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+Little Chimaera+ Christmas Event OPEN ~

Started by Kage Davies, December 19, 2010, 04:01:22 PM

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It seems I forgot to save my link to my grim. Is there somewhere I can find it? A directory? Or maybe someone can let me have the link so I can make sure I don't lose it again? DX I feel stupid!



Where is the bacon flavored ice cream? I brought my big spoon!

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed

Kage Davies


You can re request your links any time, either here, via PM or on the forum (there's a certing section.) We're waiting to find out if we get voted into Agency; if not, I think we're going to have a photobucket for everyone's adults.



how do i get my link for Frost my mouse from the secret santa event??


Right click on your mouse's image and select 'Copy Image Location.' That will give you the URL, which you can then put in IMG brackets and view your image :)



If anone has time, would someone color me the color your own flit? I was going to color one with a pink candy cane tail and legs.
But if anyone wants to color anything for me, I'd apprichiate it a ton. :)

Kage Davies

Happy New Year everyone.

Sorry I disappeared, I've had some drama o.o. And my tablet stopped working DX.

Get in on the games and stuff, we'll be finishing up after New Years. And the votes end today! *Fingers crossed!*


Fur Colour: White
Eye Colour: Blue
Marking one: Fade
Colour: Black
Marking Two: Zebra
Colour: Cyan
Marking Three: muzzle
Colour: Pink
Gender: Female

Hiyoko claims door no 3


Fur Colour:white
Eye Colour:blue
Marking one: dots
Colour: blue
Marking Two: swirls
Colour: purple
Marking Three: stars next to eyes
Colour: blue



Fur Colour: Purple
Eye Colour: Lime
Marking one: fade
Colour: White
Marking Two: Leopard Speots
Colour: Black
Marking Three: Swirls
Colour: Silver
Gender: Female
Where is the bacon flavored ice cream? I brought my big spoon!

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed

Kage Davies

Having reinstalled everything *touch wood* I think its working DX.

kunaisa ~ You need to fill in the whole form please, hun. Or it won't work and I can't enter you.


Quote from: VanillaBean on December 24, 2010, 03:56:06 PM
Here is the first franken for SkySong. I will need a name and owner, please.

Owner: SkySong

Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Quote from: Kage Davies on December 31, 2010, 01:21:03 PM
Having reinstalled everything *touch wood* I think its working DX.

kunaisa ~ You need to fill in the whole form please, hun. Or it won't work and I can't enter you.

fixed it


Where is the bacon flavored ice cream? I brought my big spoon!

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed

Little Chimaera

Wow, well, I can't believe it but you voted us in! Thankyou to everyone who voted for us to make Agency :).

I'm going to leave the games for a couple of days, because we're going to have a bit of a shop revamp. If you'd like to have your say about the way that the shop runs, then please post here;
Or at the feedback section of the forums, which is now set up so you can post anonymously without an account. I hope the changes are all positive all round, and I doubt it'll be anything overly drastic.

Here are some of the things you can expect over the next few days;

Trading Rules
Are changing, so that you can trade your pets for currency. The staff collectively ask that you don't abuse this new rule, since we work very hard on your pets. But you will be able to automatically put your pets up for sale with the new Agency tools.

We think a good guideline would be that if you make MUCH more than what you originally paid, all items inclusive, that you give a small portion back to the colourist who made your pet. This is only an idea though and will not be enforced. Lets see how it goes :D.

Staff Paricipation
As a shop we encourage our staff to participate in the games and events that we run (as long as it isn't cheating that they do so). It is unfortunate that sometimes they win a pet that you want. It has been put to me that this is unfair because they're allowed to colour, but all of the staff have strict rules about what they are and aren't allowed to make and keep for themselves. We like to be involved too, and we think it would be wrong to keep back anything that we liked, or to copy other people's pets. So, this policy is going to stay the same, for now. Please don't be angry with the staff because of it.

