which explains why the gene wasn't released immediately, I was avoiding it ^^'' Finally templated it for both stages and genders yesterday >.<

Personally I found this the nicest way to place stripes on the lineart, but if you want different ones I could do that, I am just not sure they would really look better.


You can do zigzags, cause that's what on probably half or more of my Michiko's Sending SG right now.^^


would I be able to add Estin to the Scientific research breading pen. I claimed him from the flatsale.


Once he is certed, yes you can make another post with him. Please do post again and don't edit your previous post or I might miss him. It's up to three per person, there is no rule that you have to post them at once. He would be your third, so yep that is fine ^^

Just finished certings, will post them all once I am done with hiyoko's custom.



All done!

Pick-ups :D

Hiyoko, let me know if there is anything wrong with your custom and feel free to order a new one as well ^^

Slots will not clear once finished, because I want to keep the rarity. If I open it back up I think everyone will keep snatching up the unique slot xD




i think i owe u 2000 for Estin breeding pen thing sending it now^^




All confirmed ^^ Will cert Kah's new boy and update breeding pen in the next commercial break.



*is amused by the 'I think' part* xD

You may now post a form! ^^


*grins* The I think is cuz I think is slot I want XD

Custom Form
Name: Dianne
Gender: Female
Owner: Kahlira
Body: 9DFC8F
Eyes: 00A5A0
Scales: DaFF00
Marking 1: Stripes
Marking 1 Color: 007BD7, A23BCA, 007CE9
Marking 2: ZigZag
Marking 2 Color: 007CE9
Marking 3: Forelock
Marking 3 color: A23BCA
Marking 4: Nerd
Marking color: 007CE9




You mean the Striped Scales, right? They are multi-colored by default, so a normal slot will do. Will move your name over there. And yes, 20K is correct. Sorry I missed your edit.

I doubt I will be here after this post, the migraine is making me nauseous so I am gonna go lay down and watch tv, then sleep. See you all in the morning.



My edit was just the other side of a bracket xD Sorry <3 Migraines are no fun *hugs* Hope sleep cures <3



Sleep did not cure :(
I am gonna try coloring anyway, since it barely involves typing and typing is what makes me cringe right now, but if I do disappear you now know why.



*crawls out of bed* Still not gone, but better up to a point where I can actually color. Will go make your custom now.


Kahlira has a custom!

Let me know if you spot any errors. If you want you can order a new one now =3


Custom Form
Name: Marley
Gender: Male
Owner: Pinkshadow
Body: Dark Blue
Eyes: Gold/Yellow
Scales: Crimson Red
Marking 1: Mask
Marking 1 Color: Sky Blue
Marking 2: Forelock
Marking 2 Color: Gold/Yellow
Marking 3: Stockings (Only on front legs if poss)
Marking 3 Color: Crimson Red faded into black
Marking 4: Tiger stripes/ZigZag
Marking 4 Color: Crimson red & Navy blue
Marking 5: Belly
Marking 5 Color: White
Marking 6: Dual
Marking 6 Color: Black & Crimson Red

= 21.200 SG ? xD

Scientific Research!

Hope its all right :p


Your total would be 26,200 SG because of the dual colored stockings and zigzag (2,500 SG per multi-colored gene). Everything else looks fine ^^

Also don't forget to send the 6K for the breeding game :)