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Pet Info: Enoja a Faequine

Pet Info
Owner: Ember
Name: Enoja
System ID: 4255
Agency ID: 268
Gender: F
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
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Leather Wings
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Blood

Description Mate: None, and she's not looking.

Offspring: Siavush, fathered by Rune.

Parents: Wild x Wild

Herd: None

Position: Lone Fae

Personality: On the outside Enoja is a mean-spirited fae. She won't hesitate to put down others and is quite willing to fight if someone pisses her off. She rarely speaks to others first and hates the silly ways of other faes. She does not like foals but believes in the necessity of an heir, hence why she had Siavush.

Skills: Enoja has elemental control over the Blood element but does not care to use it. It's too weak in her mind to be worth working on it. However she is quite adept at Shifting, though she won't reveal to me what she can do yet. She is capable of mental communication with physical contact, but until she can do it without contact it's not a well liked power by her.

History: Her history is quite unknown but it is likely she had a hard time in her past to make her the way she is. She went on the Wintersday Journey and had Siavush. Shortly after she realized that he was nothing like herself or his father she left her son be and his continued to live alone.

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