The Forum
Our forum is an asset to our shop, and makes life much much easier for our staff. It also connects the two shops, allowing for better breeding diversity and cross website games and RPing. It keeps our information organised, and makes keeping custom and breeding orders straight so much better XD. So we're going to continue to encourage people to join the forum and participate there.

However, since we are now a Secundi site Agency, we are also going to make it easier for people who choose not to join the forum. We've agreed to support Secundi as a website by becoming an Agency. So we're going to create custom and breeding order threads on Secundi's forums, although the forms will still be moved to their own forum threads for now, by myself, to keep things clear and in order. And I'll be adding direct links to the information on the forums (which can be viewed without an account) to the front page, to make it easier to find. I hope that soon we'll get a questing event or two running, but we'll see if any of the staff have ideas.

Importing Your Pets
In our application we did promise to import any existing pets into Secundi, and we still plan to. Everyone's pets have to be resized, and resaved, and then individually uploaded, so this could take some time. We are going to start an Import Request thread, because if you fill out a small form with some info for us then our jobs should be much easier. You can request to have all of your pets imported, whether they came from here or from PI. We will continue to take requests to import pets from PI, but you'll have to ask because we won't do it automatically. From now on, all Secundi pets will be automatically imported, unless you ask us otherwise. We think you should be able to take advantage of our new status too :D.

Item Sales
Will soon become automated through the shop. I'm going to have to tweak rarities a lot, so we want your feedback on how its going XD. There should soon be a steady trickle of all items on Secundi, instead of big sales every now again.

Information Re organisation
I plan to add more information to the forum, arranged coherently, for your pets. For example, each species should soon gain its own thread, which lists its physical attributes, what it can breed with, what mutations you can order for it etc. These threads will be linked from the front page, under each pet's name. That way, if you want to create a custom or you're thinking about breeding, the information is all in one place for you. I hope to create some more world information too, we would like to encourage some more RPing between members and more characters and things. Its going well so far though :).

We are still hiring, although we still have a couple of colourist applications coming through. We do need a new thread manager for Secundi though, preferrably someone who doesn't mind organising events and getting stuck in. LC staff have to have a measure of independance and get up and go, since I can be terrible for remembering to message them.

Staff can now access the mule account on Secundi, and we should be getting one for PI when I can afford it. That should make life and thread updating much easier all around.

That, I think, is everything. Its a lot to work on, so please forgive me if the thread goes quiet while we get everything in place. We have some wonderful mimic pets to put up for sale and games, so we're going to have a little celebration when everything's up and running.

Kage xx
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal


I'm soo glad LC is going to be an agency! ;D


I am glad to see all the thought put into this :)
Congrats on making it this far!


Just a note Sunchaser is going to be working on the babies from the breeding game, as well as working on some thigns for the flatsale thats this month AND a couple of prizes for a RP that im going to set up.

Ill be uploading the babies to Secundi once i check out what size each chim has to be to fit in. Because im doing all three stages at one time, or two in the case of flits i feel it right that i go ahead and just put them into the site. If you have a problem with this PLease tell me! as far as i know YLO and Hiyoko are the only ones that are getting babies that are on this site. The others are on PI though song is here to and ill be PMing her to see what she prefers.

Hiyoko i know you said you wanted adult form, but since we are a agency does that still stand or do you prefer the baby since youll get your growing exactly when it should?

Ill be sending Pms out to those that requested adults for their flits/fencat breeding unless i see a post. I wont upload till i know its okay ^_^ If you have any questions you are always free to send me pms Or if you wish i have MSN, AOL and Yahoo messenger all under you are free to add me ^_^ Just give me a heads up of who you are.


Little Chimaera

okay im working on your flit now. Then ill work on the Fencat breeding after i have done a round of imports ^_^
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Your baby is done and added! Please check to make sure everything is right ^_^
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal


She's cute! Now I need to think of a name.^^


Kahlira picks door number 1

Fur Colour: White
Eye Colour: Pale blue
Marking one: Stars
Colour: Light blue
Marking Two: Moons
Colour: Silver
Marking Three: Suns
Colour: Yellow
Gender: Female

Though if these contsts be over, ignore me XD

Little Chimaera

Nope, they're not closed yet. Although i haven't updated them for a day or two XD.

