Gryphions: The Feathered Feet | Papa Noel is coming, hope you've been nice!

Started by Gryphions, December 13, 2010, 07:12:06 PM

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Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Zarz, those look like the cookies i made. Except mine were yellow green red and white. With light blue also. :)



Neo fails. I don't know how i said zarz. Im on my phone and can't see names. So my appologies. Kahlira -sooooooo sorry 'loves on'-


I was just curious who you meant so I could know what your cookies kinda looked like xD
Those are cute! ^^ My country mostly sells all sorts of wonderful chocolates, but not so many lovely looking cookies.


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Kadana Sorano

I thought voting was over already?  I did vote though.  *excited*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



By the time Neo posted it was still open for about 15 minutes or so xD


Yeaaah. I had been trying to post for ten minutes but my phone was being slly XD

Kadana Sorano

ahh ok lol  And man, I have trouble just dialing out on my cell phone,  can't even imagine trying to make a post on it *shudders*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 





is the stocking closed? Cause id like to enter but sadly i cant yet cause i cant see the gryphon i have o.o


Same problem.. Gallery is giving errors. I would LOVE to enter. Would it be okay to upload the saved images I have of my Gryphs on tinypic and enter that way?


If you have the ID numbers or the images, I can find the gryph.
However, I need to be able to find the image, or else I won't be able to make the stocking gift.

Yes, it's still open. I'll hope to get presents to people tomorrow, but if that doesn't happen, I'll be sure to do it by Boxing day. Tomorrow's a busy day for Papa Noel, but he'll see that he gets to secundi as soon as he can.

But I've got a backup of all gryphions on my computer. All the png images with their IDs. If you have the IDs or have the image, it will all be good.

If we get approved for agency, we'll never have that problem again ^^' sorry.


lol i truthfully dont remeber what mine is named. just what she looks like. ill have to see if i can find her cause she is from a early thread lol.


Oh, gallery is working for me
Let me know what she looks like and I'll see if I can get her image up.

ETA: She's id 53, she's the only gryphion you're bonded to <3


Gallery is now working for me so its all good. must work on entry and saving the gryphon to my dispaly. id ont know why i havnt yet.

eta i never named her o.o can i name her bluestar please?


A female Gryphion with the name Lacy walks up to the other Gryphions that are gathered around for the festivities. She hangs up her stockings and looks back over her shoulder to see where her friends are.

Sayuri was so close behind Lacy she is now already standing next to her, following the example of the purple lady.

Together the two females encourage Christine to come hang a stocking too. She is more shy than the others, but the idea of Christmas celebrations tempt her too much so she joins.

Hope that's not too short, I am SUPER busy x_x


Ok, midnight secundi time is when the stocking game ends. I'll finish those up with the slow franken i haven't done.


Bluestar moved with her partner, cuddling up to Sunchaser and Siurin as they started putting up stockings. She had the biggest stocking since she was the biggest creature that Sunchaser had bonded with. She moved to put up the sparkly thing that she wanted to chew and hung it on the nail that she was supposed to. She turned to croon at Sun and the male before moving back to watch the fireplace shimmer as night decended. She looked at the firelight as it made all the stockings glow. She was happy. This was her home.


YLO - Only two gryphions per user bonded may hang up stockings, simply because I know many people have lotsss of bonded partners and that would be too much for poor Noel to handle.


Sorry, my memory must have failed me there, I thought it said three per user. Can you please pick two of your choice then? I can't decide which one to remove >.<



It's Christmas Day, and Papa Noel has come to town!
He's just arrived, only moments ago. But he's gone now. Wow, he was fast!

So! Did you get what you were hoping for? I hope you weren't hoping for gryphions! That's crazy! Papa Noel can't do that, I mean... look at those teeny stockings! And then... why would gryphions be wanting gryphions in their own stockings?
Haha, no. But... they might be wanting some pets.

Kadana Sorano's bondeds' stockings

SeaCrest's Bondeds' stockings

SweetCaroline's bondeds' stockings

jojo080889's bondeds' stockings

YourLoveOnly's bondeds' stockings

Sunchaser's bonded's stocking

At this point in time, bunnies can't be named. When we become an agency (if we are chosen, that is) we'll see if we can have bunnies 'equipped' similarly to how the Kennel items are equipped.
This might mean that bunnies are going to be considered items and not actual agency pets. I feel this may be the easiest way. :) But if anyone wants to suggest things, PM me please!


Awww, so cute! I was hoping for bunnies :D
I almost posted Jack, but I guessed you might do bunnies based off the Gryphions so that would have been mean xD


O.o Thank you thank you thank you for not posting Jack. I think he's great, but making him once is enough for me. I know, I'll end up having to breed him after saying that XD Well, neo's going on 3 hours of sleep, she never can sleep on Christmas, so yeah brain is a bit fried.

