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Kennel Puppies! Malas, Eskimos, Cockers NEW Cockers and Salukis

Started by toffeeca, April 14, 2010, 06:54:55 PM

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I have four different litters here that I will be taking offers on.

First my American Eskimos
Pup 1: to Willow
Pup 2: to Goddesss
Pup 3: Male-staying home
Pup 4: Female-traded to Pinkshadow

Then we have Malamutes
Pup 1: Male-traded to Scullisto
Pup 2: Staying with me
Pup 3: traded to indigo
Pup 4: traded to pinkshadow

First cocker spaniel litter:
Pup 1: traded to zarz
Pup 2: traded to cutiee
Pup 3: traded to pinkshadow
Pup 4: Male

And second cocker spaniel litter:
Pup 1: traded to Willow
Pup 2: Male-keeping
Pup 3: Male
Offers: Hunni- 550k; Willow- 2 med beds/large bed/500k/future pup; PinkShadow 600k + LL gidget(s)
Pup 4: Female-traded to zarz

Pup 1: Female
Pup 2: traded to springacres
Pup 3: traded to red

Cocker Spaniel 3-
Pup 1: to zarz
Pup 2: Male-traded to Goddesss
Pup 3: Male-traded to CutieePiee
Pup 4: Female-keeping

Looking for:
Dogs/Puppies/Breedings- Cocker Spaniels, Malamutes, American Eskimos, possibly others
Stable horses/foaling paddocks- Drafts
Customs of my snakes Delilah and Cleo
LL Gidgets/Wobbles- At least 3 per dog
Possibly SG
Try on other things :)

What I am waiting for:
pinkshadow- gold stable tag
red- gold kennel tag


I love your malas & cockers. Any interest in italian greyhounds or samoyeds?


I love the AE pup 4. I have this boy I could offer:

The Mala's are stunning too, but I have some of those colours or I would be jumping on them too ^^


I have two LL gidgets(snow leopard & Tamarin) plus two semi LL gidgets (your choice of any of the "name me's" in my barn) already born...for either mala male #1 or #4.


@ Cutiee- Sorry, I am not into either of those.

@BKC- Is he a mala?

@ Scullisto- How many of the semi LLs would you be offering with the other two limiteds?


Ill offer 550k for pup 3 & 4 :D Eskimo litter...

ill offer the same for pup 1 & 4 from the mala litter.
1,2 & 4 from the second cocker litter..

or pup one from the first cocker litter and pup 2 or 3 from the second cocker litter.


Scullisto i know i didnt do it before i sold them to you, i tottally forgot and ill pay for thier items needed but any gidgets bought from me must be marked O.


Hunni- Is that 550k per pup or 550k for two/three pups?


550k per pup :D

And just to be sure hun, i can only make that offer on two puppies i think >.> let me check the sg level.


I have enough to offer 550k for 3 puppies, any of the ones that i like id make it i on love :D

So 1.65 mill for 3 puppies is the most i can offer at this point <3


@ toffeeca-How many you want?
@hunni-already done, no worries.


So basically 550k for any of these puppies:

Eskimo 3
Eskimo 4
Mala 1
Mala 4
Cocker litter one, pup one
Any cocker from the second litter

Is that right?


Scullisto- actually, there are only two that I need


I can di match 550k on one of the pups


Four gidgets plus 550k? or four gidgets for one dog and 550k for the other?



700k for second cocker litter #4 OR first cocker litter #2, OR mala #4. Preference in that order.


Yep thats right love :D and i have enough to offer on three pups if youd like (so three pups at 550k each)


Some very tempting offers! I am going to leave this open for a while, but there are some offers that I am really thinking about. :)


I have several cocker litters due from garney trades... so will see what I get and see if there are any you like when they arrive. Ilove pup 1 and 2 from the first cocker litter... and pup 4 from the 2nd litter  x


I'm sure that you will have some that I like, your cockers are gorgeous. I do have one of the pups already coming to me though, correct? Between Rowyn and Valentino?


I have four medium beds (2 per pup)
1 Large bed
1 mil SG (500k per pup)

Puppies arriving from;

Safi x Jaffa
April x Kiddo
Straight x Missile

But I'd like first pick from each litter.