You can now go and request your imports here;
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

I forgot the item imports! If you've already posted your pets for import, please head back on over and leave me your inventories :).
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal



Question time!
- When using color and marking potions will the parents still naturally pass on part of their own genes as well?
- Do they affect one kit or the entire litter?
- If it affects the entire litter, can you request for it to only affect one kit?
- Chimaera can now be traded for currency, can we also trade them for other adoptables?
- When turning in custom tickets, does a small tattoo count as "one layer of markings"? (I have a girl with full body zigzag pattern and then three small symbols, one on forehead, one on tail and one on hip)

And I am having a crappy day, so I want to buy myself.. stuff xD *attacks stock by placing massive order* They will immediately be added to my inventory right? ^^

Item Purchase
Breeding Charm x4
Plus One Charm x2
Color Potion orange
Color Potion red
Color Potion blue
Color Potion green
Color Potion pink
Color Potion black
Marking Potion Swirls
Marking Potion Stripes
Marking Potion Speckles
Marking Potion Leopard Spots
Marking Potion Hearts
Marking Potion Fade
Copper Custom Ticket
Bronze Custom Ticket x3
Silver Custom Ticket x2
Gold Custom Ticket x3
Platinum Custom Ticket x1
Total: 150K (has been sent to the new mule)


- When using color and marking potions will the parents still naturally pass on part of their own genes as well?

As far as i know the parents still pass on somethings to their babies. I know Kage does her breedings a little different but i usually take things from the parents then add markings that neither one has. So for me id be doing the other markings/colors by the potions being used.

- Do they affect one kit or the entire litter?

I believe they affect the entire litter. But not positive on this one.

- If it affects the entire litter, can you request for it to only affect one kit?

I believe here it would depend on whats being used. I.e If its the colorpotions and what not i dont see why you couldnt ask for it to only affect one kit. But if its somthing like the gender potion that says it affects the whole litter then i dont see why youd by it in the first place if you dont want it to affect teh whole litter.

- Chimaera can now be traded for currency, can we also trade them for other adoptables?

This i believe you have to double check with Kage. I believe you can trade for other adoptables and basicly everything but USD. But agian im not positive so Kage will have to come behind me and answer this.

- When turning in custom tickets, does a small tattoo count as "one layer of markings"? (I have a girl with full body zigzag pattern and then three small symbols, one on forehead, one on tail and one on hip)

it would depend on the type of custom ticket. If nothing else you can always put it in the Anything else part of the form and we usually add it if its in reason, or we ask you use a different type of custom ticket.

Hopfully i was helpful. And for buying things i believe it will be added straight to your inventory, but agian Kage has to confirm lol


Most of your answers say "please check with Kage" or "Kage will have to confirm" so it is not all that helpful XD I am asking because I am not sure of these things, so I will wait until I am sure before requesting breedings. And I was still talking about color and marking potions when I asked about the entire litter thing ^^ I know the gender charm affects the whole litter and it would be a useless item if you are not using it to affect the whole litter xD

I think with custom requests I will just use what I think is right starting with the lowest level of tickets and then if it needed a higher level you can just tell me and use up that one instead ^^

Kage Davies

Lol! Sorry. I had to take a night off to visit family. No room to transport my laptop.

Question time!
- When using color and marking potions will the parents still naturally pass on part of their own genes as well?

They still pass on their own genes, and then the markings are added on top. You can make one or two special requests for your litters, but its up to the colourist to decide whether to do them or how much.

For example. Your parents both have socks and ear tips, and you apply a spots potion. All of your kits get socks, ear tips and some kind of spots. You could make a request for the kind of spots you want, for example, or if you want the kits to inherit a marking that only one parent has.

- Do they affect one kit or the entire litter?

The entire litter.

- If it affects the entire litter, can you request for it to only affect one kit?