Maybe I should attempt to sleep before presents... yeah. Goodnight... maybe XD


Yes I am afraid he is at the top of my breed list, so you might get a pairing with him as part of our trade.. Sorry xD *hugs*

I'm off to family now, see you all later <3



Helios barged into Zircon's room early in the morning.

"Wha...?" A sleeping Zircon lifted his head at the uninvited light that was suddenly entering his room due to an overexcited male lifting the blinds.

"Zircon! Get up! It's CHRISTMAS!" Helios yelled, leaping around. "You won't believe what Papa Noel left in our stockings!" Without waiting for a reply, Helios bounding to behind Zircon and pushing him out of bed towards the living room.

Jojo, Jasmine and Bronzelle were already in the living room, each holding their stockings. Jojo was still in her pajamas, with her hair sticking out every which way. "There's the sleepy head," she smiled as Zircon and Helios entered. "Come look at your stocking! You and Helios got something very special."

Zircon's curiosity waved his sleepiness away. He trotted over to his stocking an peered in... and inside was a little winged bunny, which colors like his own. Upon seeing its owners face, the bunny flew out and twirled in a circle around him.

"It... it's cute," he said, taken aback but pleasantly surprised. Helios was playing with a similar pet.

"I LOVE it," he kept saying over and over again.

Jasmine, Bronzelle and Jojo exchanged smiles as they watched the two younger Gryphions celebrate the holidays.

Kadana Sorano

*watches her Gryphs scamper off with their new little friends, playing in piles of snow*  Thank you Neo and Papa Noel :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



This is the slow franken.

Gender: Female
Base color: brown
marking 1: bfade
marking 1 color: white
marking 2: fade
marking 2 color:light purple
Hair color: chocolate brown
Wing feather color: cream
Beak color: gold
Eye color: pale yellow

Random says ... JOJO is the winner! Congrats!

She's a unique one alright... but she's still happy to see her new bonded partner.


Alright, for the cookie contest, I decided that Kadana's cookies were my favorites.
I've never seen tye-dye cookies. Thanks for sharing those with me. I'm sure they are wonderful.


What did I get for christmas?
Hint~lots of art stuffs.

Please one guess per person per hour. First person to name one thing correctly is the winner. If another person guesses before I wake up something different but still whatI got for christmas, I'll provide another prize.

First prize:

This lovely girl is yellow, green, and full of excitement.

Second prize, if anyone should guess another thing I got,:

I'll end the game when I wake up if someone has guessed it correctly. If I wake up and only one person guessed correctly, then I'll take the second prize and hold it for another thing. If two or more people guess correctly before I close the game, then the second prize goes to the second user, the third user will get a premade I make tomorrow (since I have no more ready right now).

Simple enough?
If only one person guesses correctly before I close the game, I'll only award one prize.

^^ So it's sort of a luck/stratagy/skill/etc. game. Actually, it's just a 'do you know what I wanted' and then 'do you know what I actually got'. Or good guessing.






No to both gesses. Continue guessing.
Lowering time between guesses to 20 minutes!
You may guess every twenty minutes!

Kadana Sorano

sketch pad/s

Oh wow, I didn't think my cookies would get chosen!  Hrm.. I'll try and think of a name for him, I just woke and my brains not quite caught up yet lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Well, I'll accept the answer of sketch pads. Yeah. Haha, I -did- get those. I always get those XD.
And Ryuu, I'll accept your answer as well, since I got something similar. Prismacolor markers. Mmmhmmm. :D

So, Kadana gets prize one, Ryuu prize two.


Attention: Anyone on PI have any unused okapi free spots? I am stupid and forgot to go to the advent calendar for my sub account, and I had promised all days of the advent on that account to toffeeca. Sadly, I used my okapi slot on my reindeer before thinking about the free one.

I owe her a merdragon XD With okapi/another gene. If anyone has it open, I'd loooove to trade. Please, please please. I'll offer some gryphion stuff. If you -don't- have it available, but you could gen a 20bp starter at the level for okapi, I'd love you. Forever. I'd do whatever gryphion stuff you'd want.

Please let me knokw, guys!



Ryuu is still on PI? :)

That's my girl, Stella. She's the reason I'm without a gene. But, I love her. So I forgive her. I need to come up with either 20 bp, or someone with a free spot they aren't using. I'd happily trade some gryphion stuff to help.


No, I just stop by at Christmas and other big events to see new species/s-genes revealed lol.

I'm going to have to template this gene for the Okibi now, it's cute!

Edit: I'm sorry I can't help you with the slot, though. *hugs Neo*