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Pet Info: Frank a Faequine

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Pet Info: Frank a Faequine

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Frank
System ID: 4061
Agency ID: 167
Gender: M
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Metal

Description Type: Tricorn Dead Fae

Element: Metal

Skills: To be determined.

Mate: None, but he's looking.

Offspring: None

Parents: Wild x Wild

Personality: He's a rather scary fae who isn't much for words. He's gigantic and mostly keeps to himself. He has joined Thor's herd but he seems to just stay away from everyone else in it other than Alata who he's taken a liking to, only in a friendship way of course. He joined the herd during Halloween 2007.

Familar: Safie, a rather demonic looking Rous.

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