As I said, you can request one or two special things per litter, but its up to the colourist. I wouldn't mind only adding them to one kit, for example. I'm sure the other's won't either ^^.

- Chimaera can now be traded for currency, can we also trade them for other adoptables?

Yes, but its not widely advertised because I don't really know how to do it at the moment. For now you need to PM me about it.

- When turning in custom tickets, does a small tattoo count as "one layer of markings"? (I have a girl with full body zigzag pattern and then three small symbols, one on forehead, one on tail and one on hip)

Basically, a layer of markings is one colour. So, ear tips, socks and a muzzle marking can all be one layer if they're all the same colour.

So, tattoo wise, each different colour is another layer.

Does that answer everything suitably? :).

I think I might start an RP on the forum. Might make a Deepwoods one for the questers. If I can gather the energy XD. Things are not going well RL.

*Snugs all around*


Yes yes that is helpful, thank you very much ^^
Expect to see a flood of requests on the forum soon XD

Kage Davies

Try not to send too many my way. I'm not closed, but the wait might be a while XD.


I usually don't add specific artists to my requests, so whoever wants to tackle them can go do that xD
I also don't mind waiting at all =)


I have a rp set up so you guys can start trying to go for elders and other special poses ^_^

Kage Davies

Sorry guys, I have two big deadlines coming up on me this week, hence my abscense. I am working on some big shop things in the background, but I'm not on the thread much XD.

My growings are coming. They're all done, just waiting for me to find/post them XD. So if it IS one of mine, then it should appear shortly.

I think we're going to have a USD only auction for something special on here and another on secundi, in the hope I can raise enough USD for a mule account on PI, so we can start with the thread revamp and the staff can edit the pick ups and things. Would anyone be interested in a completely custom pose for their pet for USD?

I am working on an over arching plot for the forums, so there's going to be some awesome stuff to win and be involved in soon. When I catch the staff online, then I'll tell them all about it :).

Little Chimaera

YourLoveOnly i have uploaded all your items to your account that you purchased here ^_^
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Kage Davies

I've started an RP on the forums. There are going to be prizes, including some of the unreleased new items.

We have new items up :D. You can see them under our Agency item list. There are some for sale in the shop :).

Little Chimaera

Anyone up for a franken or two? Perhaps one fast franken one slow franken.
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal


Frankens are fun! ^^
Although I am watching tv and coloring Panda Shrimps during commercial breaks, so I doubt I'll get to play XD

Also, it says on the front page that Flit eggs take a week to grow to adult. My egg from the breeding game was added to my page on January 2nd, but the breeding page says it will grow on January 16th. I think that's a mistake.. Could it be fixed?


The reason why it says the 16th is because i belive it takes 2 weeks to get to the final adult stage. So its why i put it to grow on the 16th. Let me double check cause this is what i was told but if its written somewhere else then ill go ahead and change it for you.

yep i misunderstood. Let me change it for you and they will grow today/yesterday lol

Little Chimaera

Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal



K first we will do the slow one. you have till tommorow to fill in this form,i might do 2 slow frankens :)

Breed:(no feys)
Eye color:
Fur color:
hair color:
Marking 1:
marking 1 color:
Marking 2:
Marking 2 color:
Marking 3:
Marking 3 color:

The more complicated the marking the more time you have to wait for the franken to get done. So please no crazy markings like ocelots or snow leopards.


Ooh! Franken!!!!! *Bounces*
Lol, awwww! but those markings are so pretty XD

Breed: Fencat
Gender: Male
Eye color: Red
Fur color: Dark Grey
hair color: black
Marking 1: Freckles
marking 1 color: Cyan
Marking 2: Spots on rump
Marking 2 color: Royal Blue
Marking 3: Tiger Stripes
Marking 3 color: Light Blue



Breed: Maenah
Gender: female
Eye color: pastel lime green
Fur color: white
hair color: pastel yellow
Marking 1: multistripes in hair
marking 1 color: sky blue
Marking 2: paint
Marking 2 color: pastel purple
Marking 3: tiger stripes
Marking 3 color: lime green