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Pet Info: Osiris a Desert

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Pet Info: Osiris a Desert

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Osiris
System ID: 4063
Agency ID: 179
Gender: M
Age: Adult
Breed: Desert
Species: Faequine
Generation: Bred
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Metal

Description Type: Male Unicorn Desert Fae

Element: Metal

Skills: He has a higher mental ability and is working on Telepathy as an independent abilitity. He is able to to have mild telepathy with a great deal of concentration and physical touch is required. Due to low purity he is not able to sustain the connection for very long, so this is something he will be working on. For his elemental ability he will be working on his internal compass. He has the ability with alot of concentration to feel his internal needle point him to the right direction, causing him to always know what direction to be travelling in. As seen on the last RP he doesn't pay much attention to this right now as he often has his brain occupied with other things.

Mate: Ellement (Taru).

Offspring: None

Parents: Obliette x Omorose

Personality:He has some qualities like his mother and father, although seems to take after his uncle Amesgaitz quite a bit in some areas. He thinks himself a ladies man and because he's attractive he gets away with alot, but he will eventually want to settle down and he has found the right mate with with to do so.

On the 2008 Journey he has met up with Ellement (Taru), and became quite smiten. She is deaf, so he has been working even harder at increasing his ability with his telepathy as that is the only way that they can communicate. They also exchanged Christmas gifts, and with the help of Arctic Storm he gifted her a baby spint. Ellement gifted him a Nix in return and the two are spending time together getting to know their familiars. They are hoping to have a rather large family....or at least he is.

Familiar: Nephthys, a nix gifted to him by Ellement Christmas 2008.

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