I'm interested in any of the second cocker litter, my favorites being #4,#1 then #2,#3.
Ii'm also interested in pups #1 and #2 from the first cocker litter and pup #1 and #4 from the AE litter ^^
My preference would be a cocker or two :)


Oh, I would love to see your Safi x Jaffa litter. :)


I'll post a link when they're born then ^^


I'd like to make an offer ón following puppies;
(in pref)
mala litter; 2-1-4-3
cocker1; pup 1 & maybe 3
cocker2; 2-4-1-3

I'd offer 600k Per pup + the LL gidgets you don't have from mé or a future pup as i have 5 litters coming; sammies, pitties & cresteds ;)


Are you still interested in the two eskimo pups too? And how many dogs are you wanting?


 knew i forgot something :b but yes offer stands for the two eskimo pups too and hmm 1 from wächst litter would be perfect ;D their so stunning ;)


Ok, thanks. :) I wrote down your order of preference for each litter, did you have a preference of the two eskimos?

Also. Anyone who has offered, I would like a list of the order of pups that you prefer. I have started a spreadsheet to try and get everyone the pups they most want. Also, if you want more than one pup and want them to come from different litters, then giving me a list for each litter will make it more likely for you to get one of your favorites. Oh, and if you offered on a lot of pets, the max number that you want to take home would be great too. :)
Of course I already see problems when I have three people that want cocker 2.4, and I like her too. >< I will just do the best I can. :)


Yeah the Dark one first and Them the blonde ;)
Also, did you overser that you could Also choose a future pup for Them? :b


He is a mala pup yes :) And for me, im mainly just interested in that one female AE :)


I'd take home 1 from the first cocker spaniel litter, two from the second cocker litter, and 1 from the AE litter.

And preferances;
QuoteI'm interested in any of the second cocker litter, my favorites in order from most favorite to least (though I'd love any!): #4,#1,#2,#3.
Ii'm also interested in pups #1 and #2(favorite) from the first cocker litter and pup #1 and #4(favorite) from the AE litter ^^


P.S: I thought I'd post again to make it simpler for you (unless it wasn't directed at me as well X3)


pup 4 (2nd litter)

pup 1

pup 2

pup 2 (2nd litter)


Oh in all pref ;

1. AE Female3 pup 4
2. Mala pup 2
3. Cocker pup 1 (first litter)
4. Mala pup 4 & 1
5. Cocker pup 2 & 4 (second litter)
6. AE Female pup 2
After them ;
Mala pup 3
Cocker pup 3 & 1 (second litter)

And to opsume ; the offers are ;
600k SG + LL gidgets OR Future Pup(s)


For Mal 3- any 2 of my LL gidgets, and racoon when it has babies. (the first 5 varieties in my gidgets section) but must sign my contract thingy in record halls. (just says youll keep them O and offer back to me if you decide to sell, which I probly wont want back as long as whoever you sell to signs to keep them O as well)


Offer for Pup4 of second litter (black and white female spaniel):

Palomino Stock Mare


Ok, I have made my decisions on a couple of the pups.

For Eskimo pup number one, I am going to accept Willow's offer. I don't know what I am going to accept from you yet, Willow, I would like to see your litters born first, but the pup is now yours. :)

For Eskimo pup number four,I am going to accept Pinkshadow's offer of a pup. Which ones are avialable?

Eskimo pup number three is going to stay home with me. :)

Mala number one is going to go home with Scullisto for 550k plus four gidgets.

Those are the only ones I have decided on this far. I would like to wait on the more highly offered ones to see some of the pups that are waiting to be born. :)


I have two sammies atm and poms availible ;)





I have a golden stable tag it i would like to offer for eighter of the yellow malas ;)


I think you overlooked a portion of my offer, but I also put down 700k for the last male mala.  :)


2nd Cocker Spaniel litter; Puppy #4:
750k, golden Stable tag, OR foaling paddock



My offer is not in the offers under mal pup? Id like to update that racoon has had babies now as well.


Quote from: Pinkshadow on April 18, 2010, 03:37:56 AM
I have a golden stable tag it i would like to offer for eighter of the yellow malas ;)

Is this instead of the other offer you made?

I have family over so I am sorry for not updating right away. Everything should be up to date now except pink's offer which I asked about first.


Om the malas yes :) .. Sg offer still stands ón cockers ;)


Ack I see I worded it in a way that was confusing- I meant any 2 LL gidgets, (which were the first 5, plus racoon when it had babies). racoon is limited heh. But I guess i will up my offer to any 3 LL gidgets, as it was wording in a confusing way and I dont want to seem like Im retracting anything offered.



kennel tag it for pup 3 of the salukis? can be golden or reg :D *oogles*